The British Publishing Industry in the Nineteenth Century
978-0-367-56522-0 (ISBN)
During the course of the nineteenth century, the British publishing industry was transformed as the commercial, technological and legal structures underpinning the production and distribution of books and periodicals changed rapidly. The period has long been viewed as having witnessed the birth of a mass reading public as educational reforms, revolutions in transport and communications, as well as the introduction of mechanised processes of production, increased the supply of printed matter and the demand for reading material. Books and periodicals became cheaper and the market for them increasingly international. New retail outlets emerged, and library provision of various kinds expanded. At the same time, changes in copyright legislation and the emerging professionalisation of authorship changed the way the publishing industry worked with the authors and other players in the book trade.
This four-volume collection brings together contemporary source material that charts the nature, timing and impact of these changes, and explores some of the key contexts and debates of the period. Each volume will present a documentary account of changes in the publishing industry from four distinct perspectives: production, commercial and business structures, legal structures, and readers and markets. This title will be of great interest to students and scholars of history and literature.
Professor David Finkelstein (BA, PhD, FEA, FRHistS, FRSA) is a cultural historian who has published over 90 books, essays and refereed journal articles in areas related to nineteenth-century cultural history, print culture and media history, several of which have won awards. His most recent work includes Movable Types: Roving Creative Printers of the Victorian World (Oxford University Press, 2018), and the 850 page edited Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800-1900 (Edinburgh University Press, 2020). Current projects include a co-edited volume on the colonial periodical press, as well as work on print workplaces in Edwardian visual culture. Dr Andrew Nash (MA, MSc, PhD) is Reader in Book History and Deputy Director of the Institute of English Studies in the University of London’s School of Advanced Study where he directs the MA in the History of the Book and the London Rare Books School. In addition to monographs on Victorian literature and Scottish literature, he has edited or co-edited many works in the field of book and publishing history including The Culture of Collected Editions (2003), Literary Cultures and the Material Book (2007), New Directions in the History of the Novel (2014) and, most recently, The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, vol. 7: the Twentieth Century and Beyond (2019). He is part of a new Leverhulme-funded research project on the early history of the Society of Authors (2020-24).
The British Publishing Industry, 1815-1914
Volume 1: The Structure of the Industry
General Introduction
Volume 1 Introduction
‘Regulations Governing the Issue of Trade Books’ (1828), in Joseph Shaylor, The Fascination of Books (London: Simpkin Marshall Hamilton Kent & Co., 1912), pp. 165-8.
Samuel Smiles, A Publisher and His Friends: Memoir and Correspondence of the late John Murray (London: John Murray, 1891), Vol. 1, pp. 170-5, 185-8, 195-8.
‘On the Crisis of 1825-6’, Morning Chronicle, 30 Nov 1825, in Archibald Constable and his Literary Correspondence (London: Edmonston and Douglas, 1873), vol. III, pp. 477-8.
[Francis Barry Boyle St Leger], ‘The Book-Trade’, Monthly Magazine (July 1826), pp. 17-24.
‘Booksellers and Authors’, Literary Magnet (July 1826), pp. 65-74.
Charles Babbage, On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures (1832; 4th edn, London: Charles Knight, 1835), pp. 205-10, 315-33.
G.P.R. James, Some Observations on The Book Trade, as Connected with Literature, in England’, Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 6: 1 (1843), 50-60
William Chambers, 'The Book Trade', Chambers' Cyclopaedia (1859), pp. 228-38
Report from the Committee on Booksellers and Printers Petition (1802), pp. 3-15
John Crawfurd, Taxes on Knowledge: A Financial and Historical View of the Taxes (London: Charles Ely, 1836), pp. 14-23.
Charles Knight, The Struggles of a Book against Excessive Taxation (London, 1850).
‘Thomas Norton Longman’s Evidence to the Select Committee on Acts for the Encouragement of Learning’, from Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Committee on Acts of 8 Anne, and 15 & 41 Geo. III For the Encouragement of Learning, By vesting the Copies of Printed Books, in the Authors or Purchasers of such copies (1813), pp. 3-15.
[John George] Cochrane, The Case Stated Between the Public Libraries and the Booksellers (London: J. Moyes, 1813), pp. 3-32
‘Publishers and Museum Library’, Critic (3 December 1859), pp. 17-18.
