A Comprehensive Treatment of q-Calculus von Thomas Ernst Buch | Hardcover 2012 | Springer Basel ISBN: 9783034804301 106,99 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-20 Tagen
Intersections of Hirzebruch–Zagier Divisors and CM Cycles von Benjamin Howard; Tonghai Yang Buch | Softcover 2012 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783642239786 37,40 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-14 Tagen
Non-vanishing of L-Functions and Applications von M. Ram Murty; V. Kumar Murty Buch | Softcover 2012 | Springer Basel ISBN: 9783034802734 85,59 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-20 Tagen
Automorphic Forms von Anton Deitmar Buch | Softcover 2012 | Springer London Ltd ISBN: 9781447144342 74,89 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-14 Tagen
Numerical Solutions of the Euler Equations for Steady Flow Problems von Albrecht Eberle; Arthur Rizzi; Ernst Heinrich.. Buch | Softcover 1992 | Vieweg & Teubner ISBN: 9783528076344 53,49 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
Modular Units von D Kubert; S. Lang Buch | Hardcover 1981 | Springer-Verlag New York Inc. ISBN: 9780387905174 213,99 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory von Tom M. Apostol Buch | Hardcover 1976 | Springer-Verlag New York Inc. ISBN: 9780387901633 56,66 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
Introduction to Classical Mathematics I From the Quadratic Reciprocity Law to the Uniformization Theorem von Helmut Koch Buch | Softcover 1991 | Springer ISBN: 9780792312383 85,59 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
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Cohomologie Galoisienne von Jean-Pierre Serre Buch | Softcover 1994 | Auflage: 5 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783540580027 42,79 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
Computational Algebraic Number Theory von M.E. Pohst Buch | Softcover 1993 | Springer Basel ISBN: 9783764329136 32,05 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
Computational Algebra and Number Theory von Wieb Bosma; Alf van der Poorten Buch | Hardcover 1995 | Springer ISBN: 9780792335016 160,49 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
Elements of Logic via Numbers and Sets von D.L. Johnson Buch | Softcover 1998 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783540761235 37,44 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
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Lectures on the Geometry of Numbers von Carl Ludwig Siegel Buch | Hardcover 1989 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783540506294 53,49 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen
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APL Programs for the Mathematics Classroom von Norman D. Thomson Buch | Softcover 1998 | Springer-Verlag New York Inc. ISBN: 9780387970028 53,49 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 7-10 Tagen