Britain in India, 1765-1905 - Bhaskar Mukhopadhyay

Britain in India, 1765-1905

2400 Seiten
Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd
978-1-85196-815-2 (ISBN)
719,95 inkl. MwSt
Seeks to explore the nature of the relationship between Britain and India at the height of imperial expansion. This collection is of interest among academic communities exploring British and Indian history. It is useful for literary, cultural and urban historians working in this area.

Bhaskar Mukhopadhyay

Volume 1: Justice, Police, Law and Order 'Mr Secretary Dowdeswell's Report on the General State of the Police of Bengal, 29th September 1809' in W K Firminger (ed), The Fifth Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East India Company (1917-18); John Melville, 'Answers to Court's Queries, 1813', Selection of Papers from the Records at the East-India House relating to the Revenue, Police, and Civil and Criminal Justice under the Company's Governments in India (1820-6); H Strachey, 'Answers to Court's Queries 1813', Selection of Papers from the Records at the East-India House relating to the Revenue, Police, and Civil and Criminal Justice under the Company's Governments in India (1820-6); W Thackeray, 'Answers to Court's Queries 1815', Selection of Papers from the Records at the East-India House relating to the Revenue, Police, and Civil and Criminal Justice under the Company's Governments in India (1820-6); 'Legislation Preambles and Statements of Objects and Reasons (11th May, 1835)', Minutes by Lord Macaulay (1835); 'Draft of Standing Orders for the Legislative Council of India Respective Functions of Executive and Legislative Councils (13th June, 1835)', Minutes by Lord Macaulay (1835); A Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners (1837); 'Report on the State of the Police in the Lower Provinces for the First Six Months of 1842', Calcutta Review (1844); 'Note by the Secretary to the Government of Bengal, dated 3rd December, 1853', Papers Relating to the System of Police in the Bengal Presidency (1857); 'Minute by the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal Police and Criminal Justice in Bengal', Papers Relating to the System of Police in the Bengal Presidency (1857); Act No V of 1861 An Act for the Regulation of Police (1861); J Fitzjames Stephen, 'Does the System of Criminal and Civil Procedure Require any Modification?', Selections from the Records of the Government of India (1872); Criminal Tribes' Act, 1871, Act XXVII (1871); 'The Sonthal Rebellion', Calcutta Review (1856); Henry Faulds, 'On the Skin-Furrows of the Hand', Nature (1880); William James Herschel, 'Skin-Furrows of the Hand', Nature (1880) Volume 2: Land-Revenue and Trade J Clavering, G Monson and P Francis, 'Extract of a Minute ... dated Fort-William, February 25th, 1775', Original Minutes of the Governor-General and Council of Fort William on the Settlement and Collection of the Revenues of Bengal, with a Plan of Settlement Recommended to the Court of Directors in January, 1776 (1782); 'Minute of Mr Shore, dated 18 June, 1789; respecting the Permanent Settlement of the Lands in the Bengal Provinces', W K Firminger (ed), The Fifth Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East India Company ... 1812 (1917-18); AD 1793 Regulation I A Regulation for Enacting into a Regulation certain Articles of a Proclamation bearing date the 22d March, 1793 (1793); AD 1793 Regulation XXXI A Regulation for Re-enacting with Modifications and Amendments, the Rules Passed on the 23d July 1787, and subsequent dates, for the Conduct of the commercial Residents and Agents, and all Persons Employed or Concerned in the Provision of the Company's Investment (1793); H T Colebrooke, 'Profits of Husbandry in Bengal', Remarks on the Husbandry and Internal Commerce of Bengal (1884); 'Report of the Board of Commissioners in the Ceded and Conquered Provinces, dated 13th April 1808', Bengal Revenue Selections (1808); 'Mr Colebrooke's Minute', Bengal Revenue Selections (1808); 'Mr Lumsden's Minute, Fort William, 11th June 1808', Bengal Revenue Selections (1808); Letters from Thomas Munro, the Principal Collector of the Ceded Districts, to his Assistants (1802-7); 'Resolution of Government [on Ceded Territories], dated the 1st August 1822', Bengal Revenue Selections (1822); G E Russell, 'Extract of a Letter from [the] Collector in the Zillah of Masulipatam, to the Board of Revenue, Fort St George, dated 20th March 1819', Appendix to the Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the East India Company (1833); James Mill, 'Observations on the Land Revenue of India' in The Fifth Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East India Company (1883); AD 1822 Regulation VII A Regulation for Declaring the Principles according to which the Settlement of the