Hunger and Famine in the Long Nineteenth Century -

Hunger and Famine in the Long Nineteenth Century

Gail Turley Houston (Herausgeber)

Buch | Hardcover
276 Seiten
Routledge (Verlag)
978-0-367-18753-8 (ISBN)
155,85 inkl. MwSt
This volume examines the sub-topics on the use of the metaphor of hunger to describe the condition of women as well as to a sub-topic on invisible poverty and hunger after Chartism failed. As Disraeli noted, there were still two Englands "fed by a different food."

Gail Turley Houston, Professor, British and Irish Literary Studies, University of New Mexico, USA

Volume 3: Malthusian Economics and the ‘capacity for evil’: The Poor, the Cotton Famine, and the Orissa Famine (1850-1870)



List of Abbreviations

General Introduction

Introduction Volume 3: Malthusian Economics and the ‘capacity for evil’: the Case Against Equipoise (1850-1870)

Part 1. Seeing the Poor, Seeing Poverty and the Case Against Equipoise

1. Isaac Buchanan, ‘The crisis of Sir Robert Peel’s mission’ (Glasgow: Greenrock Advertiser, 1850), p. 31.

2. Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin, The Decline of England, 2nd ed., London, 1850, pp. 16-17, 110, 124-5, 167-9, 223, 292, 294-6, 323, 325-7.

3. Charles Broady Mingay Syder, ‘Glorious News for a Starving Nation’, George W. M. Reynolds (ed) Reynold’s Political Instructor, Nos. 1-27, November 1849-May 1850, Westport, Connecticut Greenwood, 1970, p. 148.

4. Anon., ‘Who Lead the Millions?’, Northern Star, 22 March 1851. p. 171. Politics. Reform.--Finance.--Chartists, Etc., 1851 January-7 June. MS Radical Politics and the Working Man in England: Part Two: Set 48, Vol. 7

5. Anon., ‘American Anticipations of English Revolutions’, Northern Star and National Trades Journal, 12 April 1851 (from New York Weekly Herald), p. 204. Politics. Reform.--Finance.--Chartists. Etc. January-7June 1851. MS Radical Politics and the Working Man in England. Part Two, Set 48. Vol. 7.

6. T. J. Dickinson, ‘The Provisional Committee of the Manchester Trades Protection Society to the Trades of the United Kingdom’, Northern Star, 26 April 1851, p. 5.

7. Anon., ‘Irish Landlordism vs. Red Republicanism’, Northern Star and National Trades Journal, 26 April 1851, p. 4.

8. Anon., ‘Meeting of Spitalfields Weavers. Free Trade’, Northern Star, 28 June 1851, p. 7. Trades. Strikes. 1851, January-1852, January. MS Radical Politics and the Working Man in England: Part Two: Set 58, Vol. 2.

9. C. Edwards Lester, ‘Starvation Anthem for the Royal Christening’, in The Glory and the Shame of England, vol. I, New York: Bartram & Lester, 1866, 2 volumes, vol. 1, p. 240.
10. Charles Edwards Lester, The Glory and Shame of England, Vol I, New York: Bartram & Lester, 1866, 2 volumes, Volume 1, pp. 37-9, 151, 298-9.

11. Henry Charles Carey, Principles of Social Science, 3 vols, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1859; 1873, vol. 1, pp. 31, 470; vol. 2, p. 103.

Part 2. Seeing the Poor, Seeing Poverty

12. Joseph Barker, ‘Letter: Idleness and Improvidence’, The People: Their Rights and Liberties, Their Duties and Their Interests, series 1, Vol. 2, 1849-1850, Westport, CT: Greenwood Reprint, 1970, pp. 323-4.

13. Samuel Couling. Our Labouring Classes: Their Intellectual, Moral, and Social Condition Considered, London: Partridge and Oakey, 1851, pp. 63-6.

14. Anon., ‘Not Over-Population, But Under-Education, the Cause of Destitution: Not More Emigration But More Education, And of Better Quality, the Remedy for Destitution’, London: Arthur Dyson, nd, pp. 2-12.

15. Anon., ‘Pauperism and Production’, Leader and Saturday Analyst, 3 (1852), p. 298.

16. Anon., ‘Charity Noxious and Benevolent’, Westminster Review, 59 (1853), pp. 64-5, 70-73, 75, 77-9, 81, 88.

17. Charles Dickens, ‘Houseless and Hungry’, Household Words, 13 (1856), pp. 122-3, 125-6.

18. Testimony from Rev. J. Doheny , 11 June 1858; and from William Sherman Crawford, 18 June 1858, Select Committee on Alleged Destitution in Gweedore and Cloughaneely District of Donegal, Report, Proceedings, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, Index, Hansard, HC, Volume 13, Images 87-8, 196-7.

19. Mrs. M. A. Denison, ‘Wages of Starvation’, Reynolds’s Miscellany and Art, 23 (1859), p. 278.

20. Anon, Want and Woe in London’, Leisure Hour: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation, 642 (1864), pp. 252-3.

