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Nineteenth-Century British Pornography: Sources and Materials

2356 Seiten
978-1-032-21369-9 (ISBN)
539,95 inkl. MwSt
The four-volume set provides a compendium of rare primary sources focusing on pornography in nineteenth-century Britain for students and scholars alike. These volumes provide primary sources that give scholars and students a starting point to explore these shifts and how the historic context shaped ideas of sexuality at every level.
The four-volume set provides a compendium of rare primary sources focusing on pornography in nineteenth-century Britain for students and scholars alike. The collection contains police records, criminal trial accounts, social purity files and clippings, catalogues, advertisements, parliamentary debates, bibliographic information produced during the period, and hard to find original pornographic publications. These sources can be used individually and in combination to historicise the emergence of pornography and investigate the aspects of society that it illuminates. Despite its current cultural impact, pornography has a surprisingly short history. The Oxford English Dictionary notes usage of the term only as far back as 1824, but something can exist before a term arises to define it. Before pornography as a term emerged, the categories of obscenity and indecency were used to prosecute erotic materials that would be disruptive to the social order. Over the course of the nineteenth century, pornography emerged from a philosophic tradition that emphasized liberalism. Satirists, printers, writers, and publishers connected liberty in sexuality with liberty in politics. Alongside the radical milieu came the development of scientific pornography. Both science and pornography fed the need for information about sexuality but the margins between the two remained ambiguous and much contested in the nineteenth century. After the mid-century mark, the growth of consumer culture allowed for the deepening of an elite market for the rich and a separate market for the masses. While Britain’s global reach expanded outwards, mass pornography made for and about the poor materialized based upon industrialization and the development of urban working-class culture. Both the elite and mass markets built off and eroticized modernizing gender ideals and new sexual identities. Finally, new technologies like photography and stereolithography allowed for an eventual emphasis on the visual form. Visual pornography remained subsidiary to erotic texts in the nineteenth century, but the kernel of the triumph of the visual began in the period. With these changes, pornography emerged as both a word and a concept. Pornography proves key to understanding some of the main attractions of the modern world. The pornography of the period documents how people imagined sexuality in their changing society. It thus forms a record that can be used to investigate people’s fantasies about self and others, about emergent identities, about sexual desires, about the pleasures of wealth and power. It shows their assumptions about bodies, about social class, race, and gender. And it demonstrates the battles that took place over the articulation of those fantasies. These volumes provide primary sources that give scholars and students a starting point to explore these shifts and how the historic context shaped ideas of sexuality at every level.

Lisa Z. Sigel is Professor of History at DePaul University, Chicago. She has a well-established publication record in the histories of pornography and sexuality. Kathleen Lubey is Professor of English at St. John’s University, where she teaches courses on eighteenth-century literature, culture, sexuality, feminism, and race; queer studies, feminist theory, and the history of sexuality; and literary theory and research methods. Sarah Bull is Assistant Professor of English at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. Her work on the nineteenth-century pornography trade and its relationship with science and medicine has been published in a variety of venues, including the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Book History, History of the Human Sciences, Victorian Review, and Porn Studies. Colette Colligan is Professor of English at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. Her recent work on pornographic writing has appeared in Victorian Studies, Book History, Histoires Littéraires, and the Cambridge Companion to Erotic Literature.

Volume 1: Textual Cultures of Pornography

Edited by Kathleen Lubey

Table of contents



List of Illustrations

General Introduction

Volume 1 Introduction


Part 1. Pornographic Novels: Eighteenth-Century Sources

1. John Cleland, Memoirs of the Life of the Celebrated Miss Fanny Hill (London, H. Smith [William Dugdale], 1841)

2. Anonymous, Memoirs of a Man of Pleasure in The Exquisite: A Collection of Tales, Histories, and Essays, Funny, Fanciful, and Facetious, vol. 3, nos. 120-135, (London, H. Smith [William Dugdale], 1844), pp. 125-8, 133, 166-7, 197-200

3. Anon., The Child of Nature, Improved by Chance. A Philosophical Novel. (London, T. Becket, 1774), pp. 193-98, 253-62, 287-94, 278-80

4. Title page, The Philosophy of Pleasure, (Edward Avery and Arthur Reader, 1885)

Part 2. Libertine and Philosophical Legacies

5. The Works of the Famous Philosopher, containing His Complete Master-Piece (London, J. Smith, [c. 1860]), pp. 15-19, 81-2, 103, 256-7

6. Selected Poetical Works of the Earls of Rochester, Roscomon [sic], and Dorset; including the Cabinet of Love (London, 1757), pp. v-xxii, 23-4, 39-50, 51-58, 60-1, 64, 66-74, 76

7. The Singular Life, Amatory Adventures, and Extraordinary Intrigues of John Wilmot, the Renowned Earl of Rochester (London, Henry Smith [William Dugdale], 1860), pp. 13-17, 23-31, 170-73

8. John Wilkes, ‘An Essay on Woman’ [1763] in The Exquisite: A Collection of Tales, Histories and Essays, Funny, Fanciful and Facetious. Vol. 2 (London, Henry Smith [William Dugdale], 1843)

9. “Anecdote” [about John Wilkes] in The Exquisite: A Collection of Tales, Histories and Essays, Funny, Fanciful and Facetious. Vol. 2. (London, Henry Smith [William Dugdale], 1843)

10. Richard Payne Knight, A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus (London, 1786)

11. Prints and illustrations by Thomas Rowlandson, c. 1799-1810.

The Connoisseurs. London, 1799

Cunnyseurs. London, c. 1810

Gratification of the Senses a la Mode Francois. London, 1800

Black Brown and Fair. London, 1807

Pretty Little Games for young ladies and gentlemen. London, 1845

Part 3. Policing Pornographers

12. Excerpt from The Constable’s Assistant: being a compendium of the duties and powers of constables, and other peace officers, compiled by the Society for the Suppression of Vice (London, 1808).

13. Excerpt from an Address to the Public, from the Society for the Suppression of Vice, by the Society for the Suppression of Vice (London, 1803).