Land Revenue in the Ceded and Conquered Provinces ... is to be hereafter made (1822); 'Notes on the proceedings of the Bengal Government respecting Redress of Grievances', Appendix to the Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the East India Company (1833); Shaik Mahomed Raza-Oodeen and others, Petition to the Viceroy and Governor General of India, 19 February 1872, Selections from the Records of the Government of India (1879); Charles Metcalfe, 'Two Minutes ... dated 7th November 1830 and 3d February 1831, respecting the Settlement of the Western Provinces', Appendix to the Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the East India Company (1833); C E Trevelyan, 'Town-Duty Report', A Report upon the Inland Customs and Town Duties of the Bengal Presidency (1834); J H Harington, 'A Regulation for maintaining the rights of Khoodkhast, Chupperbund and other resident Ryots', A Minute and Draft on Regulation of the Rights of Ryots in Bengal (1827); AD 1825 Regulation IX A Regulation for Extending the Operation of Regulation VII 1822; for Authorizing the Revenue Authorities to let in Farm Estates under Temporary Leases (1825); 'Notes on the Revised Tenancy Bill, 1884, by the East Bengal Landholders Association', Report of the Government of Bengal on the Bengal Tenancy Bill (1884); Act No VIII of 1885 An Act to Amend and Consolidate Certain Enactments relating to the Law of Landlord and Tenant within the Territories under the Administration of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal (1885); Lalit-Chandra Mitra, 'Legislation and Litigation' and 'Nil Durpan', History of the Indigo Disturbances in Bengal with Full Report of the Nil Darpan (1903); Volume 3: Education and Colonial Knowledge N B Halhed, A Grammar of the Bengal Language (1778); 'Discourse I Delivered at the Opening of the Asiatic Society, February 24, 1784', William Jones, Discourses Delivered Before the Asiatic Society: and Miscellaneous Papers, on the Religion, Poetry, and Literature ... of the Nations of India (1821); 'Discourse II Delivered February 24, 1785', William Jones, Discourses Delivered Before the Asiatic Society: and Miscellaneous Papers, on the Religion, Poetry, and Literature ... of the Nations of India (1821); 'Discourse III Delivered February 2, 1786', William Jones, Discourses Delivered Before the Asiatic Society: and Miscellaneous Papers, on the Religion, Poetry, and Literature ... of the Nations of India (1821); 'Notes with Respect to the Foundation of a College at Fort William, 10th July, 1800', Richard Colley Wellesley, The Despatches, Minutes and Correspondence of the Marquess Wellesley during his Administration in India (1836-7); 'Regulation for the Foundation of a College at Fort William in Bengal', Richard Colley Wellesley, The Despatches, Minutes and Correspondence of the Marquess Wellesley during his Administration in India (1836-7); 'Minute by Lord Minto, March 6, 1811 Lord Minto's Plan for a Revision of the Hindoo College at Benares, and for the Institution of Hindoo Colleges at Nuddea and Tirhoot' Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons Appointed to Enquire into the Present State of the Affairs of the East India Company, 16 August 1832, and Minutes and Evidence (1832); 'Minute of J H Harington, Esq, President of the College Council, dated October 31, 1818', Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons Appointed to Enquire into the Present State of the Affairs of the East India Company, 16 August 1832, and Minutes and Evidence (1832); 'Minute of the Governor General [Bentinck], dated 27th December 1828', Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons Appointed to Enquire into the Present State of the Affairs of the East India Company, 16 August 1832, and Minutes and Evidence (1832); Letter, dated 25th September 1823, from W Fraser to the Chief Secretary, Fort William', H Sharp, Selections from Educational Records, Part I 1781-1839 (1920); 'Address, dated 11th December 1823, from Raja Rammohan Roy', H Sharp, Selections from Educational Records, Part I 1781-1839 (1920); 'Lord Macaulay's Minute 2nd February, 1835', W Nassau Lees, Indian Musalmans: Being Three Letters Reprinted from the 'Times' ... With an Appendix containing Lord Macaulay's Minute (1871); 'Note, dated the 15th February 1835, by H T Prinsep (with marginal notes by Macaulay)', H Sharp, Selections from Educational Records, Part I 1781-1839 (1920); W Adam, 'Minute, by his Excellency the Governor General, dated Calcutta, the 20th January 1835', Adam's Reports on Vernacular Education in Bengal and Behar, Submitted to Government in 1835, 1836, and 1838 (1868); W Adam, 'The Twenty-Four Purgannahs, including Calcutta', Adam's Reports on Vernacular Education in Bengal and Behar, Submitted to Government in 1835, 1836, and 1838 (1868); 