Reforming America -

Reforming America

A Thematic Encyclopedia and Document Collection of the Progressive Era [2 volumes]

Jeffrey A. Johnson (Herausgeber)

978-1-4408-3720-3 (ISBN)
239,95 inkl. MwSt
Presenting a detailed look at the individuals, themes, and moments that shaped this important Progressive Era in American history, this valuable reference spans 25 years of reform and provides multidisciplinary insights into the period.

During the Progressive Era, influential thinkers and activists made efforts to improve U.S. society through reforms, both legislative and social, on issues of the day such as working conditions of laborers, business monopolies, political corruption, and vast concentrations of wealth in the hands of a few. Many Progressives hoped for and tirelessly worked toward a day when all Americans could take full advantage of the economic and social opportunities promised by U.S. society.

This two-volume work traces the issues, events, and individuals of the Progressive Era from approximately 1893 to 1920. The entries and primary sources in this set are grouped thematically and cover a broad range of topics regarding reform and innovation across the period, with special attention paid to important topics of race, class, and gender reform and reformers. The volumes are helpfully organized under five categories: work and economic life; social and political life; cultural and religious life; science, literature, and the arts; and sports and popular culture.

Jeffrey A. Johnson, PhD, is associate professor of history and director of American Studies at Providence College, where he teaches courses on the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, labor history, and the American West.

