The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences - Annamaria Di Fabio, Donald H. Saklofske, Con Stough

The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences

Buch | Hardcover
2576 Seiten
2020 | 4 Volumes
John Wiley & Sons Inc (Verlag)
978-1-118-97074-4 (ISBN)
725,46 inkl. MwSt
The »Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences« (EPID) is organized into four volumes that look at the many likenesses and differences between individuals. Each of these four volumes focuses on a major content area in the study of personality psychology and individuals’ differences.

The first volume, Models and Theories, surveys the significant classic and contemporary viewpoints, perspectives, models, and theoretical approaches to the study of personality and individuals’ differences (PID). The second volume on Measurement and Assessment examines key classic and modern methods and techniques of assessment in the study of PID. Volume III, titled Personality Processes and Individuals Differences, covers the important traditional and current dimensions, constructs, and traits in the study of PID. The final volume discusses three major categories: clinical contributions, applied research, and cross-cultural considerations, and touches on topics such as culture and identity, multicultural identities, cross-cultural examinations of trait structures and personality processes, and more.

  • Each volume contains approximately 100 entries on personality and individual differences written by a diverse international panel of leading psychologists
  • Covers significant classic and contemporary personality psychology models and theories, measurement and assessment techniques, personality processes and individuals differences, and research
  • Provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the field of personality psychology

The »Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences« is an important resource for all psychology students and professionals engaging in the study and research of personality.

BERNARDO J. CARDUCCI, PHD, was professor of psychology at Indiana University Southeast where he taught classes on personality psychology and introductory psychology for 37 years, and was director of the IU Southeast Shyness Research Institute. He authored several books on shyness, including The Pocket Guide to Making Successful Small Talk: How to Talk to Anyone Anytime Anywhere About Anything and Shyness: A Bold New Approach. His text, Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications, is currently in its third edition.

CHRISTOPHER S. NAVE, PHD, is the Managing Director of the interdisciplinary Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences program at the University of Pennsylvania. His areas of expertise include multi-method design, behavioral observation, personality stability, personality judgment and well-being. His publications have appeared in top academic journals and handbooks and have been featured in the popular press.

Volume 1

Contributor Biographies ix

Gordon Allport 1

Roy F. Baumeister 11

Jack Block 17

David M. Buss 21

Paul T. Costa Jr. 25

Robert McCrae 29

Ed Diener 35

Erik H. Erikson 45

Hans J. Eysenck 51

David Funder 57

Lewis R. Goldberg 63

Karen Horney 67

Carl Jung 73

Abraham H. Maslow 79

Dan McAdams 83

Walter Mischel 89

Carl Rogers 95

George Kelly 101

Agreeableness 105

Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler 111

Animal Personalities 117

Conscientiousness 123

Cognitive-Affective Processing System (CAPS) 129

Cattell Trait Theory Lexical Analysis 135

Interpersonal Circumplex 141

Psychodynamic Perspective of Defense Mechanisms 147

Delay of Gratification 153

Extraversion - Introversion 159

Ego Control/Ego Resiliency Theory (ARCH) 165

Emotional Intelligence 173

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development 179

Evolutionary Theory of Personality 185

Psychoticism 199

Five Factor Model, Facets of 203

Gender Differences in Personality, Evolutionary Perspective on 209

Contemporary Theories of Gender Identity 215

Gene-environment Interaction 221

Goldberg vs Costa/McCrae Five Factors 225

Grit 231

Hedonic Adaptation 237

Heritability 243

HEXACO Model of Personality 249

Independent/Interdependent Self 257

Personal Construct Theory of George A. Kelly 263

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 269

Meaning in Life 275

Neuroticism 281

Narrative Approach 287

Openness 293

Optimism/Pessimism Carver and Scheier Theory 299

Personal Projects 305

Personality and Language 311

Personality Stability and Change over Time 317

Personality in Culture 323

Personality Stability over Time 329

Priming 335

Realistic Accuracy Model 341

Rejection Sensitivity 351

Resilience Theory of, Not Just the Trait Dimension 357

Schemas, Theory of 363

Self-Determination Theory 369

Self-efficacy Theory 375

Self-esteem, Theory of 381

Self-Monitoring, Theory of 387

Self-other Interjudge Agreement; Theory of Accuracy 393

Self-Presentation Theory/Impression Management 397

Social Learning Theory/Social Cognitive Theory 401

Terror Management Theory 407

Trait Theory of Allport 413

Whole Trait Theory 417

Index 423

Volume 2

Contributor Biographies xi

Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Personality Research: General Concerns and Considerations 1