'Minute by the Hon'ble Mr Bethune, dated 23rd January 1851', J A Richey, Selections from Educational Records, Part 2 1840-1859 (1922); 'Minute by the Most Noble the Governor General of India [Dalhousie], dated the 25th October 1853)', Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government (1855) Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; F J Mouat, 'Council of Education, to Cecil Beadon, Secretary to the Government of Bengal, 3 October 1853', Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government (1855) Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; 'Mr W Seton-Karr's Minute, dated 21st July 1853', Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, 22 (1855): Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; Ishwar Chunder Surma, 'Notes on Vernacular Education', Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, 22 (1855): Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; Letter from James Long to F J Halliday, Member of the Council of Education, February 1854, Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, 22 (1855): Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; 'Baboo Ramgopal Ghose's Minute, dated 11th July 1854', Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, 22 (1855): Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; 'Baboo Ramapersaud Roy's Minute, dated 1st August 1854', Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, 22 (1855): Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; Ramchunder Mitter to F J Halliday, 8 February 1854, Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, 22 (1855): Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; Letter from C Beadon, Secretary to the Government of India, to W Grey, Secretary to the Government of India, 13 February 1855, Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, 22 (1855): Correspondence Relating to Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces of Bengal; 'From the Court of Directors of the East India Company, to the Governor General of India in Council, Selections from the Records of the Government of India, 76 (1870): A Collection of Despatches from the Home Government on the Subject of Education in India, 1854 to 1868; 'From the Secretary of State for India [Stanley], to the Government of India, Selections from the Records of the Government of India, 76 (1870): A Collection of Despatches from the Home Government on the Subject of Education in India, 1854 to 1868; 'Letter, dated 10th March 1854, from the Council of Education to the Government of Bengal' in J A Richey, Selections from Educational Records, Part 2 1840-1859 (1922); 'The President of the University Committee, to C Beadon, Esquire, Secretary to the Government of India ... 7th August 1856', Papers Connected with the Establishment of Universities in India (1857); Bankim Chander Chatterjee, 'A Popular Literature for Bengal', Transactions of the Bengal Social Science Association (1870); 'From the Mahomedan Literary Society of Calcutta, to C H Campbell, Esq, J Sutcliffe, Esq, and Moulvie Abdool Luteef, Khan Bahadoor, Members of the Commission Appointed to Enquire into, and Report upon, the Condition of the Calcutta Mudrussah, Selections from the Records of the Government of India, 205 (1886): Correspondence on the Subject of the Education of the Muhammadan Community in British India and their Employment in the Public Service Generally; 'Resolution by the Government of Bengal in the General Department, dated Calcutta, the 29th July 1873' Selections from the Records of the Government of India, 205 (1886): Correspondence on the Subject of the Education of the Muhammadan Community in British India and their Employment in the Public Service Generally; Letter from Mahomed Farrakh Shah, Meer Mahomed Ally and Ameer Ali, of the National Muhammadan Association, to the Marquis of Ripon, Governor-General of India, 6 February 1882, Selections from the Records of the Government of India, 205 (1886): Correspondence on the Subject of the Education of the Muhammadan Community in British India and their Employment in the Public Service Generally; 'From A P MacDonnell, Esq, Officiating Secretary to the Government of Bengal, General Department, to the Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department, Selections from the Records of the Government of India, 205 (1886): Correspondence on the Subject of the Education of the Muhammadan Community in British India and their Employment in the Public Service Generally; 'Home Department Resolution, dated 15th July 1884, on the Subject of Muhammadan Education'; Selections from the Records of the Government of India, 205 (1886): Correspondence on the Subject of the Education of the Muhammadan Community in British India and their Employment in the Public Service Generally; Syed Mahmood, A