Letters published in the Times, 8-16 February 1898 [Letters from Edward Marston (8 Feb); Herbert Spencer (10 Feb); W.E.H. Lecky (11 Feb); Times report on the correspondence (12 Feb) letters from Spencer (16 Feb); Marston (16 Feb)].
Joseph Shaylor, ‘Booksellers’ Trade Dinner Sales’, Fortnightly Review (Dec 1907), pp. 1031-39.
‘Mr Murray's Trade Sale', Critic (26 Nov 1859), pp. 11-12
‘Bentley’s Trade Sale’, Bookseller (7 November 1888), p. 1237.
James Grant, ‘Mr Thomas Tegg’, in Portrait of Public Characters (London: Saunders & Otley, 1841), pp. 24-46.
‘Abstract of Evidence by Charles Knight, G.B. Whitaker, and J.W. Parker to the Select Committee on Postage’, from Third Report of the Select Committee on Postage, together with an abstract of the evidence (1838), pp. 30-37.
‘Charles Knight’s Evidence to the Select Committee on Conveyance of Mail by Railways’, from Report from the Select Committee on Conveyance of Mails by Railways (1854), pp. 360-7.
James Grant, ‘Bookselling: Paternoster Row’, in Travels in Town, 2 vols (London: Saunders & Otley, 1839), Vol. II: pp. 69-88.
Joseph Shaylor, ‘On the Selling of Books’, Nineteenth Century (December 1896), pp. 937-43.
‘Booksellers of To-day: Messrs Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd’, Publishers’ Circular (11 May 1895), pp. 514-16. (images to be removed)
‘The Book-Trade’, Morning Post (31 Dec 1829).
William Pickering, Booksellers' Monopoly (London, 1832).
John Chapman, ‘The Commerce of Literature’, Westminster Review (April 1852), pp. 529-552.
‘Civil War in the Book Trade’, Spectator (3 April 1852), pp. 321-2.
John Chapman, ‘A Reply to the Arguments Adduced in Support of the Booksellers Association’, in Report of the Proceedings of a meeting (consisting chiefly of authors), held May 4th at the house of John Chapmen … (1852), pp. 17-24
‘The Bookselling System’, selected correspondence to the Times, March-May 1852. Reprinted in Publishers and the Public: reprinted from the Times of 1852 (1906), pp. 3-5; 6-8; 11-13 (letter from Bickers and Bush); 23-24 (letter from Clericus); 24-28 (from the Times of April 16, 1852); 28-29 (letter from Educator); 38-44 (from the Times of May 18, 1852); 53-56 (from the Times of May 21, 1852); 63-66 (from the Times of May 31, 1852).
The Book Trades', Athenaeum (22 May 1852), pp. 575-7.
[J.W. Parker], 'The Makers, Sellers and Buyers of Books', Frasers' Magazine (June 1852), 711-24.
Thomas Bosworth, On Rattening in the Book Trade (London: Thomas Bosworth, 1868), pp. 1-8.
‘Mr Bosworth and the Book Trade’, Bookseller (1 April 1868), pp. 217-18.
Letter from Alexander Macmillan to W.E. Gladstone (10 April 1868), from Charles L. Graves, Life and Letters of Alexander Macmillan (London: Macmillan & Co., 1910), pp. 286-8.
Frederick Macmillan, ‘A Remedy for Underselling’, Bookseller (6 March 1890), p. 244.
‘A Remedy for Underselling’, Bookseller (6 March 1890), p. 241.
‘Is the Discount System Doomed? Answers of the Leading London Booksellers’, Pall Mall Gazette (12 March 1890), pp. 1-2.
‘Is the Discount System Doomed? The Bitter Cry of the Country Bookseller’, Pall Mall Gazette (14 March 1890), pp. 1-2.
‘Is the Discount System Doomed? The Attitude of the Publishing World’, Pall Mall Gazette (17 March 1890), pp. 1-2.
‘A Symposium on Discounts’, St James’s Budget, 2 November 1894, pp. 10-11. (REMOVE IMAGES)
‘Publishers and the Public’, The Speaker (10 November 1894), pp. 513-14.
David Stott, ‘The Decay of Bookselling’, Nineteenth Century (Dec 1894), pp. 332-8.
‘The Publishers Association and the Discount Question’, [Speeches by C. J. Longman and Frederick Macmillan to the Publishers’ Association], Publishers' Circular (3 July 1897), pp. 7-9.