21. J. P., ‘The Destitute: An East London Lyric in December, 1867’, Standard, 13 December 1867, p. 3

22. William Stanley Jevons, ‘Inaugural Address on the Work of the Society in connection with the Questions of the Day’ (10 November 1869), Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society, Session 1869-70, pp. 4, 7, 12, 13.

Part 3. The Cotton Famine: Seeing the Poor, Seeing Poverty

23. Anon., ‘Dean Close and Cotton Famine’, Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art, 14 (1862), pp. 186-7.

24. Anon., ‘What Has Lancashire Done for Lancashire?’, Examiner, 2860 (1862), p. 738.

25. Anon., ‘The Lancashire Crisis--Men, Masters, and Cotton’, Dublin University Magazine, 30 (1862), pp. 744-8, 752, 760-62.

26. John Hollingshead, ‘The Cotton Famine’, Good Words, 3, (1862), pp. 593-5.

27. Anon., ‘The Distress in Lancashire, and Present Modes of Relief’, Macmillan’s Magazine, 7 (1862), pp. 153-6,159.

28. J. R. Stephens, ‘The Unemployed Operatives of Lancashire and the Lancashire Relief Committees Great Public Meeting at Stalybridge, Feb. 2, 1863’, Oldham: A. Morris, 1863, pp. 1-2, 5-11, 13-14.

29. Anon., ‘The History of the Cotton Famine, from the Fall of Sumter to the Passing of the Public Works Act’, Atheneum, 1920 (1864), pp. 202-4.

30. William Torrens McCullagh Torrens, Lancashire’s Lesson; or, the Need of a Settled Policy in Times of Exceptional Distress, London: Trübner, 1864, pp. 1-10, 13-15, 28-31, 33, 36-7, 44-5, 50, 67, 84-5, 114-15, 132-3.

31. R. A. Arnold, The History of the Cotton Famine: From the Fall of Sumter to the Passing of the Public Works Act, London: Saunders, Otley 1864, pp. 1-3, 7-8, 25-6, 44, 47-8, 63, 95, 109, 133, 160, 162, 272, 309, 350, 549-50

32. John Watts, The Facts of the Cotton Famine, London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1866, pp. 114-115, 117-120, 130-1, 158, 230-2.

33. Anon., ‘The Cotton Famine Fund’, People’s Messenger, August 1894, p. 7.

34. Anon., ‘Bread Supply in Time of War’, CAB 37/60, 1902, No. 29, pp. 1, 10, 13.

35. J. Cornelius Wheeler, ‘The British Navy’, The British Empire Series, Vol. 5, London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1902, pp. 169-72.

Part 4. Seeing Famine: The State Response to the Orissa Famine

36. R. B. Chapman, Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Lower Provinces, (Land Revenue,--Miscellaneous.--No.373A) (25 November 1865), Board to Government, Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Images 706-09.

37. Mr. Westland, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Memo, (19 March 1866) Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, no. 326, Image 305 of George Campbell, et al., ‘Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Famine in Bengal and Orissa in 1866’, Images 213-332.

38. Mr. Grey, Service Message, no. 2, to Lieutenant Governor (14 May 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 18.

39. H. W. I. Wood, Bengal Chamber of Commerce, Message to the Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department, Simla, no. 7 (16 May 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 19.

40. E. C. Bayley, Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department, no. 8, to the Secretary to the Government of Bengal (Beadon), (23 May 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 19.

41. H. W. I. Wood, Secretary, Bengal Chamber of Commerce, Message, no. 14, to Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department (30 May 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 21.

42. Chamber of Commerce, Message, no. 15, to Secretary to the Government of India (8 June 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 21.

43. G. N. Barlow, Magistrate of Pooree, Message to the Commissioner of Cuttack, (No. 262), (8 June 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 59.

44. Mr. Grey, Service Message, no. 16, to Lieutenant Governor (9 June 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 21.

45. Lieutenant Governor, Service Message, no. 22, to Mr. Grey (10 June 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 22.

46. A. Eden, Secretary to the Government of Bengal, to R. B. Chapman, Secretary to Board of Revenue, Home Department.--No. 2186 (20 June 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 41.

47. A. Eden, Secretary Government of Bengal, Memo. To the Secretary of the Board of Revenue, Revenue.--No.1933 (26 June 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 46.

48. Viscount Cranborne, India Office, Letter to the Governor General of India in Council, Public—No. 85 (9 October 1866), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Images 68-70.

Part 5. Seeing Famine: Parliamentary Investigation of the Orissa Famine

49. The Home Department’s Directions to MP Stafford H. Northcote, Secretary of State for India, House of Parliament Commission Investigating Famine in Orissa, Home Department.--Public.--No. 71 (22 April 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Images 210-12, 127.

50. No. 54.--Noor Mahomed and 22 others, Petitioners, examined at Cuttack (7 January 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 469.

