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Ideas and Movements That Shaped America

From the Bill of Rights to "Occupy Wall Street" [3 volumes]
978-1-61069-251-9 (ISBN)
359,95 inkl. MwSt
America was founded on bold ideas and beliefs. This book examines the ideas and movements that shaped our nation, presenting thorough, accessible entries with sources that improve readers' understanding of the American experience.

Presenting accessibly written information for general audiences as well as students and researchers, this three-volume work examines the evolution of American society and thought from the nation's beginnings to the 21st century. It covers the seminal ideas and social movements that define who we are as Americans—from the ideas that underpin the Bill of Rights to slavery, the Civil Rights movement, and the idea of gay rights—even if U.S. citizens often strongly disagree on these topics.

Organized topically rather than chronologically, this encyclopedia combines primary sources and secondary works or historical analyses with text describing the ideas and movements in question. In addition, each entry includes a list of suggestions for further reading that directs readers to supplementary sources of information. The set's unique perspective serves to depict how American society has evolved from the nation's beginnings to the present, revealing how Americans as a people have acted and responded to key ideas and movements.

Michael S. Green, PhD, is professor of history at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Scott L. Stabler, PhD, is associate professor of history at Grand Valley State University.

Volume 1: A-E
Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863)
Affirmative Action
Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)
African American Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (July 2, 1964)
"Introduction: A Statement of Principles" from I'll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition by Twelve Southerners (1930)
American Missionary Movement
"A Layman's Thoughts on Layman's Work" by Henry W. Jessup (September 1893)
Speech by Louis Brandeis on True Americanism (July 5, 1915)
Anarchist Movement
"What Is Anarchism?" from Alexander Berkman's Now and After: The ABC of Communist Anarchism (1929)
Animal Rights Movement
An Act for the More Effectual Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (New York State) (1867)
North Atlantic Treaty (April 4, 1949)
Patrick Henry's Speech "Dangerous Ambiguities" (July 5, 1788)
Immigration Act of 1924 (Johnson-Reed Act) (May 26, 1924)
Anti-Lynching Movement
"Lynch Law in America" by Ida B. Wells-Barnett (January 1900)
Article by Henry Ford in The Dearborn Independent Newspaper (1920)
Hinton Rowan Helper's The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It (1857)
Anti-Smoking Movement
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (June 22, 2009)
Antiwar Movement (Vietnam Era)
Testimony of John F. Kerry to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (April 22, 1971)
Asian Rights Movement
Chinese Exclusion Act (May 6, 1882)
Back to Africa Movement
"Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World": The Principles of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) (August 13, 1920)
Beat Movement
Part I of Allen Ginsberg's Howl (1955)
Big Oil
President Jimmy Carter's Address to the Nation on Energy and National Goals ("The Malaise Speech") (July 15, 1979)
Bill of Rights
U.S. Bill of Rights (December 15, 1791)
William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" Speech (July 9, 1896)
Birth Control Movement
Correspondence of Margaret Sanger and Katharine Dexter McCormick (1948–1955)
Black Islamist Movement
Elijah Muhammad Addressing a Meeting of His Followers (1964) (Photograph)
Black Power Movement
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Cointelpro Memo Regarding the Activities of the Black Panther Party (BPP) (May 13, 1969)
Born-Again Movement
President Jimmy Carter's Remarks at the 26th Annual National Prayer Breakfast (February 2, 1978)
Code of the City of Montgomery, Alabama (1952)
Canal Construction
Robert Fulton's Letter to Secretary of Treasury Albert Gallatin, as Appended to the Secretary's Report on Public Roads and Canals (1808)
Capital Punishment
Furman v. Georgia (1972)
"Chapter 1: Of the Division of Labour" from Adam Smith's An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)
Address of Senator John F. Kennedy to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association (September 12, 1960)
Chattel Slavery
Chapter 1 from Frederick Douglass's Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave (1845)
Chicano Rights
Cesar Chávez's Address to the Commonwealth Club of California (November 9, 1984)
Children's Rights
United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child (November 20, 1989)
Christian Fundamentalism
"The Descent of the Modernists" (Illustration)
Civil Disobedience
Journal of John Woolman on War Taxes (1750s)
Henry David Thoreau's "Essay on Civil Disobedience" (1849)
Preamble to the Knights of Labor Constitution (1878)
Civil Service Reform
Pendleton Act (January 16, 1883)
Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain (Treaty of Paris) (December 10, 1898)