Social and Political Life,
Addams, Jane,
Anthony, Susan B.,
Big Stick Diplomacy,
Birth Control,
The Boxer Rebellion,
Brandeis, Louis,
Bryan, William Jennings,
Bull Moose Party,
Catt, Carrie Chapman,
City Management and Planning,
Country Life Commission,
Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt "W.E.B.,"
Eighteenth Amendment,
Gentlemen's Agreement,
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins,
The Grange,
Hughes, Charles Evans,
Initiative and Referendum,
La Follette, Sr., Robert M. "Fighting Bob,"
Lodge, Henry Cabot,
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock,
The Mann Act,
Meat Inspection Act,
Muir, John,
Nadir of American Race Relations,
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA),
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),
National Park Service,
Niagara Movement,
Nineteenth Amendment,
Open Door Policy,
Panama Canal,
Paul, Alice,
The Platt Amendment,
Plessy v. Ferguson,
The Populist (People's) Party,
The Progressive Party,
Pure Food and Drug Act,
Red Scare,
Roosevelt, Theodore,
Sanger, Margaret,
Selective Service Act,
Seventeenth Amendment,
Shaw, Josephine,
Sixteenth Amendment,
Smith, Jr., Alfred "Al" Emanuel,
Society of American Indians,
Spanish-American War,
Taft, William Howard,
Tenement Houses,
The Titanic,
Wagner, Robert Ferdinand,
Washington, Booker T.,
Wells, Ida B.,
Willard, Frances,
Wilson, Woodrow,
Winters v. U.S.,
World War I,
Primary Documents, 164
"The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements" by Jane Addams,
"Do You Know?" by Carrie Chapman Catt,
"Address of the Niagara Movement, to the Country" by W.E.B. Du Bois,
"The American Forests" Excerpts from Our National Parks by John Muir,
People's Party Platform for 1896,
Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League,
Plessy v. Ferguson,
How the Other Half Lives (Excerpt) by Jacob Riis,
"The Strenuous Life" Speech before the Hamilton Club, Chicago, by Theodore Roosevelt,
"The Corruption of Municipal Politics" Excerpt from The Shame of the Cities by Lincoln Steffens,
War Messages Presidential Address to Congress (Excerpt) by Woodrow Wilson,
Work and Economic Life,
Introduction, 199
American Federation of Labor,
Anaconda Mining Company,
Anthracite Coal Mine Strike,
Armour and Company,
Assembly Line,
"Bread and Butter" Unionism,
Bread and Roses Strike (Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1912),
Butte, Montana,
Carnegie, Andrew,
Child Labor,
Clayton Antitrust Act,
Debs, Eugene V.,
Eight-Hour Day,
Elkins Act,
Ely, Richard Theodore,
F.W. Woolworth Company,
Federal Reserve Act,
Field, Sara Bard,
Georgism/Henry George,
Gompers, Samuel,
The Gospel of Wealth,
Haymarket Riots,
Haywood, William "Big Bill,"
Homestead Strike,
Industrial Workers of the World,
The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union,
Jones, Mary "Mother,"
Kelley, Florence,
Knights of Labor,
Lochner v. New York,
Marshall Field's,
The Middle Class,
Model T / Henry Ford,
Morgan, J.P. (John Pierpont),
Muller v. Oregon,
Nabisco Company,
The Oscar Mayer Company,
The Panic of 1907,
Pullman Strike,
Robber Barons,
Rockefeller, John D.,
Scientific Management,
Sears, Roebuck & Company,
Sherman Antitrust Act,
Standard Oil,
Steunenberg, Frank,
Taylor, Frederick Winslow,
Theory of the Leisure Class,
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire,
Trust Busting,
United Mine Workers (of America),
Welfare Capitalism,
Western Federation of Miners (WFM),
Women's Trade Union League,
Workers' Compensation Laws,
Primary Documents, 348
"No Cross of Gold" by William Jennings Bryan,
"The Gospel of Wealth" (Excerpt) by Andrew Carnegie,
"Arouse Ye Slaves!" by Eugene V. Debs,
"What Does Labor Want?" (Excerpt) by Samuel Gompers,
"The General Strike" by William "Big Bill" Haywood,
"Next!" by Udo J. Keppler,
"Wall Street Owns This Country" by Mary Lease,
The Octopus: A Story of California (Excerpt) by Frank Norris,
The History of the Standard Oil Company (Excerpt) by Ida Tarbell,
Cultural AND Religious Life,
American Birth Control League,
Angel Island,
Anti-Saloon League,
The Brownsville Affair,
Carlisle School,
Dodge (Luhan), Mabel,
Ellis Island,
Fundamentalism, The Fundamentals,
Garvey, Marcus,
Gibbons, James,
Gladden, Washington,
Great Migration,
Great White Fleet,
Immigration, Irish,
Immigration, Italian,
Immigration, Jewish,
Jim Crow,
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis, 1904),
Manhood and Masculinity,
McGlynn, Edward,
McPherson, Aimee Semple,
Mencken, Henry Louis,
"Muscular Christianity,"
Nation, Carry (Carrie),
Olmsted, Frederick Law,
Rauschenbusch, Walter,
Rough Riders,
The Salvation Army,
Scopes "Monkey" Trial,
Settlement Houses,
Sheldon, Charles Monroe / In His Steps,
Social Gospel,
Strong, Josiah,
Sunday, Billy,
Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU),
The World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893),
Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA),
Primary Documents,
Closing Statement in the Scopes Trial (Excerpt) by William Jennings Bryan,
"How Immigrants Are Inspected" (Excerpt) by Dr. Allan McLaughlin,
In His Steps: "What Would Jesus Do?" by Charles Sheldon,
Our Country (Excerpt) by Josiah Strong,
"Get on the Water Wagon" (Excerpt) by Billy Sunday,
Science, Literature, AND the Arts,
Art Nouveau,
Ashcan School,
Beard, Charles A.,
Bellamy, Edward,
Bourne, Randolph S.,
Crane, Stephen,
Dewey, John,
Dos Passos, John,
Dreiser, Theodore,
Edison, Thomas Alva,
The Frontier Thesis,
Garland, Hamlin,
Hearst, William Randolph,
James, Henry,
The Jungle,
Ladies' Home Journal,
London, Jack,
McClure's Magazine,
Millay, Edna St. Vincent,
New Woman,
Norris, Frank,
O'Neill, Eugene,
Palmer College of Chiropractic,
Phillips, David Graham,
Pinchot, Gifford,
Pulitzer, Joseph,
Sinclair, Upton,
Sloan, John French,
Social Darwinism,
Spencer, Herbert,
Steffens, Lincoln,
Sullivan School / Louis Sullivan,
Sumner, William Graham,
Tarbell, Ida Minerva,
Tiffany, Louis Comfort,
White, Stanford,
Wright Brothers / Kitty Hawk,
Yellow Journalism,
Primary Documents,
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States (Excerpt) by Charles Beard,
Looking Backward, 2000–1887 (Excerpt) by Edward Bellamy,
"The Pre-Commercial Period of the Telephone" (Excerpt) by Alexander Graham Bell,
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets by Stephen Crane,
"The Social Possibilities of War" by John Dewey,
"The Simple Life in a Nutshell" by J.H. Kellogg,
The Jungle (Excerpt) by Upton Sinclair,
"The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered" by Louis Sullivan,
"How We Made the First Flight" by Orville Wright,
Sports AND Popular Culture,
Arbuckle, Roscoe "Fatty,"
"Bernice Bobs Her Hair,"
The Birth of a Nation,
Black Sox Scandal,
Boy Scouts,
Camp Fire Girls,
Chaplin, Charlie,
Cobb, Tyrus Raymond "Ty,"
Coney Island,
DeMille, Cecil B.,
Dempsey, William Harrison "Jack,"
Duncan, Isadora,
Eastman Kodak Company,
Fairbanks, Douglas,
Gibson Girl,
Grange, Harold Edward "Red,"
The Great Train Robbery,
Houdini, Harry,
Jackson, Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe,"
Jeffries, James Jackson "Jim,"
Johnson, John Arthur "Jack,"
Joplin, Scott,
Naismith, James,
National Board of Censorship,
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA),
Negro Leagues,
Pickford, Mary,
Ruth, George Herman "Babe,"
Sullivan, John L.,
Tin Pan Alley,
What Happened to Mary,
White, Pearl,
Williams, Bert,
Wister, Owen,
Yezierska, Anzia,
Ziegfeld Follies,
Primary Documents, 757
Boy Scout Handbook,
"Gentleman" Jim Corbett Knocks Out John L. Sullivan,
"Bernice Bobs Her Hair" (Excerpt) by F. Scott Fitzgerald,
"Football Rules Made at Last,"
"Fight of the Century" Race Riots by Edmund Waller "Ted" Gale,
"Too Many Baseball Home-Runs in 1924 and Possible Solutions—1925,"
The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains (Excerpt) by Owen Wister,
Bibliographic Essay,
About the Editor and Contributors,

Erscheint lt. Verlag 20.3.2017
Zusatzinfo 50 bw illus
Sprache englisch
Gewicht 1134 g
Themenwelt Sachbuch/Ratgeber Geschichte / Politik Allgemeines / Lexika
Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte Neuzeit (bis 1918)
Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Regional- / Ländergeschichte
Geschichte Teilgebiete der Geschichte Kulturgeschichte
ISBN-10 1-4408-3720-1 / 1440837201
ISBN-13 978-1-4408-3720-3 / 9781440837203
Zustand Neuware
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