Cross-Cultural Research, Methodological Issues of 13

Idiographic vs. Nomothetic Research 19

Longitudinal Research 25

Person-Situation Interactions 31

Researcher Biases 37

Unconscious Processes 43

Cognitive Methods in Personality Research 49

Experimental Approaches 55

Historiometry 61

Internet Research in Personality 67

Linguistic Analysis in Personality Research (including the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) 73

Personal Narratives 79

Personality Development Across the Lifespan 85

Personality in Non-Humans 91

Physical and Virtual Spaces 97

Psychobiography and Case Study Methods 103

Factor Analysis in Personality Research 109

Meta-analysis in Personality Research 113

Multiple Regression in Personality Research 119

Path Analysis in Personality Research 125

Size Effects in Personality Research 131

Structural Equation Modeling in Personality Research 137

Acculturation Considerations in Personality Assessment 143

Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) 149

Culture-Free/Fair Intelligence Testing 153

Item Analysis 159

Reliability, Issues of 165

Issues of Response Styles 169

Responsibilities of Testing Professionals 175

Rights of Test-takers 181

Validity, Issues of 187

Aggressiveness, Assessment of 191

Anger and Hostility, Assessment of 197

Anxiety, Assessment of 203

Jealousy, Assessment of 209

Love and Attraction, Assessment of 215

Masculinity and Femininity 219

Narcissism, Assessment of 225

Optimism/Pessimism, Assessment of 231

Positive and Negative Affective States, Assessment of 237

Self-Esteem, Assessment of 243

Self-monitoring (to include the Self-Monitoring Scale), Assessment of 249

Self-regulation, Assessment of 255

Self-consciousness, Assessment of 261

Subjective Well-being, Assessment of 267

California Psychological Inventory (CPI) 273

Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology (DAPP) 279

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised 283

Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) 287

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) 293

Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire 309

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 315

Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ) 321

Objective-Analytic Test Battery (OA TB) 325

Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) 329

Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) 335

Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ) 351

Projective Techniques, General Features and Methodological Issues 357

Assessing Implicit Motives 363

The Rorschach Test 367

Tell-Me-A-Story (TEMAS) 377

Thematic Apperception Test 381

Word-Related and Figure-Construction Projection Techniques 387

Behavioral Genetics, General Features and Methodological Issues 393

Biochemical Assessment 397

Human Genome Project and Personality 403

Model Fitting 409

Twin Studies in Personality Research 415

Behavioral Assessment Techniques, General Features and Methodological Issues 421

Behavioral Assessment Techniques of Personality in Children 427

Cognitive-Behavioral and Cognitive-Self-Report Assessment Techniques 433

Self-monitoring Behavioral Assessment Techniques 439

Assessment of Intelligence, General Features and Methodological Issues 447

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fifth Edition 451

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAISC-IV) 457

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) 465

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) 473

Intelligence-Personality Association, Assessment of 477

Abilities, General Features and Methodological Issues 483

Assessment of Antisocial Behavior 487

Career and Vocational Interests and Abilities, Assessment of 493

Cognitive Aging, Assessment of 499

Creativity, Assessment of 503

Educational Ability Testing (GRE/MAT/MCAT/LSAT) 509

Emotional Intelligence, Assessment of 513

Genius, Assessment of 519

Mental Competency, Assessment of 523

The Wechsler Memory Scales (WMS-IV) 529

Anne Anastasi 533

Jens B. Asendorpf 543

James N. Butcher 547

Charles S. Carver 553

Lee J. Cronbach 557

Turhan Canli 563

Philip J. Corr 569

John M. (Jack) Digman 573

John E. Exner, Jr. 577

Oliver P. John 581

Henry A. Murray 587

Jack A. Naglieri 597

Warren T. Norman 601

William Revelle 605

Michael F. Scheier 611

Mark Snyder 617

David Wechsler 621

Index 625

Volume 3

Contributor Biographies xi

Adaptability 1

Aggression, Personality Correlates 7

Altruism 13

Alexithymia 19

Androgyny, Expression of 25

Anger 31

Anxiety 37

Authoritarianism 43

Personality Correlates of Behavioral Inhibition/Activation 49

Big Five Model of Personality 55

Cognitive and Personality Correlates of Achievement 61

Compassion 67

Compulsive Personality 73

Coping 79

Core Self-Evaluation 83

Creativity 89

Culture and Personality 95

Dark Triad 101

Decisional Styles 107

Defense Mechanisms, Contemporary Perspectives 113

Depression 119

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed.: DSM-5 125

Empathy, Personality Correlates of 131

Emotional Competence 137

Entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship, Personality Correlates of 143

Evolutionary Theory and Personality Correlates of Mate Selection 149

Eysenck Giant Three 155

Extraversion, Personality Correlates of 161

Flow 167

Gender Differences in Aggression 173

Gender Differences in Perceived Traits of Men and Women 179

Gender Differences in Self-esteem and Self-confidence 185

Gender Differences in Subjective Well-Being 191

General Personality Factor 195

Genetic Basis of Personality 201

Gene-Environment Interaction 207

Genius, Personality Correlates of 211

Guilt 217

Health and Personality 221

Honesty 227

Hopelessness 231

Hostility, Personality Correlates of 237

Impulsivity 243

Intuition 249

Policy Researcher and Educator: Originally it was Independent Researcher and Policy Analyst 255

Judgments of Personality 261

Learned Helplessness 269

Life Satisfaction 275

Locus of Control, Personality Correlates of 281

Loneliness 287

Mindfulness 293

Motivation (Achievement, Affiliation, Power) 299

Neuroticism, Personality Correlates of 305

Obsessive Personality 311

Optimism and Pessimism: Conceptualization, Personality Correlates, and Contextual Considerations 317

