Federal Real Property Management -

Federal Real Property Management

Partnership Options and Enhanced Use Leasing

Aaron F Darby (Herausgeber)

Buch | Hardcover
134 Seiten
Nova Science Publishers Inc (Verlag)
978-1-63321-219-0 (ISBN)
169,95 inkl. MwSt
While public-private partnerships (PPPs) have long been used to manage real property, congressional interest in PPPs has recently increased due to the large number of underutilized and excess buildings owned by federal agencies, as well as sequestration and other spending constraints. This book provides an overview of key policy and legal issues pertaining to PPPs for purposes of federal real property management. The book also discusses the potential for collocation and the factors that can affect that potential; the possible benefits of collocation; the the challenges associated with collocation, and what solutions, if any, can mitigate these challenges; the extent to which agencies attribute the full benefits and costs of their enhanced use leases (EUL) in their assessments of their EUL programs; and the experiences of agencies in using their EUL authority.

PrefacePublic-Private Partnerships for Purposes of Federal Real Property Management(Garrett Hatch, Kate M. Manuel)Federal Real Property: Strategic Partnerships and Local Coordination Could Help Agencies Better Utilize Space(United States Government Accountability Office)Federal Real Property: Improved Cost Reporting Would Help Decision Makers Weigh the Benefits of Enhanced Use Leasing(United States Government Accountability Office)Federal Real Property: Authorities and Actions Regarding Enhanced Use Leases and Sale of Unneeded Real Property(United States Government Accountability Office)IndexPlease visit our website athttps://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=50229

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