Southeast Asian Development -

Southeast Asian Development

Jonathan Rigg (Herausgeber)

1376 Seiten
978-0-415-39436-9 (ISBN)
239,95 inkl. MwSt
The eleven countries that make up the Southeast Asian region provide a rich and diverse context in which to view the development process and experience. The region spans different cultural contexts, colonial experiences, and economic experiments, and is home to some of the world's most successful developing economies.
The eleven countries that make up the Southeast Asian region provide a rich and diverse context in which to view the development process and experience. The region spans different cultural contexts, colonial experiences, and economic experiments, and is home to some of the world’s most successful developing economies—the so-styled Asian ‘miracle’ economies—and also some which fall into the UN designation of ‘least developed’.

This new three-volume collection, from Routledge’s Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences series, is guided by a broad definition of ‘development’ and does not limit itself to development economics or even to development studies. Papers on development issues by anthropologists, historians, sociologists, geographers, political scientists, as well as by economists are represented in the volumes. The works are ordered not by disciplinary orientation (economics, anthropology, history, etc.) or by chronology (colonial, postcolonial, and so on) but, predominantly, by context and theme, to enable the intellectual progression of debates regarding, for example, the nature of rural society and rural development, to be more easily identified. The structure and range of works included within Southeast Asian Development ensure that it will be an invaluable reference resource for students and scholars alike.


Introduction: ‘Southeast Asian Development: An Introductory Essay’ (Jonathan Rigg)Part 1: History, Geography, and Colonialism: Development Before the Development Project

Histories and Geographies of Development1. John R. W. Smail (1961) ‘The Possibility of an Autonomous History of Southeast Asia’, Journal of Southeast Asian History, 2(2), pp. 72–102.

2. Anthony Reid (1993) ‘Continuities and Changes’, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450–1680: Expansion and Crisis (New Haven: Yale University Press), pp. 326–30.

3. Benedict Anderson (1991) ‘Census, Map, Museum’, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (London: Verso), pp. 163–85.

4. Harold C. Conklin (1954) ‘An Ethnoecological Approach to Shifting Agriculture’, New York Academy of Sciences, Transactions, 17: 133–42.

5. Thongchai Winichakul (1994) ‘The Coming of a New Geography’, Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-body of a Nation (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press), pp. 37–61.Colonialism and Development

6. J. S. Furnivall (1939) ‘Plural Economy’, Netherlands India: A Study of Plural Economy (Cambridge University Press), pp. 446–69.

7. R. H. Taylor (1995) ‘Disaster or Release? J. S. Furnivall and the Bankruptcy of Burma’, Modern Asian Studies, 29(1): 45–63.

8. Manning Nash (1964) ‘Southeast Asian Society: Dual or Multiple?’, Journal of Asian Studies, 23: 417–23.

9. B. H. Higgins (1964) ‘Southeast Asian Society: Dual or Multiple: Comment’, Journal of Asian Studies, 23: 417–23.10. A. H. Fenichel and W. G. Huff (1975) ‘Colonialism and the Economic System of an Independent Burma’, Modern Asian Studies, 9(3), 321–35.Part 2: Rural Society, Community, and Culture

Pre-Capitalist Rural Societies11. Eric R. Wolf (1957) ‘Closed Corporate Peasant Communities in Mesoamerica and Central Java’, Southwest Journal of Anthropology, 13(1), 1–18.

12. Katherine A. Bowie (1992) ‘Unraveling the Myth of the Subsistence Economy: Textile Production in Nineteenth-Century Northern Thailand’, Journal of Asian Studies, 51(4): 797–823.Rural Society, Colonialism, and Capitalism

13. Clifford Geertz (1984) ‘Culture and Social Change: The Indonesian Case’, Man, 19: 511–32.

14. John A. Larkin (1971) ‘The Causes of an Involuted Society: A Theoretical Approach to Rural Southeast Asia’, Journal of Asian Studies, 30: 783–95.

15. James C. Scott and Ben Kerkvliet (1973) ‘The Politics of Survival: Peasant Response to "Progress" in Southeast Asia’, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 4: 241–68.

16. Samuel Popkin (1976) ‘Corporatism and Colonialism: Political Economy of Rural Change in Vietnam’, Comparative Politics, 8: 431–64.

