Healing through Deliverance - Peter Horrobin

Healing through Deliverance

The Foundation and Practice of Deliverance Ministry


Buch | Softcover
584 Seiten
2021 | 3rd Combined volume
Sovereign World Ltd (Verlag)
978-1-85240-866-4 (ISBN)
33,65 inkl. MwSt
Peter Horrobin draws on his extensive experience to set out a thorough, comprehensive and scriptural foundation for the healing and deliverance ministry-an integral part of fulfilling the Great Commission and a vital key to discipleship.
Peter Horrobin has more than thirty years experience teaching about healing and ministering to those in need. In this comprehensive, practical and ground-breaking volume, he draws on this experience to set out a thorough scriptural foundation for the healing and deliverance ministry-an integral part of fulfilling the Great Commission and a vital key to discipleship.

He lays out the biblical basis for healing through deliverance; provides safe guidelines and practical tools for building a healing and deliverance ministry; helps people identify possible demonic entry points; and teaches how we can become affected by demonic power and how we can be delivered and healed. In the final section of the book Peter turns his focus to the cleansing of land and buildings.
This authoritative handbook will equip you to understand and respond to the call of God to set the captives free.

Peter Horrobin is the Founder and International Director of Ellel Ministries International, which began in 1986 as a ministry of healing in the north-west of England. The work is now established in over thirty-five different countries. After graduating from Oxford University with a degree in Chemistry, he spent a number of years in College and University lecturing, before leaving the academic environment for the world of business, where he founded a series of successful publishing and bookselling companies. In his twenties he started to restore a vintage sports car (an Alvis Speed 20) but discovered that its chassis was bent. As he looked at the broken vehicle, wondering if it could ever be repaired, he sensed God asking him a question, "You could restore this broken car, but I can restore broken lives. Which is more important?" It was obvious that broken lives were more important than broken cars and so the beginnings of a vision for restoring people was birthed in his heart. A hallmark of Peter's ministry has been his willingness to step out in faith and see God move to fulfil His promises, often in remarkable ways. His latest book, Strands of Destiny, is full of the stories of what God has done in the past thirty years. Peter Horrobin is the Founder and International Director of Ellel Ministries International, which began in 1986 as a ministry of healing in the north-west of England. The work is now established in over thirty-five different countries, providing teaching, training and personal ministry opportunities. (www.ellel.org) After graduating from Oxford University with a degree in Chemistry, Peter spent a number of years lecturing in College and University, before leaving the academic environment for the world of business. Here he founded a series of successful publishing and bookselling companies. In his twenties he started to restore a vintage sports car (an Alvis Speed 20) but discovered that its chassis was bent. As he looked at the broken vehicle, wondering if it could ever be repaired, he sensed God asking him a question, "You could restore this broken car, but I can restore broken lives. Which is more important?" It was obvious that broken lives were more important than broken cars and so the beginnings of a vision for healing and restoration was birthed in his heart. A hallmark of Peter's ministry has been his willingness to step out in faith and see God move to fulfil His promises, often in remarkable ways. His book, Strands of Destiny, tells many of the amazing stories of what God has done in the past thirty years. Peter has written many books including The Complete Catalogue of British Cars. And for the past thirty-five years he has been the editor of Mission Praise, one of the largest-selling hymn and song books in the UK and originally compiled for the visit of Billy Graham in 1984. In this season of their lives, Peter, and his wife Fiona are concentrating on writing so that all their knowledge and experience can be made permanently available in book form through Sovereign World Ltd and other publishers around the world. His book Healing Through Deliverance is now a Christian classic.