Columbian Exchange
Letter of Christopher Columbus to Luis de Santángel (February 15, 1493)
President Calvin Coolidge's Address Before the American Association of Advertising Agencies (October 27, 1926)
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848)
The Atlanta Constitution: "Wilson Working for Conscription: President Gets Behind General Staff's Plan for Raising Army—Much Opposition to Conscription" (April 10, 1917)
Conservation Movement
President Theodore Roosevelt's Opening Address to the White House Conference of Governors (May 13, 1908)
Ronald Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" Speech (October 27, 1964)
Chapter XII from John Locke's "Second Treatise of Government" (1689)
Wealth Against Commonwealth by Henry Demarest Lloyd (1894)
George Kennan's "Long Telegram" (February 22, 1946)
President Grover Cleveland's State of the Union Address (December 3, 1888)
Announcement in the Newspaper Rag: "This Thursday Is Gentle Thursday the Celebration of Our Belief That There Is Nothing Wrong with Fun" (October 31, 1966)
Creationism vs. Evolution
Testimony of Stephen Jay Gould, McLean v. Arkansas (1981)
Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107–296)
Transcript of Clarence Darrow's Examination of William Jennings Bryan During the Scopes Monkey Trial (July 20, 1925)
Constitution of the United States (Ratified June 21, 1788)
President Ronald Reagan's Final Radio Address to the Nation (January 14, 1989)
Disability Rights Movement
Draft Disability Rights Legislation (1942)
Disease Eradication
Recommendations of the International Task Force for Disease Eradication (December 31, 1993)
California Family Law Act (September 5, 1969)
The New England Primer (1843)
"Waltham Wide Awake," Boston Daily Advertiser (October 9, 1860)
Electoral System
Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution (1787)
Thomas Paine's "Of the Religion of Deism: Compared with the Christian Religion, and the Superiority of the Former Over the Latter" (1804)
Environmental Movement
Henry David Thoreau's Walden; or, Life in the Woods (1854)
Margaret Sanger's "The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda" (1921)
Report of the Select Committee of the United States Senate to Investigate the Causes of the Removal of Negroes from the Southern States to the Northern States (1880)
Expatriation Act (July 27, 1868)
Volume 2: F-O
Testimony of General Smedley Butler Before the McCormack-Dickstein Committee (1934)
Clinton v. City of New York (June 25, 1998)
Feminist Movement
The SCUM Manifesto (Society for Cutting Up Men) by Valerie Solanas (1967)
Fitness Movement
Luther H. Gulick's Introduction to The Body Builder by Robert J. Roberts (1916)
My Life and Work by Henry Ford with Samuel Crowther (1922)
Foreign Alliances
President George Washington's Farewell Address (September 17, 1796)
Foreign Interventionism
President Woodrow Wilson's Address to Congress on the Mexican Crisis (April 20, 1914)
Free Love Movement
Woodhull and Claflin's Weekly (August–October 1871)
Free Speech Movement
Statement Issued by University of California at Berkeley, Student Organizations (October 2, 1964)
Free Trade
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (1994)
Freedom of Religion
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (January 16, 1786)
Freedom of Speech
First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (December 15, 1791)
An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes Against the United States (July 14, 1798)
Freedom of the Press
The New York Times Co. v. United States (June 30, 1971)
The Frontier
Frederick Jackson Turner's "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" (July 12, 1893)
Gay Rights
Vermont Civil Unions Act (2000)
Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards's Sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" (1741)
Great Society
President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society'' Speech (May 22, 1964)
Gun Control Movement
District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
Harlem Renaissance Movement
The Big Sea: An Autobiography by Langston Hughes (1940)
Health Care Reform
President Barack Obama's Speech on Health Care to Congress (September 9, 2009)
Higher Education Movement
Morrill Land Grant College Act (1862)
"Notes to Tourists: Roll Down Your Windows" (1967)
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Ordinance Passed by San Francisco Board of Supervisors Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of AIDS and Associated Conditions (November 5, 1985)
Homestead Act (May 20, 1862)
Human Rights
"The Four Freedoms Turn 70: Ensuring Economic, Political, and National Security in the 21st Century" by Michael H. Posner (March 24, 2011)
Illegal Immigration
Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) (November 6, 1986)
Arizona's Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (Arizona SB 1070) (April 23, 2010)
Proclamation by President Calvin Coolidge Setting Quotas Under the Immigration Act of 1924
Theodore Roosevelt's Speech at the Hamilton Club in Chicago (April 10, 1899)
Indian Removal
Chief Joseph's Lament (1879)
Indian Rights
Report by John Collier, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior (1938)