14. Society for the Suppression of Vice pamphlet [excerpts] (London, 1825).

15. Proceedings of the King’s Bench against William Dugdale, Edward Duncombe, and George Cannon, 1852-1853

16. [Letter from William Dugdale to the editor, accusing newspaper of libel], The Morning Chronicle, November 29, 1827.

17. [William Dugdale Conviction and Sentencing], The Morning Post, September 25, 1851.

18. [William Dugdale’s suit against the Society for the Suppression of Vice], Reynolds’s Newspaper, July 20, 1856.

19. [William Dugdale Conviction], Huddersfield Chronicle, May 16, 1857

20. [William Dugdale Obituary], Sheffield Independent, November 21, 1868.

Part 4. Pornography and Periodical Culture

21. The Exhibition of Female Flagellants (London, William Dugdale, c.1840 [orig. 1777], pp. 12-14, 40-2, 47-8

22. ‘Letters Addressed to the Editor of the Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine on the Whipping of Girls, and the General Corporal Punishment of Children’, Supplemental Conversazione of the Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine (July-November, 1870)

23. The Bon Ton Magazine; or, Microscope of Fashion and Folly, excerpts and illustrations, 5 Vols. (London, 1791-1796)

24. The Exquisite: A Collection of Tales, Histories and Essays, Funny, Fanciful and Facetious, excerpts and illustrations, 3 Vols. (London, 1842-1844).

25. The Pearl. A Journal of Facetiæ, Voluptuous Reading, excerpts and illustrations, 3 vols. (London, Society of Vice [William Lazenby], 1879-1880).

Part 5. Pornographic Novels: Nineteenth-Century Originals

26. The Lustful Turk, or Scenes in the Harem of an Eastern Potentate (London, Society of Vice, c. 1828), pp. 22-7, 55-7, 113-14, 116-22, 130-33

27. Seraglio Scenes; or Such Things Are. By the Author of the Lustful Turk (London, Betsy Wilson [J.B. Brookes], c. 1830), pp. 11-16, 22-4, 68-74, 81-6,

28. The Seducing Cardinal’s Amours with Isabella Peto and Others (London, Madame Le Duck [William Lazenby and Edward Avery, 1830), pp. 3-5, 8-12, 20-5, 29-30

29. The Inutility of Virtue. A Tale of Lust and Licentiousness, Exemplified in the History of a Young and Beautiful Lady Modest and Virtuous (London, Society of Vice, c. 1830), pp. 67-82

30. The Adventures, Intrigues, and Amours of a Lady’s Maid! Written by Herself (London, J. Ryder [John Dugdale], 1822), pp. 9-21, 59-66, 86-96

31. [James Campbell Reddie], The Adventures of a Schoolboy; or, the Freaks of Youthful Passion (London, 1866), pp. 10-13, 32-38, 44-45, 50-57, 70-73

Volume II: Pornography and Science

Edited by Sarah Bull

Table of contents



General Introduction

Volume 2 Introduction


Part 1. Sexual Freedom


1. ‘Advertisements’, Era, 2 June 1844, p. 2.

2. Ward’s New Catalogue of Parisian Novelties (Strand: W. Ward, [n.d., c. 1850])

3. Charles Knowlton, Fruits of Philosophy, or, The Private Companion of Young Married People [1832] (London: Dugdale, Russell Court, Drury Lane, 1838), pp. iii-x, 1-59

4. On the Use of Night Caps, or, Seven Years’ Experience on the Practicality of Limiting the Number of a Family, By the Best Known Methods, Including Some Valuable and Novel Information, Never Before Published, by a Married Man with Six Children! (London: J. Turner [William Dugdale], n.d.)

5. Intercidona [pseud], The Connubial Guide, or, Married People’s Best Friend (London: John Wilson [Edward Duncombe], [c. 1840])

6. ‘Late Extraordinary Charge Against a Tradesman to Poison His Wife’, Lloyd’s Weekly London Newspaper, 45, Sunday, October 1, 1843, p. 6.

Part 2. Medical Eroticism


7. Title Pages of Three Medical Works Published by William Dugdale

Conjugal Love; or, the Mysteries of Hymen Unveiled ([s.n.]: H. Smith, 37, Holywell Street, Strand, [n.d.])

A Lecture on the Generation, Increase, and Improvement of the Human Species (London: [s.n.], 1840)

On Impotence and Sterility; or, Private Advice to those Married Ladies Who Have Been Hitherto Unable, But are Eagerly Desirous to Have Children ([s.n.]: H. Smith, Printer, 37, Holywell Street Strand, [n.d.])

8. The Secrets of Nature Revealed (London: Printed for the Booksellers of Town and Country, 1832)

9. A Hybrid Reconstruction of The Surprising Adtentures [sic] of Bigenio, an Hermaphrodite, or Man-Woman, and Woman-Man (c. 1840s)

Cover from The Life and Surprising Adtentures [sic] of Bigenio, an Hermaphrodite, or Man-Woman, and Woman-Man ([London]: Printed by H. Smith, 37, Holywell-street, Strand [William Dugdale], [c. 1840-42])

Frontispiece from The Surprising Adventures of Bigenio, an Hermaphrodite, or Human Being, Endowed with the Propensities of Both Sexes… (London: Printed by J. Bailey, 1824),

Text from The Life and Adventures of Bigenio, an Hermaphrodite… (London: Printed and Sold by J. Bailey, [n.d.]),

10. Seduction by Chloroform (London: J. Turner, [c.1850])

11. James Campbell, The Amatory Experiences of a Surgeon (Moscow: Printed for the Nihilists, 1881)

Part 3. Science and the Law


12. Two Statements by Edward Duncombe Following an Arrest, April 1856

Duncombe, Edward. Statement, ‘Westminster Sessions: The Queen Against Edward Duncombe’, 16 April, 1856

Duncombe, Edward. Affidavit of Defendant, ‘Westminster Sessions: The Queen Against Edward Duncombe’, 16 April, 1856

13. ‘Court of the Exchequer’, Reynolds's Newspaper, 13 July 1856, p. 16.

14. Three Newspaper Reports on Medical Works in Court, 1857-8.

‘The Holywell-Street Seizures’, Morning Chronicle, 26 September 1857, p. 8.