Author's Prologue


Chapter 1 Healing in the Church Today

1.1 Physical Sickness
1.2 Emotional and Mental Health
1.3 Christian Healing
1.4 Healing and Discipleship
1.5 Summary

Chapter 2 Introduction to Deliverance Ministry

2.1 Deliverance Ministry in the History of the Church
2.2 Reactions in the Church Today
2.3 The Gospel of Hope
2.4 Overview of the Book
2.5 A Final Word

Chapter 3 Healing, Deliverance and God's Covenants

Chapter 4 Mankind-God's Special Creation
4.1 God Is Spirit
4.2 The Trinity-of God and Man
4.3 The Spirit
4.4The Flesh-Soul and Body
4.4.1The Body
4.4.2The Soul
4.4.3The Mind
4.4.4The Emotions
4.4.5The Will
4.5In Conclusion

Chapter 5 The Realm of Angels
5.1 Michael and the Warrior Angels
5.2Gabriel and the Messenger Angels
5.3 Ministering Angels
5.4 The Job Functions of Angels
5.5 In Conclusion

Chapter 6 Satan and His Kingdom
6.1The Origin of Satan
6.2The Character of Satan
6.3Satan's Objectives
6.4Satan's Kingdom
6.5In Conclusion

Chapter 7 The Fall and God's Rescue Plan
7.1 Rebellion and the Fall
7.2 The Nature of the Fall
7.3 The Consequences of Sin
7.4 The Beginnings of Demonization
7.5 Consequences for Mankind
7.6 God's Rescue Plan
7.7 The Way In
7.8 In Conclusion

Chapter 8 Demonization and Worship

Chapter 9 The Character and Work of Evil Spirits
9.1 The Powers of Darkness
9.2 Fallen Angels
9.3 Demons and Evil Spirits
9.4 The Characteristics of Demons
9.5 Demons Are Alive!
9.6 Demons Are Disembodied
9.7 They Are Able to Speak
9.8 They Have Job Functions
9.9 They Know Their End
9.10 They Can Have Supernatural Strength
9.11 They Are Well Organized and Are Under Higher Authority
9.12 Demons Are Legalistic
9.13 Some Demons Have Animalistic Character
9.14 They Work Together in Families
9.15 They Will Try to Remain Hidden
9.16 They Have to Bow to Jesus' Name
9.17 In Conclusion

Chapter 10 The Direct Encounters of Jesus with Satan
10.1 The Baptism of Jesus
10.2 The Temptations in the Wilderness
10.3 The First Temptation
10.4 The Second Temptation
10.5 The Third Temptation
10.6 Satan in Simon Peter
10.7 The Transfiguration
10.8 At the Crucifixion
10.9 Satan in Judas Iscariot
10.10 In Conclusion

Chapter 11 Encounters with the Demonic in the Gospels
11.1 In Nazareth
11.2 At Capernaum
11.3 At Simon's House and After
11.4 Jesus Encounters a Dumb Man
11.5 The Blind and Dumb Demoniac
11.6 The Epileptic Boy
11.7 The Women and Mary Magdalene
11.8 The Storm on the Lake
11.9 The Gadarene Demoniac
11.9.1 The Significance of the Graveyards
11.9.2 Supernatural Strength
11.9.3 Cutting and Screaming
11.9.4 Nakedness
11.9.5 The Actual Confrontation with Jesus
11.9.6 Opposition to Deliverance Ministry
11.9.7 Talking to Demons
11.9.8 The Heavily Demonized
11.10 The Syro-Phoenician Woman's Daughter
11.10.1 Proxy Deliverance
11.10.2 Ministering Deliverance outside Israel
11.10.3 Bread for the Jews
11.10.4 The Blessings of Persistence
11.11 The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity
11.11.1 Believers Can Be Demonized!
11.12 Other References to Deliverance Ministry in the Gospels
11.13 In Conclusion

Chapter 12 Encounters with the Demonic in the Acts of the Apostles
12.1 Ananias and Sapphira
12.2 With Philip in Samaria
12.3 The Magician Elymas
12.4 Snakes at Philippi
12.5 At Ephesus and the Sons of Sceva
12.6 In Conclusion

Chapter 13 The Teachings of Jesus on Aspects of Deliverance
13.1 The Beelzebul Syndrome
13.1.1 The Jewish Exorcists
13.1.2 Can Demons Cast Out Demons?
13.2 First Bind the Strong Man
13.3 To Gather or Not to Gather-That Is the Question!
13.4 Sin against the Holy Spirit
13.5 Seven Spirits More Evil Than the First
13.6 Your Father the Devil!
13.7 The Great Commission
13.7.1 The Statement
13.7.2 The Commission
13.7.3 Baptism
13.7.4 Obedience
13.7.5 The Promise Jesus Gives
13.8 In Conclusion