Perfectionism 323

Persistence, Personality Correlates 329

Personality Development 335

Phobia 339

Positive Self-capital 345

Psychopathy 351

Religiosity 357

Risk Taking 363

Self-concept, Expressions of the 369

Self-control 375

Self-construal 381

Self-efficacy 387

Self-efficacy, Career 393

Self-esteem, Expressions of 399

Self-regulation 405

Sensation Seeking 411

Shyness 417

16PF, Correlates of 423

Social Desirability 429

Social Intelligence 435

Temperament, Personality Correlates of 439

Test Anxiety 445

Trauma 451

Trustworthiness 457

Twin Studies and Personality 461

Unconscious Processes, Expression of Personality Process 465

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 469

Jeffrey A. Gray 473

Douglas N. Jackson 479

John F. Kihlstrom 483

Salvatore R. Maddi 489

Julie K. Norem 493

Robert J. Plomin 497

Julian B. Rotter 501

Mark Savickas 505

Dean Keith Simonton 511

Marvin Zuckerman 517

Raymond B. Cattell 521

Index 529

Volume 4

Contributor Biographies xi

Clinical Applications of Psychodynamic Theories of Personality 1

Clinical Applications of Behavioral Theory of Personality 19

Clinical Applications of Humanistic Theory of Personality 27

Clinical Applications of Cognitive Behavioral Theory of Personality 37

Social Anxiety and Social Anxiety Disorder 55

Personality and Depression 61

Dissociative Disorders 67

Autism Spectrum Disorder 75

Addictive Personality and Substance Abuse Disorders (SUD) 81

Borderline Personality Disorder 89

Antisocial Personality Disorder 97

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder 103

Narcissistic Personality Disorder 109

Schizotypal Personality Disorder 115

Avoidant Personality Disorder 121

Sadism and Masochism 127

Emotion Regulation and Psychopathology 133

Eating Disorders 139

Neuropsychiatric Disorders 145

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 151

Individual Differences and Sleep Disorders 157

Pain and Personality 163

Personality and Sexual Dysfunctions 169

Paranoid Personality Disorder 175

Schizoid Personality Disorder 181

Histrionic Personality Disorder 187

Dependent Personality Disorder 193

Individual Differences in Acculturation 199

Allocentrism vs. Idiocentrism 205

Monolingualism, Bilingualism, Multilingualism 209

Monocultural versus Multicultural 215

Biculturalism 221

Biracial and Multiracial Individuals 227

Social Class 233

Cultural Encapsulation 239

Machismo 243

Marianismo 247

Visible Racial/Ethnic Group (VREG) 253

Cross-Cultural Emotional Expression 257

Culturally Adapted Psychotherapy 263

Cultural Intelligence 269

Personality and Prejudice 275

Universality vs. Cultural Specificity of Personality 281

Individualism vs. Collectivism 287

Personality and Geography 299

Personality Psychology in Japan 305

Personality Psychology in Africa 311

Personality Psychology in China 317