‘Keeping Within the Law’, Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 15 November 1857, p. 8.

‘Police Intelligence’, Morning Chronicle, 18 February 1858, p. 8.

15. Title Page and Introductory Advertisement from Revised Edition of The Works of Aristotle, the Famous Philosopher (1857).

16. ‘Mr. Justice Coleridge on Obscene Publications’, Beverley and East Riding Recorder, 14 November 1857, p. 3.

Part 4. Imperial Pornography


17. A. C. Swinburne, ‘The Cannibal Catechism’ (1863) reprinted in A.C. Swinburne, Major Poems and Collected Prose, J. McGann and C. L. Sligh (eds.), (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004), pp. 413-15.

18. Two Papers Read Out by Members of the Cannibal Club at Anthropological Society Meetings

Richard Burton, ‘Notes on an Hermaphrodite’, Memoirs Read before the Anthropological Society of London, 1865-6, Vol. II (London: Published for the Anthropological Society by Trubner & Co, 1866).

Edward Sellon, ‘Remarks on Indian Gnosticism’, Memoirs Read before the Anthropological Society of London, 1865-6, Vol. II (London: Published for the Anthropological Society by Trubner & Co, 1866).

19. Two Letters to Richard Monckton Milnes (c. 1860)

Letter from Richard Burton to Richard Monckton Milnes, January 22, 1860 discussing Birchiad, signed Hadji Abdullah.

Letter from Studholme John Hodgson to Richard Monckton Milnes, Arlington Court, Barnstaple, December 25 [c.1860].

20. The Kama Sutra of Vatsayayna, [excerpts], trans. Richard Burton and F.F. Arbuthnot (London: Printed for the Hindoo Kama Shastra Society, 1883).

21. Charles Devereaux [pseud.], Venus in India; or, Love Adventures in Hindustan [excerpt] (Brussels, 1889).

Part 5. The Science of Books and the Science of Sex


22. Pisanus Fraxi [Henry Spencer Ashbee], ‘Introduction’, Index Librorum Prohibitorum: Being Notes Bio- Biblio- Icono-graphical and Critical, on Curious and Uncommon Books (London: Privately Printed, 1877), pp. ix-lxxvi

23. Pisanus Fraxi [Henry Spencer Ashbee], Catena Librorum Tacendorum: Being Notes Bio- Biblio- Icono-graphical and Critical, on Curious and Uncommon Books [excerpts] (London: Privately Printed, 1885), pp xliv-lv, 183-89, 197, 246-51, 458-76

24. Fragments from Iwan Bloch’s work with Henry Spencer Ashbee’s Bibliographies, c. 1900

Iwan Bloch. Letter to Henry Spencer Ashbee, 20 July 1900

Excerpt from Dr. Iwan Bloch, Sex Life in England (New York: Panurge Press, 1934).

25. Charles Carrington, Bibliotheca Arcana in Album 7: A Collection of Prospectuses and Catalogues of Erotic and Obscene Books, Pictures and Instruments. 1889–1929 [excerpts]


Volume 3: Pornographic Literature and the Underground Book Trade, 1880s-1910s

Edited by Colette Colligan

Table of Contents



General Introduction

Volume 3 Introduction


Introduction: Pornographic Literature and the Underground Book Trade, 1880s-1910s

Part 1: The Sins of the Cities of the Plain or the Recollections of a Mary- Ann, 1881


1.1. Literary Excerpts

1. The Sins of the Cities of the Plain or the Recollections of a Mary-Ann with Short Essays on Sodomy and Tribadism, vol. 1 [excerpts] (London [Paris]: Privately Printed, 1881 [c. 1891]), pp. 7-26, 96-106.

2. The Sins of the Cities of the Plain or the Recollections of a Mary-Ann with Short Essays on Sodomy and Tribadism, vol. 2. [excerpts] (London [Paris]: Privately Printed, 1881 [c.1891] ), pp. 107-22.

3. Letters from Laura and Eveline. Giving an Account of their Mock=Marriage, Wedding Trip etc. [excerpt] (London [Paris]: Privately Printed, 1903), pp. 5-53.

1.2. Bibliographic Entries

4. The Sins of the Cities of the Plain and Letters from Laura to Eveline in Pisanus Fraxi, Catena Librorum Tacendorum: Being Notes Bio-biblio-iconographical and Critical, on Curious and Uncommon books (London: Privately Printed, MDCCCLXXXV), pp. 194-95.

1.3 Early Reception of The Sins of the Cities of the Plain

5. Doctor Jacobus X, Crossways of Sex. A Study in Erotico-Pathology, vol. 2. [excerpt] (Paris: British Bibliophiles’ Society. Issued for the Subscribers, 1904), pp. 156-57.

6. Charles Reginald Dawes, A Study of Erotic Literature in England. Considered with Especial Reference to Social Life [excerpt] (Gotheringon, Cheltenham: [Unpublished], 1943).

1.4. Victorian Laws Prosecuting Queer Sexuality

7. Offences Against the Person Act 1861, c. 100, Section 61.

8. Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, Section 11.

1.5. Newspapers and Queer Sex Scandals

9. Newspaper coverage of the Boulton and Park Trial: ‘Occasional Notes’, Pall Mall Gazette, 10 May 1871, p. 4, and Reynolds’s Newspaper, 14 May 1871, pp. 6-8 and 21 May 1871, pp. 5-6.

10. Newspaper coverage on the arrest of a soldier: ‘Police Intelligence’, The Daily Telegraph, 9 July 1881, p. 2.

1.6. Underground Dealers: William Lazenby, Bookseller and Publisher

11. ‘Police’, The Times, 17 July 1871, p. 13.

12. ‘Police’, The Times, 16 September 1876, p. 11.

13. ‘Indecent Publications’, Reynolds’s Newspaper, 24 September 1876, p. 1.

14. Trial of William Lazenby, Proceedings of the Central Criminal Court, 18th September, 1876.

15. William Lazenby, Newgate Prison Register

16. ‘Selling Obscene Publications’, Pall Mall Gazette, 27 November 1886, p. 10.