Chapter 14 Some Important Teachings on the Demonic in the Epistles
14.1 The Corinthian Discourse
14.2 Gifts of the Spirit
14.3 The Foolish Galatians
14.4 Paul's Advice to the Ephesians-Don't Give the Devil a Chance!
14.5 The Teachings of Demons
14.6 In Conclusion

Chapter 15 Demonization of Christians
15.1 Can a Christian Be Possessed?
15.2 Can a Christian Have a Demon?
15.3 How Can an Evil Spirit and the Holy Spirit Dwell within the Same Person at the Same Time?
15.4 Scriptures Often Used to Question the Validity of Deliverance Ministry in Christians
15.5 In Conclusion


Chapter 16 Deliverance and Healing
16.1 A Balanced Healing Ministry
16.2 Early Beginnings
16.3 At Ellel Grange
16.4 Foundations for Deliverance Ministry

Chapter 17 Preparing the Ground-Foundational Teaching for Healing and Deliverance
17.1 Jesus Shares His Ministry with the Disciples
17.2 The Teaching of Jesus
17.3 Basic Principles
17.3.1 Who and What We Are before God
17.3.2 How We Can Be Sick
17.3.3The Need to Forgive Others
17.3.4Confession and Forgiveness of One's Own Sins
17.3.5Forgiveness of Oneself
17.3.617.3.6 "Forgiveness" of God
17.3.717.3.7 Acceptance of God as He Is
17.3.817.3.8 Allowing God to Accept Us
17.3.917.3.9 Accepting Oneself
17.3.1017.3.10 Accepting Others
17.3.1117.3.11 The Lordship of Jesus Christ
17.4In Conclusion

Chapter 18 Some Observable Symptoms of Possible Demonization
18.1 Addictions
18.2 Appetites Out of Balance
18.3 Behavior Extremes
18.4 Bitterness and Unforgiveness
18.5 Compulsive Behavior Patterns
18.6 Deceitful Personality and Behavior
18.7 Depression
18.8 Emotional Disturbance
18.9 Escapism
18.10 Fears and Phobias
18.11 Guilt and Self-condemnation
18.12 Hearing Voices
18.13 Hereditary Illnesses
18.14 Heretical Beliefs
18.15 Involvement in False Religions
18.16 Irrational Behavior
18.17 Lack of Mature Relationships
18.18 Legalism and Spiritual Bondage
18.19 Nightmares
18.20 Occultic Involvement
18.21 Out-of-control Tongue
18.22 Recurring or Long-term Sicknesses
18.23 Self-centeredness
18.24 Sexual Aberrations
18.25 Suicidal Tendencies
18.26 Undiagnosable Symptoms
18.27 Violent Tendencies
18.28 Withdrawn Antisocial Behavior
18.29 In Conclusion: A Note on Medical Practice