Personality Psychology in Central and South America 323

Personality Psychology from an Islamic Perspective 329

Tiger Mother 335

Native Hawaiian Personality 341

Personality and Aging 347

Personality and Longevity 353

Personality and Health 359

Personality and Well-being 365

Self-Healing and Disease-Prone Personalities 371

Individual Differences in Coping with Stress 377

Type A/B Personalities 383

Personality and Cancer 387

Resiliency and Hardiness 393

Personality and Risk-Seeking 399

Personality and Suicide 405

Burnout 411

Religiosity and Spirituality 417

Personality and Positive Psychology 423

Hope 429

Forgiveness 435

Gratitude 441

Personality and Volunteerism 447

Morning vs. Night People 453

Diversity in Work Teams 459

Creativity in the Workplace 465

Individual Differences in Creativity 471

Individual Differences in Employee Performance 479

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace 485

Personality and Leadership 491

Leadership Styles 499

Character and Leadership 505

Personality and Intelligence in Employee Selection 511

Sub-clinical Traits in the Workplace 517

Bullying and Personality 523

Social Skills in the Workplace 527

Personality and Workplace Deviance 533

Integrity Testing and Counterproductive Work Behavior 539

Learning Styles / Fixed vs. Growth Mindset 545

Flow 551

Personality in Military Settings 557

Personality and Educational Outcomes 563

Personality and Law Enforcement 569

Personality and Forensic Psychology 575

Personality and Consumer Behavior/Lifestyle Analysis 581

Marketing and Personality 587

Personality, Interests, and Careers 593

Personality and Counterproductive Work Behavior 599

Friedman, Howard 605

Furnham, Adrian Frank 609

Hogan, Robert 615

Holland, John 621

Matarazzo, Joseph D. 627

McClelland, David C. 631

Beck, Aaron T. 637

Seligman, Martin E. P. 643

Spielberger, Charles 649

Clark, Kenneth and Mamie 655

Helms, Janet E. 661

Hofstede Geert 667

Reginald Jones 673

McIntosh, Peggy 679

Root, Maria Primitiva Paz 685

Sue, Derald Wing 689

Triandis, Harry C 695

Trimble, Joseph Everett 701

White, Joseph L 705

Jones, James M 709

Index 713

Mitarbeit Chef-Herausgeber: Bernardo J. Carducci, Christopher S. Nave
Verlagsort New York
Sprache englisch
Maße 175 x 250 mm
Gewicht 5108 g
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften Psychologie Klinische Psychologie
Geisteswissenschaften Psychologie Psychoanalyse / Tiefenpsychologie
Geisteswissenschaften Psychologie Sozialpsychologie
Schlagworte Differentialpsychologie • Persönlichkeitspsychologie
ISBN-10 1-118-97074-8 / 1118970748
ISBN-13 978-1-118-97074-4 / 9781118970744
Zustand Neuware
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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Information • Energie • Materie

von Ori Wolff

Buch | Softcover (2015)
Lehmanns Media (Verlag)