17. William Lazenby (alias Duncan Cameron), 22 November 1886.

Part 2. Randiana; or Excitable Tales, 1884


2.1. Literary Excerpts

18. Randiana; or Excitable Tales; Being the Experiences of an Erotic Philosopher [excerpt], (New York [London]: MDCCCLXXXIV), pp. 122-27

19. Abishag. A Luscious Tale of a Successful Physiological Search After Rejuvenescence… By David II (Jerusalem [Paris, 1900?]), pp. 3-19

2.2. Randiana in Underground Book Catalogues

20. Entry for Randiana in Bibliotheca Arcana, Being a Rough List of Rare, Curious and Uncommon Books, Pamphlets, Prints, & Engravings (London: MDCCCXCIX)

21. Entry for Randiana from Catalogue of Rare and Curious English Books

2.3. Bibliographical Entries on Randiana

22. Entry on Randiana from Pisanus Fraxi [Henry Spencer Ashbee], Catena Librorum Tacendorum: Being Notes Bio-biblio-iconographical and Critical, on Curious and Uncommon Books (London: Privately Printed, MDCCCLXXXV).

23. Excerpt from Épreuves corrigées (corrected proofs) for Guillaume Apollinaire, Fernand Fleuret, and Louis Perceau, L’Enfer de la Bibliothèque nationale, (1913)

24. Excerpt from the published version of Guillaume Apollinaire, Fernand Fleuret, and Louis Perceau, L’Enfer de la Bibliothèque nationale, icono-bio-bibliographie de tous les ouvrages composant cette célèbre collection (Paris: Mercure de France, 1913).

Part 3. The Romance of Violette, 1891


3.1. Literary Excerpts

25. The Romance of Violette. A Posthumous Work by a Celebrated Incognito (London [Paris]: Privately Printed, 1891), pp. vii-x, 11-27, 185-210.

26. Le Roman de Violette. Oeuvre Posthume d’une Célébrité masquée¸ [excerpt from Chapter 9] (Lisbonne [Brussels]: chez Antonio da Boa-Vista [Auguste Brancart], 1870 [1883]).

3.2. The Romance of Violette in Underground Book Catalogues

27. Entry from Catalogue of Rare Curious and Voluptuous Reading, 1893.

3.3. Dildoes in Pornographic Literature

28. Love and Safety; or Love and Lasciviousness with Safety and Secrecy [excerpt], (The Erotica Biblion Society of London-New York [Paris], [c. 1906]), pp. 59-67.

29. The Story of a Dildo. A Tale in Five Tableaux [excerpt], (London [Brussels]: Private Printed, 1891), pp. 31-41, 82-6.

30. School Life in Paris [excerpt], (Privately Printed: MDCCCXCVII), pp. 37-49

3.4. Underground Dealers: Henriette Doucé, Bookseller and Publisher

31. Excerpt from an advertisement for Doucé’s bookshop in La Revue populaire, 30 November 1882, p. 52.

32. Félicien Rops, La jolie fille en chemise [menu pour Mlle Doucé], n.d., rotogravure retouched with drypoint and soft varnish on paper.

33. Publisher’s ornament on the title page of Honoré Gabriel Riquetti de Mirabeau, Erotika Biblion (Bruxelles: Gay et Doucé, Éditeurs, 1881).

34. Publisher’s ornament on the title page of Éric Besnard, Le Lendemain du mariage (Paris: H. Doucé, Libraire-Éditeur, 1884).

35. Publisher’s ornament on the title page of Émile Blain et H. Sombre, Flétrie (Paris. Lalouette-Doucé, Libraire-Éditeur, 1888).

36. ‘Doucé et Consorts’, Archives de l’État à Bruxelles

Part 4. Teleny or The Reverse of the Medal, 1893


4.1. Literary Excerpts

37. Teleny or The Reverse of the Medal. A Physiological Romance of To-Day, vol. 2 [excerpt] (Cosmopoli [London]: 1893), pp. 7-63, 92-122

38. Des Grieux (The Prelude to “Teleny”), [excerpt], 1 vol. (N.d. [Paris]: 1899), pp. 5-26

39. ‘Erotic Fragments from the Diary of a Paris Student’, in Female Lust. As Illustrated in the Ridingcocke Papers (Vichy [Paris]: 1901), pp. 93-109

4.2. Teleny in Underground Book Catalogues

40. Entry on Teleny from Catalogue of Rare and Curious English Books

41. Entry on Teleny from List of Rare and Curious Books

4.3. Rumours about Oscar Wilde’s Involvement with Teleny

42. Vyvyan Holland’s letter to Christopher Millard, 5 August 1921(extract)

43. ‘Notice Bibliographique Extraite des Notes et Souvenirs d’un Vieux Bibliopole’, in Teleny. Étude Physiologique. 2 vols (Paris: MCMXXXIV).

44. Charles Reginald Dawes, A Study of Erotic Literature in England. Considered with Especial Reference to Social Life [excerpt], (Gotheringon, Cheltenham: [Unpublished] 1943)

4.4. Underground Dealers: Leonard Smithers, Bookseller and Publisher

45. Catalogue from New and Gorgeous Pantomime entitled Harlequin Prince Cherrytop and the Good Fairy Fairfuck or the Frig the Fuck and the Fairy (Theatre Royal Olymprick [London]: Private Reprint, MDCCCCV), pp. 49-52

46. Catalogue from Pleasure Bound ‘Afloat.’ The Extraordinary Adventures of a Party of Travellers, et leurs affaires galantes (Imprinted for the Members of the ‘Chatty’ Club. London: 1908)

47. Some Rare and Precious Second-Hand Books [excerpts] (N.p. [Paris:], 1903)

48. Excerpt from a Letter from Oscar Wilde to Reginald Turner, 10 August 1897

49. Excerpt from the unpublished manuscript of Dan Ryder (London bookseller).

Part 5. Gynecocracy, 1893


5.1. Literary Excerpts

50. Gynecocracy: A Narrative of the Adventures and Psychological Experiences of Julian Robinson (Afterwards Viscount Ladywood) Under Petticoat Rule, Written by Himself [excerpts], 3 vols (London: Printed for Distribution Amongst Private Subscribers Only: MDCCCXCIII), vol. I, pp. 87-91, vol. II, pp. 1-18, 65-80

5.2. Illustrations for the French Adaptation of Gynecocracy

51. Illustrations by Martin van Maële for Jacques Desroix, La Gynécocratie ou La Domination de la Femme (Paris: Charles Carrington, Libraire-Éditeur, 13, Faubourg Montmartre, 13, MCMII).