51. Lieutenant Governor, Cecil Beadon, Minute (8 January 1867), to Commissioners of House of Parliament, Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Images 151-2.

52. No. 61--Baboo Sreemunt Mohapatur, Zemindar. examined at Cuttack (9 January 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 474.

53. No. 62--Chowdhry Pekladhan Mohapatter, examined at Cuttack (10 January 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Images 475,

54. No. 64--Baboo Rungolall Bannerjee, Deputy Collector. examined at Cuttack (10 January 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 475.

55. Baboo Rughoo Nath Santara Mohapatter, Zemindar. Examined at Cuttack (10 January 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Image 476.

56. No. 69--Baboo Hem Chunder Kur, Deputy Collector, examined at Cuttack (11 January 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, Images 477-80.

57. T. B. Lane, Secretary to the Board of Revenue, Lower Provinces, Memorandum to the Government of Bengal, No. 130 c. (8 February 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, 51, Images 188.

58. Home Department.--No. 4132., E. C. Bayley, Memorandum (22 April 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, Volume 51, Images 782-3.

59. Mr. A. Grote, Senior Member of the Board of Revenue, to the House of Commons Commission, Minute (6 May 1867) Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Images 630-31.

60 John Lawrence, et al., to MP Stafford H. Northcote, Secretary of State for India, Correspondence, Home Department.--Public.--No. 85 (14 May 1867), Papers and Correspondence Relative to the Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Volume 51, Images 620-1.

Part 6. Seeing Famine: Members of Parliament Responses to the Orissa Famine, Commons Sitting, 2 August 1867

61. MP Henry Danby Seymour, Speech, Commons Sitting, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, cols. 773-85 (2 August 1867).

62. MP Alexander Smollett, Speech’. Commons Sitting, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, cols. 785-88 (2 August 1867).

63. MP Mr. Bruce, Speech, Commons Sitting, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, cols. 788-94 (2 August 1867).

64. MP Lord William Hay, Speech, Commons Sitting, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, Images, cols. 794-7 (2 August 1867).

65. MP Mr. James Fergusson, Speech, Commons Sitting, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, cols. 799-800 (2 August 1867).

66. MP Mr. Stansfeld, Speech, Commons Sitting, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, cols. 801-8 (2 August 1867).

67. MP Viscount Cranborne, Speech, Commons Sitting, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, cols. 808-14 (2 August 1867).

68. MP Stafford H. Northcote, Speech, Commons Sitting, Hansard, HC © British Library Board, Volume 51, cols. 817-18 (2 August 1867).

Part 7. Seeing Famine: The Media Response to the Orissa Famine

69. Anon., ‘Indian Famines and Their Remedies’, Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art, 11 (1851), p. 522.

70. ‘Poor S. from Cuttack’, Letter to the Editor, Englishman, 25 April 1866, p. 9; repr. Papers and Correspondence relative to the famine in Bengal and Orissa, including the report of the Famine Commission and the minutes of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India, Hansard, HC, Image 17.

71. Anon., ‘The Bombay Mail’, Morning Post, 4 September 1866, p. 6.

72. Anon., ‘The Famine in Bengal’, Illustrated London News, 49 (1866), pp. 245-6.

73. Anon., ‘The Overland Mail: India’, Morning Post, 15 October 1866, p. 6.

74. An Old Indian’, ‘Famine-Stricken’, Argosy: A Magazine, of Tales, Travels, Essays, and Poems, 2 (1866), pp. 469-71, 475-7.

75. Anon., ‘Review: Three Unpublished Tours Through Famine-Stricken Districts in India in 1866 and other publications’, North British Review (1867), pp. 248, 252, 255-6, 258-9, 269, 272-6.

76. Anon., ‘Indian and Irish Famines’, Examiner, 3104 (1867), p. 467.

77. Anon., ‘The Famine in Orissa’, Fraser’s Magazine for Town and Country, 76 (1867), pp. 373, 375-82.

78. Monitor, ‘The Truth About the Orissa Famine To the Editor of the "Asiatic"’, in ‘A Hindu’, ‘The Grievances of India’, Dark Blue, 3, May 1872, p. 327.

79. Edward B. Eastwick, ‘Lord Lawrence’, Gentleman’s Magazine, 254 (1883), pp. 527-8.

80. A. Elley Finch, ‘The Famine in India: A Malthusian Object Lesson’, Malthusiana: Illustrations of Nature’s Law of the Increase of Human Life, Discovered and Verified by Malthus, London: G. Standring, 1904, pp. 68-72.


Reihe/Serie Routledge Historical Resources
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 453 g
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Regional- / Ländergeschichte
Geschichte Teilgebiete der Geschichte Kulturgeschichte
Geschichte Teilgebiete der Geschichte Religionsgeschichte
ISBN-10 0-367-18753-1 / 0367187531
ISBN-13 978-0-367-18753-8 / 9780367187538
Zustand Neuware
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