History of English Education in India (1895); Charles Wilkins, Glossary of Oriental Terms: Originally Annexed to the Fifth Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East-India Company in 1812-13, and Communicated to the House of Lords in 1830 (1830) Volume 4: Cultural and Social Interventions Warren Hastings, 'Bengal in 1772', W W Hunter, Annals of Rural Bengal (1868-72); Charles Grant, Observations on the State of Society among the Asiatic Subjects of Great Britain, particularly with Respect to Morals; and on the Means of Improving it Written Chiefly in the Year 1792 (1797?); William Ward, 'Introductory Remarks on the History, Manners, and Literature of the Hindoos', A View of the History, Literature and Mythology of the Hindoos: Including a Minute Description of their Manners and Customs, and Translations from their Principal Works (1815-18); William Ward, 'Remarks on the Tendency of the Hindoo Institutions, and on the Moral State of the Natives', A View of the History, Literature and Mythology of the Hindoos: Including a Minute Description of their Manners and Customs, and Translations from their Principal Works (1815-18); Thomas Munro, Liberty of the Press in India, minute of 12 April 1822 (1822); Raja Ramohun Roy, 'Memorial to the Supreme Court', S D Collet (ed), The Life and Letters of Raja Ramohun Roy (1962); A D 1829 Regulation XVII A Regulation for Declaring the Practice of Suttee, or of Burning or Burying Alive the Widows of Hindoos, Illegal, and Punishable by the Criminal Courts (1829); Act No XI of 1835 [Repealing the Regulation Preventing the Establishment of Printing Presses] (1835); Examination of Coolies returned from Mauritius (1840); R Hartley Kennedy, 'The Suttee: The Narrative of an Eye-Witness', Bentley's Miscellany (1843); AD 1844 Act XXI An Act for Regulating the Emigration of the Native Inhabitants of the Territories under the Government of the East-India Company to Jamaica, British Guiana, and Trinidad (1844); J Long, 'A Return of the Names and Writings of 515 Persons connected with Bengali Literature, either as Authors or Translators of Printed Works Chiefly during the last fifty years; and a catalogue of Bengali newspapers and periodicals which have issued from the press from the year 1818 to 1855', Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government (1855); Kristo Doss Paul, Young Bengal Vindicated (1856); J Sleeman, 'Statement showing the Number of Criminals Arrested and Disposed of by Officers of the Thuggee Department during 1856', Selection from the Records of the Government of India (1857); Act No XV of 1856 An Act to Remove all Legal Obstacles to the Marriage of Hindoo Widows (1865); 'Human Sacrifices and Infanticide in India', Edinburgh Review (1864); Peary Mohun Mookerjee, 'On the Condition of the Bengal Ryot', Transactions of the Bengal Social Science Association (1870); Ram Gopaul Ghose, 'Remarks on the Black Acts', Public Speeches of Ram Gopaul Ghose and his Remarks on the Black Acts, together with a Brief Sketch of his Life (1871); Edward Dalton, 'Group VI Bhuniya or Bhuiya', Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal (1872); J Geoghegan, 'Statistics', Note on Emigration from India (1873); Fred Wooldridge, Report on the Mortality of Indian Immigrants in French Guiana during the First Half of the Year 1877 (1877); P C Mazumdar, 'The Development of the Brahmo Samaj', The Faith and Progress of the Brahmo Samaj (1882); 'Papers relating to Infant Marriage and Enforced Widowhood in India', Selections from the Records of the Government of India (1886); H H Risley, 'Introductory Essay: Caste in Relation to Marriage', The Tribes and Castes of Bengal: Ethnographic Glossary (1892) Volume 5: Sovereignty and Governance 'Firmaund from the King Shah Aalum, granting the Dewanny of Bengal, Behar, and Orissa to the Company, - 1765', C U Aitchison (comp), A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads, relating to India and Neighbouring Countries (1909); Seid Ghul?m Husain Kh?n, A Translation of the Seir Mutaqherin or Review of Modern Times (1902-3); 'Mr Dundas's Speech on the State of the Affairs of the East India Company, 25th February, 1793', Heads of Speeches Delivered in the House of Commons by the Several Presidents or Members of the Right Honorable the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, Relative to the Finances of the East India Company (1809); 53 Georgii III Cap CLV An Act for Continuing in the East India Company, for a Further Term, the Possession of the British Territories in India, together with Certain Exclusive Privileges; for Establishing Further Regulations for the Government of the said Territories, and the Better Administration of Justice within the same; and for Regulating the Trade to and from the Places within the Limits of the said