17. Amri Baharuddin Shamsul (1979) ‘The Development of Underdevelopment of the Malaysian Peasantry’, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 9: 434–54.Rural Spaces and Rural People Under Conditions of Modernity

18. James C. Scott (1985) ‘History According to Winners and Losers’, Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance (New Haven: Yale University Press), pp. 138–64, 178–83.

19. Gillian Hart (1992) ‘Household Production Reconsidered: Gender, Labor Conflict, and Technological Change in Malaysia’s Muda Region’, World Development, 20(6): 809–23.

20. Jonathan Rigg and Sakunee Nattapoolwat (2001) ‘Embracing the Global in Thailand: Activism and Pragmatism in an Era of De-Agrarianisation’, World Development, 29(6): 945–60.

21. Bruce Koppel (1991), ‘The Rural-Urban Dichotomy Reexamined: Beyond the Ersatz Debate?’, in Ginsburg, Koppel, and McGee (eds.), The Extended Metropolis: Settlement Transition in Asia (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press), pp. 47–70.VOLUME II

Part 3: Urbanization, Industrialization, and Modern Lives and Livelihoods

Urbanization and Urban Growth22. Terry McGee (1976) ‘Beach Heads and Enclaves: The Urban Debate and the Urbanization Process in Southeast Asia since 1945, in Y. M. Yeung and C. P. Low (eds.), Changing Southeast Asian Cities: Readings on Urbanization (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 60–75.

23. T. G. McGee (1991) ‘The Emergence of Desakota Regions in Asia: Expanding A Hypothesis’, in Norton Ginsburg, Bruce Koppel, and T. G. McGee (eds.), The Extended Metropolis: Settlement Transition in Asia (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press), pp. 3–25.

24. Philip. F. Kelly (2003) ‘Urbanization and the Politics of Land in the Manila Region’, Annals of the American Academy of Social and Political Sciences, 590(1), pp. 170–87.Urban, Peri-Urban, and Industrial Lives and Livelihoods

25. Dean K. Forbes (1981) ‘Production, Reproduction and Underdevelopment: Petty Commodity Producers in Ujung Pandang, Indonesia’, Environment and Planning, A13: 841–56.

26. Daniel T. Sicular (1991) ‘Pockets of Peasants in Indonesian Cities: The Case of Scavengers’, World Development, 19(2/3): 137–61.

27. Hal Hill (1991) ‘The Emperor’s Clothes Can Now be Made in Indonesia’, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 27(3): 89–127.

28. Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine (1995) ‘Gender and Export Manufacturing in the Philippines: Continuity or Change in Female Employment? The Case of the Mactan Export Processing Zone’, Gender, Place and Culture, 2(2): 147–76.

29. Peter Hancock (1997) ‘The Walking Ghosts of West Java’, Inside Indonesia, July–Sept.: 16–19.

30. Peter Hancock (2001) ‘Rural Women Earning Income in Indonesian Factories: The Impact on Gender Relations’, Gender and Development, 9(1): 18–24.

31. Mary Beth Mills (1997), ‘Contesting the Margins of Modernity: Women, Migration and Consumption in Thailand’, American Ethnologist, 24(1), pp. 37–61.

32. Aihwa Ong (1997) ‘The Gender and Labor Politics of Postmodernity’, in David Lloyd and Lisa Lowe (eds.), The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Capital (Durham: Duke University Press), pp. 61–97.VOLUME III

Part 4: Making Miracles, Creating Crises: The Political Economy of Growth and Crisis

Development and Developmental States33. H. Myint (1967) ‘The Inward and Outward Looking Countries of Southeast Asia’, Malayan Economic Review, 31(1): 1–13.

34. Ippei Yamazawa (1992) ‘On Pacific Economic Integration’, Economic Journal, 102 (Nov.): 1519–29.

35. A. Leftwich (1995) ‘Bringing Politics Back In: Towards a Model of the Developmental State’, Journal of Development Studies, 31: 400–27.

36. Linda Low (2001) ‘The Singapore Developmental State in the New Economy and Polity’, Pacific Review, 14(3): 411–42.

37. W. G. Huff (1995) ‘The Developmental State, Government, and Singapore Economic-Development Since 1960’, World Development, 23(8): 1421–38.