Industrial Revolution
Alexander Hamilton's Report on Manufactures (December 5, 1791)
Information Age
Tony Silvia's Global News: Perspectives on the Information Age (2001)
Oral History Interview with Vinton Cerf by Donald Nielson in Mountain View, California (November 7, 2007)
Internet Nation
"Information Management: A Proposal" by Tim Berners-Lee (March 1989)
Islamic Fundamentalism
Dr. Joshua Muravchik of the American Enterprise Institute Speaks on Ways in Which Islamic Fundamentalism Impedes American Foreign Policy Interests (September 21, 1993)
Former President Herbert Hoover's "Gibraltar America" Address (December 20, 1950)
Jim Crow
"The Black Laws" by Bishop B. W. Arnett (1886)
Judicial Activism
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Judicial Review
The Federalist No. 78 (Alexander Hamilton) (May 28, 1788)
Keynesian Economics
Letter of Jean-Baptiste Say to Thomas Malthus on Political Economy and Stagnation of Commerce (1821)
Labor Movement
"With Drops of Blood the History of the Industrial Workers of the World Has Been Written" by "Big Bill" Haywood (1919)
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Acceptance Speech to the Democratic National Convention (July 2, 1932)
Libertarian Party Platform (June 17, 1972)
Retaliatory Legislation Enacted in Virginia After the Nat Turner Rebellion to Prohibit the Teaching of Slaves, Free Negroes, or Mulattoes to Read or Write (1831)
Lost Cause
Edward A. Pollard's The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates (1866)
Manifest Destiny
"The Great Nation of Futurity" by John L. O'Sullivan (November 1839)
Marriage Certificate for Joseph and Mary Province (February 26, 1866)
Mass Communication
Edward R. Murrow's Speech to the Radio-Television News Directors Association (October 15, 1958)
Mass Production
Testimony of Henry Ford in Lawsuit Brought by John F. and Horace E. Dodge (1916)
Sugar Act (April 5, 1764)
Military-Industrial Complex
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation (January 17, 1961)
Cartoon: "Miscegenation or the Millennium of Abolitionism" (1864)
Cartoon: "The Miscegenation Ball" (1864)
Modern Medicine
"A Criticism of Modern Medicine," a Journal of the American Medical Association Editorial (April 10, 1926)
Seadevil Conquers America by Felix von Luckner (1928)
Monetary Policy
Preface of Irving Fisher's The Purchasing Power of Money: Its Determination and Relation to Credit Interest and Crises (1912)
Monroe Doctrine
President James Monroe's 1823 Message to Congress Spelling Out the Monroe Doctrine (December 2, 1823)
Moral Majority
Listen America by Jerry Falwell (1980)
Remarks at an Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast in Dallas, Texas, by President Ronald Reagan (August 23, 1984)
Articles of Faith (1842)
"The Man with the Muck-rake" by President Theodore Roosevelt (April 14, 1906)
Pure Food and Drug Act (June 30, 1906)
National Bank/Federal Reserve System
Alexander Hamilton's Second Report on the Further Provision Necessary for Establishing Public Credit (December 13, 1790)
American Party Platform (1856)
New Left Movement
"Letter to the New Left" by C. Wright Mills (1960)
Nonviolent Resistance
"Doom and Passion Along Rt. 45" by Thomas B. Morgan (November 1962)
Nuclear Power Movement
Staff Report to the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island (October 1979)
Nuclear Proliferation
Letter of Albert Einstein to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (August 2, 1939)
Kentucky Resolution (November 19, 1798)
Virginia Resolution (December 24, 1798)
Occupy Movement
News Conference by President Barack Obama (October 6, 2011)
Volume 3: P-Z
W.E.B. Du Bois's Speech "To the Nations of the World" (July 25, 1900)
"If You Believe the Negro Has a Soul" by Marcus Garvey (1921)
Alexander Hamilton's Oath of Allegiance to the United States, Taken at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (May 12, 1778)
Peace Movement (Late 19th Century)
"The Message of Peace" by Julia Ward Howe (1899)
Political Parties
Republican Party Platform of 1856
Pop Culture
Excerpt from No. 1 in The Jesse James Stories, a Dime Novel Series (1901)
Populist Party Platform (July 1892)
Presidential Power
The Federalist #70 by Alexander Hamilton (1788)
Prison/Penitentiary Reform
"Education as a Factor in Prison Reform" by Charles Dudley Warner (February 1886)
USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act (March 8, 2006)
Pro-Choice Movement
"Birth Control or Abortion?" by Margaret Sanger (December 1918)
Progressive Income Tax
Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Company (May 20, 1895)
Sixteenth Amendment (February 3, 1913)
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair (1906)
Volstead Act (October 28, 1919)
Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls or, War on the White Slave Trade by Ernest A. Bell (1910)
Billy Graham's Sermon "Christ's Answer to the World" (1958)
"According to the Condition of the Mother," a Virginia Statute (1662)
Ordinance Relative to the Police of Negroes or Colored Persons Within the Corporate Limits of the Town of Franklin [Louisiana] (July 28, 1865)
Telegram from Thomas Conway, Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, to Major George R. Davis, Union Commander in Franklin (August 10, 1865)