Company's Charter 21st July 1813 (1813); 'Minute by Mr Hill; dated 16 June 1830', Papers Relating to the Constitution of the Indian Governments Prior to 1833 Members of the Civil Finance Committee submit their thoughts on Reorganisation of the Government of India 'Minute by Mr Hill; dated 16 June 1830', Papers Relating to the Constitution of the Indian Governments Prior to 1833 Members of the Civil Finance Committee submit their thoughts on Reorganisation of the Government of India; 'Minute by Mr Mackenzie; dated 20th July 1830', Papers Relating to the Constitution of the Indian Governments Prior to 1833 Members of the Civil Finance Committee submit their thoughts on Reorganisation of the Government of India; 'Copy of a Minute by Sir C T Metcalfe, dated 18 October 1830', Papers Relating to the Constitution of the Indian Governments Prior to 1833 Members of the Civil Finance Committee submit their thoughts on Reorganisation of the Government of India (1830); 'Copy of a Minute by the Governor-General [Bentinck], dated 14 September 1831', Papers Relating to the Constitution of the Indian Governments Prior to 1833 Members of the Civil Finance Committee submit their thoughts on Reorganisation of the Government of India (1830); 'Extract from the Evidence given by James Mill, Esq before the Committee on East India Affairs, on the 21st February 1832', Papers Relating to the Constitution of the Indian Governments Prior to 1833. Members of the Civil Finance Committee submit their thoughts on Reorganisation of the Government of India (1830); 'At a Secret Committee of Correspondence, the 20th October 1830', Papers Respecting the Negotiation with His Majesty's Ministers on the Subject of the East India Company's Charter, for a Further Term after 22 April 1834 (1833); 'Letter from the Chairman and Deputy Chairman to the Right Honourable Charles Grant, 27th February 1833', Papers Respecting the Negotiation with His Majesty's Ministers on the Subject of the East India Company's Charter, for a Further Term after 22 April 1834 (1833); 'Copy of a Minute by Mr Bayley', dated 9 November 1830', Papers Respecting the Negotiation with His Majesty's Ministers on the Subject of the East India Company's Charter, for a Further Term after 22 April 1834 (1833);'Copy of a Minute by Governor-General [Bentinck], 14 September 1831', Papers Respecting the Negotiation with His Majesty's Ministers on the Subject of the East India Company's Charter, for a Further Term after 22 April 1834 (1833); 3&4 Will IV Cap LXXXV An Act for Effecting an Arrangement with the East India Company, and for the Better Government of His Majesty's Indian Territories, till the Thirieth Day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Four 28 August 1833 (1833); 'Letter from the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the East-India Company to the Right Honourable Lord Palmerston, K G, East-India House, December 31, 1857', Memo of the Improvements in the Administration of India during the Last Thirty Years (1858), Report of Debates at the East-India House, relative to the Proposed Change in the Government of India, January 15, 20, 27, & 28, 1858 (1858); 'Proclamation by the Queen in Council, to the Princes, Chiefs, and People of India', Calcutta Gazette (1858); 'Bill for Consolidating the Acts of Parliament Relating to India (1873)', Arthur Hobhouse, A Collection of Certain Notes and Minutes by Sir Arthur Hobhouse, 1872-77; 'The Suppression of Riots (10th November, 1874)', Arthur Hobhouse, A Collection of Certain Notes and Minutes by Sir Arthur Hobhouse, 1872-77; 'The Suppression of Riots', Arthur Hobhouse, A Collection of Certain Notes and Minutes by Sir Arthur Hobhouse, 1872-77; 'The Vernacular Press (10th August, 1876)', Arthur Hobhouse, A Collection of Certain Notes and Minutes by Sir Arthur Hobhouse, 1872-77; George Toynbee, 'Municipal Affairs', A Sketch of the Administration of the Hooghly District from 1795 to 1845: with some account of the Early English, Portuguese, Dutch, French and Danish Settlements (1888); George Toynbee, 'The Criminal Administration', A Sketch of the Administration of the Hooghly District from 1795 to 1845: with some account of the Early English, Portuguese, Dutch, French and Danish Settlements (1888) Volume 6: The Public Realm AD 1793 Regulation XXXIII, 1793 A Regulation for Re-enacting with Modifications, the Rules passed on the 11th February, and 21st October 1791, for Repairing the Embankments Kept in Repair at the Public Expence, and for Encouraging the Digging of Tanks or Reservoirs, and Watercourses, and Making Embankments (1793); Richard Colley Wellesley, 'Minute of the Governor-General on the Improvement of Calcutta', 16 June 1803, The Despatches, Minutes and Correspondence of the Marquess Wellesley during his Administration in India, (1836-7); 'Committee for Improving the Town of Calcutta To His Excellency the Most Noble Richard, Marquis Wellesley, K P', 30 July 1804, Appendix I to Second Report of Committee upon the Fever Hospital and Municipal Improvements: Containing Correspondence Respecting the Warping and Draining of the Salt Water Lake and the Unhealthiness of the Environs of Calcutta (1848); John Shoolbred, 'Report on the State and Progress of Vaccine Inoculation in Bengal, During the Year 1804', Report on the Progress of Vaccine Inoculation in Bengal, from ... its Introduction in November, 1802, to the end of ... 