Chapter 19 How Demons Enter
19.1 The Generation Line
19.1.1 The Principle of Covering
19.2 Personal Sin
19.3 Occult Sin
19.4 Some Alternative Medical Practices
19.5 Religious Sin
19.5.1 Religious Practices
19.5.2 Denominationalism
19.5.3 Heretical Beliefs
19.5.4 Wrong Attitude to the Scriptures
19.5.5 Abuse of the Gifts of the Spirit
19.5.6 Universalism
19.5.7 False Religions
19.6 Ungodly Soul Ties
19.6.1In Family Life
19.6.2Abuse of Free Will
19.6.3Potentially Dangerous Relationships
19.7Sexual Sin
19.7.1 Generational Sexual Sin
19.7.2 Sexual Abuse
19.7.3 Dominating Soul Ties
19.7.4 Premarital Intercourse and Trial Marriages
19.7.5 Oral and Anal Sex
19.7.6 Homosexuality and Lesbianism
19.7.7 Fantasy and Pornography
19.7.8 Bestiality
19.7.9Transvestism and Transsexuality
19.7.10 Sexual Abuse
19.7.11 Summary
19.8 Hurts, Abuse and Rejection
19.8.1 At Conception
19.8.2 Single Parenting and Unwanted Pregnancies
19.8.3 Rejection of Sexuality
19.8.4 Sexual Abuse
19.8.5 Physical Abuse
19.8.6 Emotional and Psychological Abuse
19.8.7 Separation and Divorce
19.9 Through Trauma or Accident
19.9.1 Major Illness
19.9.2 Unemployment
19.9.3 Accidents
19.9.4 Abuse
19.10 Death (Including Miscarriages and Abortions)
19.10.1 The Transition of Death
19.10.2Related Issues 420
19.11 Curses (Including Inner Vows and Pronouncements, Wrongful Praying, etc.)
19.11.1 God's Curse
19.11.2 Satan's Curses
19.11.3 Deliberate Curses Placed by Men
19.11.4 Nondeliberate Curses
19.11.5Self-cursing and Inner Vows
19.12Cursed Objects and Buildings
19.14Fears and Phobias
19.15 Fatigue and Tiredness
19.16 In Conclusion
19.17 For Caution and Encouragement

Chapter 20 Preparing a Person for Healing through Deliverance
20.1 Introduction
20.2 The Ministry Team
20.2.1 This Is What Jesus Told the Disciples to Do
20.2.2 There Is the Power of Agreement in Prayer.
20.2.3 Two Counselors Provide Protection for Each Other and Security for the Person Being Prayed For
20.3 Getting Started
20.4 Whose Agenda?
20.5 Note Any Symptoms That Are Possible Consequences of Demonization
20.6 Investigate False Beliefs and Occult Involvements
20.7 Check Out the Generation Lines
20.8 Explore the Sexual History
20.9 Look for Signs of Rejection
20.10 Investigate Other Ungodly Soul Ties
20.11 Find Out about Accidents and Traumas
20.12 In Conclusion

Chapter 21 Foundational Prayers

Chapter 22 The Ministry of Deliverance
22.1 Some Possible Demonic Manifestations
22.2 Exit Routes of Demons
22.3 Post-deliverance Care

Chapter 23 Why Some People Are Not Delivered

Chapter 24 Advice to the Delivered
24.1 Ten Major Keys to Staying Free
24.1.1 The Lordship of Jesus Must Be Central in Your Life
24.1.2 Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit
24.1.3 Read the Word of God Daily and Allow It to Minister to You
24.1.4 Wear the Armor of God at All Times.
24.1.5 Be on Guard against the Enemy's Counterattacks
24.1.6 Be in Good Fellowship with Others
24.1.7 Allow the Holy Spirit to Produce the Fruit of the Spirit in Your Life
24.1.8 Walk Continuously in Forgiveness.
24.1.9 Praise God in All Circumstances
24.1.10 Keep the Right Company


Chapter 25 Cleansing of Land, Buildings and Organizations
25.1 How Land Became Cursed
25.2 Further Consequences of Sin on Land and Buildings
25.3 Hezekiah's Cleansing of the Temple
25.4 Experiences of Cleansing Land and Buildings Today
25.5 The Practice of the Ministry
25.6 The Cleansing Process
25.7 Cleansing Organizations
25.8 In Conclusion


Chapter 26 Postscript
26.1 In Conclusion
26.2 Further Training
26.3 International Training Schools (at Ellel Pierrepont and Ellel Grange)
26.4 Specialist Schools (at Ellel Scotland)
26.5 Ellel Ministries Centers

Appendix 1 Qualities of a Christian Counselor
Appendix 2 Magic, the Occult and the Bible
Appendix 3 Glossary of Occult Terms
Appendix 4 Alternative Medical Practices
Appendix 5 Glossary of Other Religions

About the Author

Verlagsort Kent
Sprache englisch
Maße 152 x 229 mm
Gewicht 773 g
Themenwelt Religion / Theologie Christentum Moraltheologie / Sozialethik
ISBN-10 1-85240-866-9 / 1852408669
ISBN-13 978-1-85240-866-4 / 9781852408664
Zustand Neuware
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