Red Power Movement
Alcatraz Proclamation (1969)
"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine (1776)
Reproductive Rights
Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)
The Essex Result (April 29, 1778)
Letter of Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor (May 28, 1816)
Right to Die
Oregon Death with Dignity Act (October 27, 1997)
Right to Life
Roe v. Wade (January 22, 1973)
Roadways (1800–Present)
Toll Roads and Free Roads: Message from the President of the United States to the United States Congress (April 27, 1939)
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving (1802)
A Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union (January 9, 1861)
Second Great Awakening
"A Camp Meeting Heats Up" from Frances Trollope's Domestic Manners of Americans (1829)
"Sectionalism," The National Era (September 21, 1854)
Sedition Act of 1918
"Chapter XII: Political Associations in the United States" from Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America (1835)
Separation of Church and State
Letter of President Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association (January 1, 1802)
Separation of Powers
The Federalist #47 by James Madison (January 30, 1788)
Sex in American Society
Testimony Before Congress by Charles Keckner on Department of Health and Human Services Abstinence Education Programs (April 23, 2008)
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer's Social Statics, or The Conditions Essential to Happiness Specified, and the First of Them Developed (1851)
Social Gospel
"The Social Creed of the Churches," Published by the Federal Council of Churches (December 4, 1908)
Social Security
Social Security Act (August 14, 1935)
"How I Became a Socialist" by Helen Keller (November 3, 1912)
Southern Rights Movement
Southern Manifesto on Integration (March 12, 1956)
Space Exploration
President John F. Kennedy's Speech to a Joint Session of Congress (May 25, 1961)
Spoils System
Speech of New York Senator William L. Marcy to the U.S. Senate (January 25, 1832)
States' Rights (Antebellum, Memory, Contemporary)
South Carolina Ordinance of Secession (December 20, 1860)
Student Rights Movement
Port Huron Statement (June 15, 1962)
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (June 29, 1956)
California Proposition 13 (1978)
Tea Party Movement
A Tea Party Manifesto (August 17, 2010)
Temperance Movement
"Advice to Young Women and Young Men" from The Temperance Almanac (1836)
Press Conference of Secretary of State Colin Powell (September 11, 2001)
Title IX
Statements of Reps. Louise Slaughter and Lynn Woolsey in Support of Title IX (March 27, 2003)
"Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1836)
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) (1935)
Urban Renewal
Chapter 1 from Twenty Years at Hull-House by Jane Addams (1910)
How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York by Jacob Riis (1914)
Utopian Movements
A Modell of Christian Charity by John Winthrop (1630)
Veterans' Rights
The Story of the American Legion by George Seay Wheat (1919)
Violent Protest
Statement by President Lyndon B. Johnson Following the Restoration of Order in Los Angeles (August 15, 1965)
Voting Rights
Shelby County v. Holder (2013)
War as Policy
President Woodrow Wilson's War Message to Congress (April 2, 1917)
War on Drugs
President Ronald Reagan's Radio Address on Federal Drug Policy (October 2, 1982)
War on Poverty
President Lyndon B. Johnson's Special Message to the Congress Proposing a Nationwide War on the Sources of Poverty (March 16, 1964)
War on Terror
President George W. Bush's Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People (September 20, 2001)
Water Rights
Coffin v. Left Hand Ditch Co. (1882)
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Report: "NSC 68: United States Objectives and Programs for National Security" (April 7, 1950)
Welfare State
Congressman Paul Ryan on the Affordable Care Act (2014)
Western Expansion/Exploration
Shadow and Light: An Autobiography with Reminiscences of the Last and Present Centuries by Mifflin Wistar Gibbs (1902)
Western Lore
"The Outcasts of Poker Flat" by Bret Harte (1869)
White Supremacy/Power
George Lincoln Rockwell's In Hoc Signo Vinces (1960)
Women's Rights Movement (19th Century)
"Declaration of Sentiments" (1848) and Dedication to the History of Woman Suffrage (1887)
Women's Suffrage
"Miss Alice Paul on Hunger Strike," The New York Times (November 7, 1917)
Yellow Journalism
Cartoon: "The Yellow Press" by Louis M. Glackens (October 12, 1910)
Youth Movement
Organizing Pamphlet for Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) National Action, Chicago (October 8–11, 1969)
Address to the Extraordinary Zionist Conference by Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver (May 9, 1942)
Editors and Contributors

Erscheint lt. Verlag 28.7.2015
Zusatzinfo 152 bw illus
Sprache englisch
Gewicht 4309 g
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften
Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung
ISBN-10 1-61069-251-9 / 1610692519
ISBN-13 978-1-61069-251-9 / 9781610692519
Zustand Neuware
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