1803, with an Appendix (1805); Letter from Charles Paton, Officiating Secretary, Canal Committee, to Holt Mackenzie, Secretary to Government in the Territorial Department, 18 November 1824, Appendix I to Second Report of Committee upon the Fever Hospital and Municipal Improvements: Containing Correspondence Respecting the Warping and Draining of the Salt Water Lake and the Unhealthiness of the Environs of Calcutta (1848); Letter from J Master, Magistrate, to H Shakespear, Secretary to Government in the Judicial Department, 31 October 1828, Appendix I to Second Report of Committee upon the Fever Hospital and Municipal Improvements: Containing Correspondence Respecting the Warping and Draining of the Salt Water Lake and the Unhealthiness of the Environs of Calcutta (1848); Major Colvin, 'On the Restoration of the Ancient Canals in the Delhi Territory', Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (1833); James Ranald Martin, Notes on the Medical Topography of Calcutta (1837); H H Goodeve, 'A Sketch of the Progress of European Medicine in the East', Quarterly Journal of the Calcutta Medical and Physical Society (1837); Letter from Henry Wood to J C Melvill, 23 July 1842, Appendix I to Second Report of Committee upon the Fever Hospital and Municipal Improvements: Containing Correspondence Respecting the Warping and Draining of the Salt Water Lake and the Unhealthiness of the Environs of Calcutta (1848); 'Special Reports of Superintending Surgeons on the Subject of Vaccination, Called for by Medical Board's Circular of 14th October, 1841', Duncan Stewart, Report on Small-Pox in Calcutta, 1833-34, 1837-38, 1843-44, and Vaccination in Bengal, from 1827 to 1844 (1844); W E Morton, 'On Rajbuhas', Memoranda on Irrigation by Rajbuhas (1853); 'Analysis of the Progress Reports of the Public Works Department, for 1854-55', Selections from the Records of the Government of India (1872); 'Messrs Rendel's Report on the Drainage of Calcutta'; The Drainage of Calcutta (1859); Florence Nightingale, Observations on the Evidence Contained in the Stational Reports Submitted to her by the Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Army in India (1863); 'Notes by Dr J F Wise, Civil Surgeon of Dacca, on the Sanitary State of that Station', Annual Report of the Sanitary Commissioner of Bengal First Annual Report for 1868 (1868); 'Sketch of Sanitary Progress in the Bengal Presidency Previous to 1864', Memorandum on Measures Adopted for Sanitary Improvements in India up to the end of 1867; Together with Abstracts of the Sanitary Reports hitherto forwarded from Bengal, Madras, and Bombay (1868); 'The Operation of the Laisser-Faire Principle in Times of Scarcity', Calcutta Review (1868); 'Bengal', Papers Relating to Railway Communication in India (1868); Raja Degember Mitter, The Epidemic Fever in Bengal Reprinted from the Hindoo Patriot, 1872-73 (1873); Circular from E C Bayley, Secretary to the Government of India, to Local Governments and Administrators, 7 June 1870, 'Correspondence Regarding the Proposal for Forming, by a System of Local Taxation, the Funds Required for Relief Purposes on Occasions of Famine', Selections from the Records of the Government of India (1872); Letter from R Thompson, Officiating Secretary to the Government of Bengal, to A O Hume, Officiating Secretary to the Government of India, 2 February 1871, 'Correspondence Regarding the Proposal for Forming, by a System of Local Taxation, the Funds Required for Relief Purposes on Occasions of Famine', Selections from the Records of the Government of India (1872); Letter from D J McNeile, Officiating Secretary to the Board of Revenue, to the Officiating Under Secretary to the Government of Bengal, 5 July 1870, 'Correspondence Regarding the Proposal for Forming, by a System of Local Taxation, the Funds Required

Erscheint lt. Verlag 1.8.2006
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 5170 g
Themenwelt Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte Neuzeit (bis 1918)
Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Regional- / Ländergeschichte
ISBN-10 1-85196-815-6 / 1851968156
ISBN-13 978-1-85196-815-2 / 9781851968152
Zustand Neuware
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