5.3. Gynecocracy in Underground Book Catalogues

52. Entry for Gynecocracy from Catalogue of Rare Curious and Voluptuous Reading, 1901.

5.4. Flagellation and Submission in Pornographic Literature

53. The Petticoat Dominant or Woman’s Revenge. The Autobiography of a Young Nobleman as a Pendant to Gynecocracy, by Le Comte du Bouleau [excerpt](Paris and New-York: 1898), pp. 127-72

54. The Yellow Room or, Alice Darvell’s Subjection. A Tale of the Birch. By M. Le Comte du Bouleau [excerpt] (London [Paris]: Privately Printed, 1891 [c.1902] ), pp. 98-132

5.5. ‘Corsets for Men’ in Magazines

55. ‘To the Editor of “Society”’, Society, September 16 1899.

56. ‘To the Editor of “Society”’, Society, September 23 1899.

57. ‘Corsets for Men’, Society, September 23 1899.

58. ‘Madame Dowding” Advertisement, Society, November 18 1899.

59. ‘To the Editor of “Society”’, Society, April 21,1900.

Part 6. My Secret Life, 1888-1894


6.1. Literary Excerpts

60. My Secret Life, [excerpts], 11 vols (Amsterdam: Not for publication, [1888-1894]), vol. 1. pp. 5-14, 220-41, vol. 2. pp. 267-77, vol. 8. pp. 33-61, vol. 3. pp. 28-30, vol. 5. pp. 53-8, vol. 7. pp. 366-69, vol. 9. pp. 262, vol. 11. Pp. 141-42

6.2. Prospectus and Underground Book Catalogues for My Secret Life

61. Prospectus for My Secret Life or The modern Casanova

62. Entry from Catalogue of Rare and Curious English Books

63. Entry on The Dawn of Sensuality from List of Rare and Curious Books

6.3. Early Reception of My Secret Life

64. Excerpt on My Secret Life in Forbidden Books. Notes and Gossip on Tabooed Literature. By an Old Bibliophile (Paris: For the Authors and His Friends, 1902).

65. Excerpt from Charles Reginald Dawes, A Study of Erotic Literature in England. Considered with Especial Reference to Social Life (Gotheringon, Cheltenham: [Unpublished] 1943)

6.4. Underground Dealers: Auguste Brancart, Bookseller and Publisher

Brancart’s Title Pages for Pornographic Books in English

66. Title page for The Power of Mesmerism. A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies (Moscow: Printed for the Nihilists, 1891).

67. Title page for The Yellow Room or, Alice Darvell’s Subjection. A Tale of the Birch by M. Le Comte du Bouleau (London: Privately Printed, 1891).

68. Title page for The Bagnio Miscellany. Containing the Adventures of Miss Lais Lovecock Written by Herself (London: Printed for the Bibliopolists, 1892).

Brancart’s Underground Book Flyers

69. “By the Same Publisher’, in The Bagnio Miscellany. Containing the Adventures of Miss Lais Lovecock Written by Herself (London: Printed for the Bibliopolists, 1892)

70. ‘Latest Novelties’

71. Brancart’s Newspaper Advertisements in British and French Newspapers

The Illustrated London News, 20 September 1890, p. 381.
Gil Blas, 6 September 1891, p. 4.

Gil Blas, 3 October 1891, p. 4.

The American Register, 11 April 1891, p. 3.

Gil Blas illustré, 2 October 1892, p. 7.

La Démocratie du Cher, 17 October 1892, p. 4.

The Anglo-American Times, 21 October 1892, p. 1.
La Lanterne, 2 November 1893, p. 4.

La Lanterne, 11 October 1894, p. 4.
Truth, 19 May 1892, pp. 1043-4.

Brancart’s Associates Under Surveillance

72. Excerpt from Rapport Affaire Hurt et Maheu, 23 April 1890

73. Excerpt from the investigating judge’s report, 19 June 1890

74. ‘Ouvrages en Anglais’

Part 7. Pauline, The Prima Donna, 1898


7.1. Literary Excerpts

75. Pauline, The Prima Donna; or, Memoirs of an Opera Singer [excerpts], (Printed for the Erotica Biblion Society of London and New-York [Paris], 1898), pp. 79-116, 167-86

7.2. Pauline, The Prima Donna in Underground Book Catalogues

76. Entry in Bibliotheca Arcana, Being a Rough List of Rare, Curious and Uncommon Books, Pamphlets, Prints, & Engravings (London: MDCCCXCIX)

77. Entry in Publications of the Erotica Biblion Society

78. Entry in Catalogue of English Books 1902 - Paris - 190.

7.3. Underground Dealers: Jules Eugène Gauché and Angélina Leboucher, Publishers and Printers

79. Title page for Pauline, The Prima Donna; or, Memoirs of an Opera Singer (Printed for the Erotica Biblion Society of London and New-York [Paris], 1898)

80. Title page for The Horn Book. A Girl’s Guide to the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Printed for the Erotica Biblion Society of London and New-York [Paris], 1899)

81. Title page for Memoirs of a Russian Princess (London [Paris]. Privately Printed (Not to be sold], 1906)

82. Title page for Les onze mille verges. Par G… A… (Paris: En ventes chez tous les Libraires, [c.1907]),

83. Excerpts from Publications of the Erotica Biblion Society

84. Entry on Odor di Femina from the proofs for Guillaume Apollinaire, Fernand Fleuret, and Louis Perceau, L’Enfer de la Bibliothèque nationale, icono-bio-bibliographie de tous les ouvrages composant cette célèbre collection (Paris: Mercure de France, 1913)

Part 8. Crissie, 1899


8.1. Literary Excerpts

85. Crissie A Music-Hall Sketch of To-Day [extracts], (The Alhambra [Paris]: 1899), pp. 55-65, 133-54.

8.2. Crissie in Underground Book Catalogues

86. Entry from Catalogue of Rare Curious and Voluptuous Reading, 1901

8.3. Early Reception of Crissie

87. Discussion of Crissie in Forbidden Books. Notes and Gossip on Tabooed Literature. By an Old Bibliophile (Paris: For the Authors and His Friends, 1902), pp. 110-12.