38. Jomo K.S. (1984) ‘Malaysia’s New Economic Policy: A Class Perspective’, Pacific Viewpoint, 25(2): 153–72.Asian Miracle and Asian Crisis

39. John M. Page (1994) ‘The East Asian Miracle: An Introduction’, World Development, 22(4): 615–25.

40. Alice H. Amsden (1994) ‘Why isn’t the Whole World Experimenting with the East Asian Model to Develop? Review of The East Asian Miracle’, World Development, 22(4): 627–33.

41. Dwight H. Perkins (1994) ‘There Are at Least Three Models of East Asian Development’, World Development, 22(4): 655–61.

42. Paul Krugman (1994) ‘The Myth of Asia’s Miracle’, Foreign Affairs, 73(6): 62–78.

43. Robert Wade (1998) ‘From "Miracle" to "Cronyism": Explaining the Great Asian Slump’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 22(6): 693–706.

44. Joseph E. Stiglitz (2001), ‘From Miracle to Crisis to Recovery: Lessons from Four Decades of East Asian Experience’, in Joseph Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf (eds.), Rethinking the East Asian Miracle (New York: World Bank and Oxford University Press), pp. 509–26.

45. Mark Thompson (2004), ‘Pacific Asia after "Asian Values": Authoritarianism , Democracy, and "Good Governance"’, Third World Quarterly, 25(6): 1079–95.

Part 5: Poverty, Affluence, and Cultures of Development

Poverty, Affluence, and Inequality46. Rex Mortimer (1973), ‘Indonesia: Growth or Development?’, in Rex Mortimer (ed.), Showcase State: The Illusion of Indonesia’s Accelerated Modernisation (Sydney: Angus and Robertson), pp. 51–66.

47. W. F. Wertheim (1980) ‘Betting on the "Elites" or Betting on the Poor? The Indonesian Case’, Occasional Paper, James Cook University of North Queensland, South East Asian Studies Committee No. 9, pp. 1–11.

48. I. Shari (2000) ‘Globalization and Economic Disparities in East and Southeast Asia: New Dilemmas’, Third World Quarterly, 21(6): 963–75.

49. Anne Booth (2000) ‘Poverty and Inequality in the Soeharto Era: An Assessment’, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 36(1): 73–104.

50. Wade C. Edmundson (1994) ‘Do the Rich Get Richer, Do the Poor Get Poorer? East Java, Two Decades, Three Villages, 46 People’, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 30(2): 133–48.

51. James F. Eder (1993), ‘Family Farming and Household Enterprise in a Philippine Community, 1971–1988: Persistence or Proletarianisation?’, Journal of Asian Studies 52(3): 647–71.

52. Huw Jones and Tieng Pardthaisong (1999) ‘The Impact of Overseas Labour Migration on Rural Thailand: Regional, Community and Individual Dimensions’, Journal of Rural Studies, 15(1): 35–47.

53. Nancy Lee Peluso (1995) ‘Whose Woods Are These? Counter-Mapping Forest Territories in Kalimantan, Indonesia’, Antipode, 27(4): 383–406.

54. Peter Vandergeest (2003), ‘Land to Some Tillers: Development-Induced Displacement in Laos’, International Social Science Journal, 175: 47–56.Culture and Development

55. Tania Murray Li (1999) ‘Compromising Power: Development, Culture, and Rule in Indonesia’, Cultural Anthropology, 14(3): 295–322.

56. Fareed Zakaria (1994) ‘Culture is Destiny: A Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew’, Foreign Affairs, 73(2): 109–26.

57. Kishore Mahbubani (1995) ‘The Pacific Way’, Foreign Affairs, 74(1): 100–11.

58. Michael Hill (2000) ‘Asian Values as Reverse Orientalism: Singapore’, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 41(2): 177–90.

59. Francis Fukuyama (1999) ‘Asian Values and the Current Crisis’, Development Outreach (Summer) (

Erscheint lt. Verlag 10.10.2007
Reihe/Serie Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 2710 g
Themenwelt Wirtschaft Volkswirtschaftslehre
ISBN-10 0-415-39436-8 / 0415394368
ISBN-13 978-0-415-39436-9 / 9780415394369
Zustand Neuware
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