Chapter Two
Three Very Important Words
As I contemplated the content of this chapter there were three words which stood out to me. These three words are knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Solomon used these words in Proverbs chapter 4. However, he never explained these words. Yet they are very important in the development of an understanding heart. I am talking about more than the use of the words. It is the very distinct difference in the meaning of the words which will be helpful to us. We will take a few minutes to look at them. I will also illustrate for you the reason I believe they are so important.
To help clarify the significance of these three words I will describe them in terms of the way they function most of the time. Functionality is the real issue.
Knowledge has to do with facts.
An easy way to think about this is to consider knowledge as having to do mostly with addressing what has happened. Or it could be what is known in a given situation. Of course, knowledge is also comprised of who is involved and perhaps when things occurred. To simplify matters we will only concern ourselves with the issue of facts which deal with what, to distinguish this word from the other two words.
Wisdom has more to do with how things happen. Wisdom is often thought of as the skill necessary to say or to do the right thing in the right way. Consider this.
In dealing with a particular matter I may know what needs to be said or done. I have the facts. However, I can create real problems with only the facts. If I do not have the wisdom necessary to say and do the right things I can cause chaos. My lack of skill can greatly outweigh my knowledge of the facts resulting in a terrible outcome.
Understanding encompasses the reason behind the things which happen in our lives. It is understanding which helps us to grasp the great and often mysterious why things occur. We have all been troubled and baffled because we did not understand why things happened. Why did a person die so young? Why did a person we wanted to be close to, not like us? Why was a terrible crime committed? Why doesn’t God wipe out all the evil in the earth?
We may have the knowledge and may have a very good grasp of the facts. The details may be precisely known. With considerable wisdom we may have shared with others our opinions. Our skill helped them survive a horrible tragedy. Many years of ministry have placed me in such a position on numerous occasions. The most difficult challenge of all is explaining why. So many times, we are unable to express the reason. We simply do not have this depth of understanding.
I find the Hebrew meaning for each of these three words to be very helpful.
The Hebrew word for know1 in Proverbs 4:1 means to acquire knowledge or to perceive. There are many ways to gather this knowledge. It is an accumulation of facts and other types of information, such as impressions. The Hebrew word for wisdom2 used in these Scriptures is defined as skill and shrewdness. We can accurately say wisdom has much to do with how to use knowledge. The Hebrew word for understanding3 means discernment. From this definition of the Hebrew word for understanding I concluded understanding helps us to grasp why things happen. The right understanding can explain the reason things happen the way they do. This understanding can also help us when we must explain difficult things to other people. I would also surmise from the Hebrew meaning of the word understanding it includes discerning when and how to use this skill regarding the knowledge I have acquired.
These three words are often used in such an intertwined manner in the English language one could get the impression they can be used interchangeably. This is not correct. It creates confusion.
I will now take the meaning I have assigned to these three words and use a well-known story from the book of Acts to enhance our understanding.
The story begins in Acts chapter 3 when Peter and John healed a lame man at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple. It is hard for us to grasp; but these men were arrested for what they had done. We will pick up the story in chapter 4 of the book of Acts where we find these words.
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
The religious people knew Jesus performed miracles. They had this much knowledge about Jesus. They also knew Peter and John had brought healing (a miracle) to this lame man. They had this much knowledge about them.
These religious leaders knew Peter and John had been with Jesus for several years. They had this knowledge. But knowledge is all they had. Knowledge alone is not enough.
These religious people knew what had happened. They did not know how it happened. And they did not seem to grasp why. There was a root cause for this lack of understanding in what had happened to the lame man. It is the fact they had absolutely no understanding of what Jesus had done in his death and resurrection. Their hearts were so hardened they did not understand why Jesus would care for a person this much. They had knowledge but were completely void of understanding.
The religious people had the what about the lame man. He was lame. He had never been able to walk. The man was born with this infirmity. But after the actions of Peter and John he could now walk. They were well informed of the facts. But they did not even care to know how this great miracle occurred. It had changed this man’s life and they did not care!
The religious leaders did not know how Jesus did the wonderful things He accomplished in His ministry. They even went so far as to accuse Him of using demonic power. This tells us how void of understanding they really were. I am amazed every time I think about the attitude of these religious leaders. It defies common sense.
They did not know how Peter and John were able to perform this miracle. They did not want to know. Common sense would seem to dictate a basic level of curiosity. However, their minds were so blinded to the truth they could not bring themselves to ask the basic questions most humans would ask. Envy and hatred tend to make people blind.
More importantly they had no grasp and no interest in why this was possible. They did not care why this happened to the lame man. Such a huge void of compassion and caring for a man who had suffered so much is difficult to grasp. It simply reveals to us how much the Devil had infiltrated their thinking.
They were completely void of understanding!
At one of my meetings in the state of Alabama a young lady from Russia got in the prayer line one night when I was praying for the sick. I took her by the hands and she immediately fell to the floor when I touched her. She got up and I took her hands in mine once again. Down she went and fell on the floor again.
I asked her if she was born-again. The young lady said no. I touched her hands again and once more she fell on the floor. There was no struggle or violent action from her. There was no indication of demonic activity. She could not stand when the anointing of God touched her body.
I asked the girl if she would like to be born-again and she said no. Once more I took her by the hands and once again, she fell to the floor. This happened to her five different times.
The young lady did not understand what was happening to her or why it was happening. Much to my surprise she never asked me to explain. I am describing to you an event which took about 10 minutes. She never asked a single question.
The Spirit of God was really touching this young lady. Her eyes were big and wide. She had no idea what was going on. I gave her clear and easy to understand instructions regarding what she needed to do to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. I told her how to be saved. I taught her wisdom. But she refused to act on what I had shared with her.
I am convinced the young lady’s refusal to act was not due to a lack of understanding. I made the why aspect of my discussion with her very clear. I even went so far as to tell her in front of the entire Church she was on her way to Hell if she did not give her heart to Jesus. She still refused.
At this point in the encounter I did not understand her lack of desire to give her heart to the Lord. The service ended and a lady, who knew the girl very well came and spoke to me. She told me what this girl’s parents had said to her before she came to the United States. Her parents told her to never come back home to Russia if she became a Christian. Now I understood why she would not pray the sinner’s prayer. The young lady was struggling with something I knew nothing about. It is often true an...