8.4. Newspaper and Magazine Coverage of London’s Music Halls

88. ‘The Social Purity Party’s Objection to Music-Hall Licences’, The Illustrated Police News, 24 October 24 1896, p. 6.

89. ‘The Need for Improved Music-Halls’, Hearth & Home, 20 October 1898, p. 882.

90. ‘Licensing at Clerkenwell’, The Era, 12 November 1898, p. 21.

Part 9. Suburban Souls, 1901


9.1. Literary Excerpts

91. Suburban Souls. The Erotic Psychology of a Man and a Maid [excerpts] (Paris: Printed for Private Distribution amongst Private Subscribers Only: 1901).

9.2. Early Reception of Suburban Souls

92. Forbidden Books. Notes and Gossip on Tabooed Literature by an Old Bibliophile [excerpt] (Paris: For the Author and His Friends, 1902), pp. 121-36

9.3. Underground Dealers: Charles Carrington, Bookseller and Publisher

Carrington’s Advertisements and Flyers

93. ‘Private Literature’, Society, 6 May 1899, p. 1467.

94. Bibliographie de la France, 7 April 1900, p. 875.

95. ‘Very rare and very curious English Books,’ in Charles Sackville, Two Lascivious Adventures of Mr Howard. A continuation of Maud Cameron and her Guardian (London [Paris]: Printed for Subscribers Only, MCMVII).

Carrington’s Defence of Forbidden Books

96. Preface, Forbidden Books. Notes and Gossip on Tabooed Literature by an Old Bibliophile (Paris: For the Author and His Friends, 1902), pp. ix-xii

Contemporary Impressions of Carrington

97. Letter from Oscar Wilde to Leonard Smithers, 12 August 1898

98. Excerpt from Gustave le Rouge, Verlainiens et décadents: Souvenirs inédits (Paris: Editions Marcel Seheur, 1928), p. 230.

Carrington Prosecuted and Deported

99. ‘For Translating Arabic’, News York Herald (European Edition), 9 October 1901, p. 1.

100. ‘Mr. Carrington Explains’, News York Herald (European Edition), 14 October 1901, p. 5.

101. Excerpt from a Letter from Charles Carrington to Anatole France, 16 December 1907

102. Excerpt from Chief Inspector Edward Drew’s testimony about advertising from pornographic dealers published in the Report from the Joint Select Committee on Lotteries and Indecent Advertisements, Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendices (London: HM Stationery Office, 1908), pp. 39-40.

103. Seized letters from Carrington in 1911 relating to his mail confiscated by the British Post Office

Printed letter from Charles Carrington to his customers, June 1911.

A note written in Carrington’s hand at the back of the above letter, dated June 10, 1911.

Letter from Charles Carrington to Reginald McKenna , 11 December, 1911.

Part 10. The Initiation of Aurora Trill, 1903


10.1. Literary Excerpts

104. The Initiation of Aurora Trill [excerpts] (London [Paris]: 1903), pp. 7-18, 114-23

105. A Nocturnal Meeting. By Ramrod [excerpt] (International Publishing Office: London - New York - Paris, [c.1911]), pp. 119-28

10.2. Hirsch’s Underground Book Catalogue

106. A Short List of Amusing English Books. Privately printed.

10.3. Bibliographical Entries on The Initiation of Aurora Trill

107. Entry on The Initiation of Aurora Trill from the published version and the proofs of Guillaume Apollinaire, Fernand Fleuret, and Louis Perceau, L’Enfer de la Bibliothèque nationale, icono-bio-bibliographie de tous les ouvrages composant cette célèbre collection (Paris: Mercure de France, 1913).

10.4. Underground Dealers: Charles Hirsch, Bookseller and Publisher

Hirsch’s London and Paris Bookshops

108. “Booksellers’ Windows’ [excerpt], The Academy, 3 April 1897, p. 383.

109. Charles Reginald Dawes, A Study of Erotic Literature in England. Considered with Especial Reference to Social Life [excerpt] (Gotheringon, Cheltenham: [Unpublished] 1943)

Hirsch Prosecuted and Imprisoned

London, 1898-1899

110. ‘A Booksellers’ Photographs’, Reynolds’s Newspaper, 27 November 1898, p. 4.

111. ‘The Sale of Indecent Publications’, St. James’s Gazette, 27 January 1899, p. 10.

112. ‘County of London Sessions’, The Times, 2 March 2 1899, p. 13-14.

113. ‘County of London Sessions’, The Times, 2 March 10 1899, p. 3.

Paris, 1912

114. ‘La chasse à la pornographie’, Gil Blas, 15 February 1912, p. 2.

115. ‘Arrestation d’un libraire’, Gil Blas, 16 February 1912, p. 3.

Part 11. Aleister Crowley, White Stains (1898) and Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden (c.1904)


11.1. Literary Excerpts from White Stains

116. White Stains. The Literary Remains of George Archibald Bishop A Neuropath of the Second Empire [excerpts]([N.p.]: 1898), pp. 58-65, 78-80, 122-23

11.2. Early Reception of White Stains

117. Forbidden Books. Notes and Gossip on Tabooed Literature by an Old Bibliophile [excerpt] (Paris: For the Author and His Friends, 1902), pp. 45-48

11.3. Literary Excerpts from Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden

118. Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden [excerpts] (1881 A.D. Cosmopoli, Imprimé sous le manteau et ne se vend nulle part), pp. 1-13, 113-19, 157-8,

11.4. Aleister Crowley’s Confessions

119. Excerpt from Aleister Crowley, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. An Autohagiography. Eds. John Symonds and Kenneth Grant (London: Jonathan Cape, 1969), pp. 410-3.

120. Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present, compiled and edited by John S. Farmer and W. E. Henley, 7 vols, [excerpts] (Printed for Subscribers Only, 1890-1904).


Volume 4: Mass Market Pornography

Editor: Lisa Z. Sigel, PhD.



General Introduction

Volume 4 Introduction


Part 1: Social Control

1.1 Social Control in the late 19th Century Metropole

1. 1.1 Obscene Publications Act of 1857, (Lord Campbell’s Act’), Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates third series, 1857, and 1.2 Parliamentary Debates about the Obscene Publications Act, 1857.

2. Letter of Mr. Pritchard to Lord Campbell, Society for the Suppression of Vice, ‘Social Evils Extract Album’ January 1858

3. The Queen, on the Prosecution of Henry Scott, Appelant v. Benjamin Hicklin and Another, Justices of Wolverhampton, Respondents, L.R. 3 Q.B. 360 (1868). Court of the Queen's Bench. Cockburn, C.J., Blackburn, Mellor, and Lush, J.J. sitting.

4. Central Vigilance Committee for the Repression of Immorality, A Short Manual of the English Law on the Subject (London: Hatchards, 1885).

5. Pernicious literature: debate in the House of Commons: trial and conviction for sale of Zola's novels. With opinions of the press. National Vigilance Association (Great Britain), London : National Vigilance Assoc., [1889].

6. The Stoppage of Letters to or from Dealers in Obscene Matter,’ Home Office, 1898, HO 45/9752/A59329. INDECENT PUBLICATIONS Etc. and Chart of Warrants to and from Dealers in Obscene Matter, Home Office, 1898, HO 45/9752/A59329.

7. Parcel post: imports of indecent or obscene articles dealt with by General Post Office (GPO), 1900.

8. Obscene pamphlets, stopping in post. 1901. Case: for the Opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown. The Solicitor General. A Consultation is requested. See Opinion on this case.

9. ‘Report from the Joint select committee on lotteries and indecent advertisements, together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendices.’ Great Britain. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Vacher and sons, 1908. Excerpts.

10. National Vigilance Association. Annual Reports.1905.1906.1917.1918.

11. National Vigilance Association, Translation, [Possibly from French].

12. ‘Mails censored by Military Authorities. Treatment for obscene literature and photographs, betting and lottery letters, etc’

1.2 Social Control in the Empire

13. ‘Despatches to India and Bengal (Original Drafts), Dec 1857-Jan 1858, p. 1165- India Legislative Department 6 January 1858.

14. ‘Confiscation in Madras of copies of the Kama Sutra, The Perfumed Garden, and the Ananga Ranga as being obscene literature’, India Office Records and Private Papers, 13 Sep 1897

15. ‘The manager of Thacker and Company, chief booksellers of Bombay, prosecuted for the sale of obscene books and pictures’, India Office Records and Private Papers, 24 Jun 1898

16. Steps taken to prevent sale of indecent photos 1907. Port Said.

17. ‘Prosecution of a bogus Indian firm offering indecent photographs to a female English photographer’, India Office Records and Private Papers, 12 Jun 1912-4 Mar 1913.

18. ‘Importation into India from Germany of kinematograph films of an indecent nature,’ India Office Records and Private Papers, 10 Jun 1913.

19. Letter from a Birmingham print dealer enclosing a request from India for indecent photographs’, India Office Records and Private Papers 11-17 Feb 1911.

20. Basutoland: proclamation ban on sale or exhibition of obscene publications.

21. Objectionable Literature

1.3 Social Control in the Courts

22. Old Bailey, Records of those who came before the Central Criminal Court for obscenity related issues.

Part 2. Newspapers

2. 1. Newspaper archives,

23. ‘Surrey Sessions’, Morning Advertiser, 23 October 1832, ‘Objectionable French Post Cards,’ p.167.

24. ‘Southwark’ Morning Advertiser, 5 February 1847.

25. ‘The Abominations Op Holywell Street’, Morning Advertiser, 25 September 1851, p. 6.

26. ‘Extensive Seizure of Obscene Books and Prints Dublin’, Cork Examiner, 21 December 1857, p. 3.

27. ‘Criminal and Police’, London and China Express, 10 June 1859, p. 327.

28. ‘Selling Improper Books,’ Cork Examiner, 5 October 1861.

29. ‘Death In Gaol Of ‘Dugdale’ The Notorious Seller of Indecent Prints’, Maidstone Telegraph, 21 November 1868, p. 3.

30. Obscene Importations’, The Cornwall Chronicle, Wed. 7, March, 1866.

31. ‘Police Intelligence’, Daily Telegraph & Courier (London), 4 March, 1871, p. 2.

32. ‘Obscene Books’, Belfast Telegraph, 21 April 1871, 4.

33. ‘Another Seizure of Indecent Prints’, Abergavenny Chronicle, 8 July 1872, p. 4.

34. ‘A Strange Career’, Belfast Telegraph, 10 December 1874, p. 4.

35. ‘Importation of Obscene Photographs’, The Age (Melbourne,) Saturday 6 February 1875, p. 7.

36. ‘Alleged Indecent Photographs of Zulus’, Birmingham Daily Post, 24 October 1879, p. 5.

37. ‘Selling Obscene Photographs’, Glasgow Evening Post, 22 September 1883, p. 3.

38. ‘Photographs of the Nude’, Eastern Evening News, Thursday 28 October 1886.

39, ‘The Rabelais Pictures. Twenty-One to be Destroyed’, The Globe, 13 November 1890.

40. ‘Charge Under the Post Office Protection Act’, Croyden Guardian and Surrey County Gazette, 14 January 1893, p. 3.

41. ‘Indecent Postcard Traffic’, Sheffield Evening Telegraph - Saturday 15 September 1906, p. 3.

42. ‘An Indecent Peep-Show’, South Wales Daily News, 31 October, 1894.

43. ‘Indecent Postcard Case: Decision Varied on Appeal’, Derry Journal, Wednesday 18 October 1905, pp. 6-7.

44. ‘Criminous And Vicious Literature’, The Bedfordshire Mercury, Friday, April 15, 1904.

45. ‘Indecent Postcards’, Bendigo Advertiser, Weds. 21 Feb 1906, p. 5.

46. ‘Objectionable Literature’, Finsbury Weekly News and Chronicle, Friday 30, July 1909, p. 4.

47. ‘Purity Crusade’, Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Friday 23 April 1909, p. 15.

48. ‘Berlin Police Mistake’, London Evening Standard – Weds. 17 December 1913, p. 6.

49. ‘Indecent Photos’ Buluwayo Chronicle (Zimbabwe), October 23, 1914, p. 4.

50. ‘Alleged Obscene Postcards. Seizure by Police’, Eastbourne Chronicle, 26 August 1916, p. 2.

2.2 The Vigilance Record: The Organ of the National Vigilance Association, London.

51. ‘Seizure of Indecent Photographs’, The Vigilance Record, No 5, Vol. viii, Strand. London, Jan. 1895, pp. 36-7.

52.‘Objectionable French Post Cards’, The Vigilance Record, High Holborn, December 1901, p. 167.

53. ‘Vigorous Action Against Obscene Publication in Sydney’, The Vigilance Record, High Holborn, December 1901, p. 172.

54. ‘A Serious Charge’, The Vigilance Record, London, March 1902., No. 3 1901, p. 22.

55. ‘Indecent Cards in the Market’, ‘Indecent Photographs’, The Vigilance Record, London, April 1902., p. 30.

56. ‘Indecent Pictures in Mutoscopes’, The Vigilance Record, London, May 1902., p. 39.

57. ‘Objectionable Post-Cards’, The Vigilance Record, No. 11, November 1904.

58. Vigilance Record, No. 2 [new series], Feb. 1905, p. 16.

59. Vigilance Record, No. 12 [new series], Dec., 1905, p. 100.

60. ‘Bad Literature and Indecent Articles in Shop Windows’, Vigilance Record, No. 12 [new series], Dec., 1906, p. 100.

61. ‘Police Crusade against Indecent Postcards’, Vigilance Record, No. 3 [new series], March 1906, p. 22.

62. ‘Indecent Pictures and Indecent Cards’, ‘Police Crusade against Indecent Postcards’, Vigilance Record, No. 4 [new series], April 1907, p. 32.

63. ‘To Stop the Sale of Objectionable Postcards’, Vigilance Record, No. 8 [new series], August, 1908, p. 62.

64. ‘Obscene Pictures and the 'Black Peril’ in South Africa’, Vigilance Record, No. 7 [new series], July 1911, pp. 54-55.

65. ‘The Sale of Indecent Pictures in Bulawayo, South Africa’, Vigilance Record, No. 9 [new series], September, 1911, p. 72.

2.3 Clipping Files

66. ‘Morning News,’ March 19, n.d.

Part 3. Mass Market Materials

3.1 Catalogues

67. ‘General Catalogue 22,’ [A Collection of catalogues and lists, some in ms]

68. Erotic Photos, [A Collection of catalogues and lists, some in ms ]

69. Catalogue of rare curious and voluptuous, Reading, 1897.

70. [A Leaf Advertising some erotic novelties. London, c. 1900?]

3.2 Pamphlets

71. The Honeymoon of Louise Cornoue, Amsterdam, translated from the French. 1906.

3. 3 The Penny Press

72. Examples of The Penny Press, Photo Fun, New Photo Fun, New Fun, Fun, Illustrated Bits, Bits of Fun, Little Bits of Fun, London Life

73. ‘King's Bench Division’, The Times, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1902 Iss. 36695, p. 3.

74. ‘High Court Of Justice’, The Times, Thursday, Feb. 20, 1902, Issue: 36696.

75. ‘Objectionable Literature’, Daily Telegraph & Courier’ 16 July, 1909.

76. ‘News in Brief’, The Times, Saturday Feb 17, 1917, issue 21405.

77. Manchester Evening News, 6 March, 1917, p. 5.

78. ‘Bits Of Fun’, The Times, October 20, 1920, p. 9.

3.4 Images

79. Mass Market Images

Two men engaged in sexual act, 189-.

Two men in drag, one fellating the other, 188-.

Photolithographic Print of Engravings, Courtesy: James Gardiner.

Section of a silver collotype of a painting, Courtesy: James Gardiner.

Three allegorical personifications of womankind. Coloured halftone, 1898, after A. Vignola, 1897. Untrodden Fields (1898) by Dr. Jacobus X, aka Louise Jacolloit (1837-1890).

A young woman, full-length, posed naked sitting on a table with her feet on a fur-covered stool, in a photographic studio. Photograph, ca.1900.

Cover: Photo Bits, Charles and Co., Gold and Co. case file, MEPO 3/2459 Distribution of obscene books, literature and photographs: general correspondence, reports and specimens mentions Photo Bits.

Catalogue copy of 10 thumbnail photographs.

Card featuring a line of people having sex, unnamed, n. p, n.d.

Card, Moroccan woman nude to the waist, Paris, n.d.

Postcard, Man and women having sex, n.d. [1900s?].

Postcard, close-up penis and vagina during sex.

Postcard, Wasp-waist, taken from a publication.

Postcard, ‘A curious Boy’ stamp from Egypt. Sent to Holland. Bought in UK.

Postcard, ‘Jeune Femme Kabyle paree de ses bijoux.’

Postcard, photolithograph of a painting, ‘Salon de ‘’Ecole Francaise 1907 Jeune Fille, par Paul Leroy. Image printed to card stock, women in underclothes with stockings and fan, n.p., n.d.

Wilhelm von Gloeden, Two naked Sicilian boys in a rocky setting. 1900.

Couple, card #2501, Lehnert & Landrock, Tunis, n.d. print on postcard back.

Woman, Card number 2509, Lehnert &Landrock, Photograhers, Tunis, n.d. printed on postcard back.


Erscheint lt. Verlag 10.6.2025
Zusatzinfo 79 Halftones, black and white
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Themenwelt Kunst / Musik / Theater
Schulbuch / Wörterbuch Lexikon / Chroniken
Geschichte Teilgebiete der Geschichte Kulturgeschichte
ISBN-10 1-032-21369-8 / 1032213698
ISBN-13 978-1-032-21369-9 / 9781032213699
Zustand Neuware
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