‘News Notes’, Bookman (August 1897), pp. 109-11.
[Z], ‘Shall the Publishers Coerce the Booksellers?’, Bookman (August 1897), pp. 115-18
Letters from Alfred Nutt and ‘Y’, Bookman (September 1897), pp. 150-2.
Robert Maclehose, The Report of the Society of Authors on the Discount Question: A Criticism (Glasgow: J. Maclehose and Sons, 1897), pp. 3-22.
Selected articles and correspondence in the Times published under ‘Authors, Publishers, and Booksellers’, 9-15 November 1897. [Original article, 9 November; letters from E. Marston and Robert Maclehose, 10 November; letters from the Editor of the Bookseller and Skeffington & Son, 11 November; letter from W. Day, 12 November; letters from The Writer of the Article; A Member of the Publishers’ Association; Mr J.B. Baddeley; A Country Bookseller; Publishers’ Reader, 15 November; ‘The bitter cry of the retail bookseller …’, 15 November].
John A. Steuart, ‘Authors, Publishers and Booksellers’, Fortnightly Review (February 1898), pp. 255-63.
Volume 2: Publishing and Technologies of Production
Volume 2 Introduction
J. Y. W. MacAlister, ‘The Durability of Modern Papers’, The Library, 1, 10, 1 (1898), pp. 295-304.
‘A Commercial History of a Penny Magazine’ (1833) [4-part series] The Penny Magazine, vol 2: ‘No. 1--Introduction & Paper-Making" 96 (August 31-September 30, 1833), pp. 377-84; ‘No. 2. Wood-cutting and Type-founding’, 101 (September 30-October 31, 1833), pp. 417-24; ‘No. 3. Compositors' Work and Stereotyping’, 107 (October 31-November 30, 1833), pp. 465-72; ‘No. 4. Printing Presses and Machinery—Bookbinding’, 112 (November 30-December 31, 1833), pp. 505-11.
‘Mechanism of Chambers’s Journal’, Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, 3, 175 (6 June 1835), pp. 149–51.
William Andrew Chatto, ‘Wood-Engraving, its History and Practice’, Illustrated London News (April 20, 1844), pp. 251-4; Supplement, pp. 257-9; April 27, 1844, pp. 273-4; May 4, 1844, pp. 293-4; May 11, 1844, pp. 309-310; May 18, 1844, pp. 325-6; June 1, 1844, pp. 357-8; June 22, 1844, pp.405-6; June 29, 1844, p. 417; July 6, 1844, p. 425.
C. H. Timperley, ‘Directions to Pressmen: of Presses’, from The printers’ manual containing instructions to learners with scales of impositions, and numerous calculations, recipes, and scales of prices in the principal towns of Great Britain together with practical directions for conducting every department of a printing office (London: H. Johnson, etc., 1838), pp. 89-94.
John Jamieson, ‘On Printing Machinery’, Cowen Tracts, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (1865), pp. 1-13.
‘The Mechanism of the Wharfedale’ British Printer, XV (Jan-Feb, 1902), p. 49.
C. H. Timperley, ‘Hand Typesetting’, from, The printers’ manual containing instructions to learners with scales of impositions, and numerous calculations, recipes, and scales of prices in the principal towns of Great Britain together with practical directions for conducting every department of a printing office (London: H. Johnson, etc., 1838), pp. 12-18.
‘The Monotype’, The Graphic (6 November 1897), p. 7.
‘The Linotype Machine: What it Does and How it Works’, Journal of the American Society for Naval Engineers (Feb 1900), pp. 208-211.
‘Linotype Reading’, British Printer 16 (1903), p. 232
‘A Multiface Linotype Machine’, Scientific American (8 August 1903), p. 97.
‘Destruction of the Caxton Printing-office by Fire’, Imperial Magazine, 3 (1821), pp. 243-52.
‘Inside a Printing Office I’, The Leisure Hour: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation (London) 12, 576 (3 January 1863), 13–15.
‘Inside a Printing Office II’, The Leisure Hour: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation (London) 12, 576 (10 January 1863), 28–31.
‘The Newspaper Printing Office’, The Leisure Hour: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation (London) 12, 579 (31 January 1863), pp. 76–8.
‘A Modern Printing Works’, [Manchester Guardian] British Printer, XV (November-December 1902), pp. 277-82.
‘A Description of the Offices of the Strand Magazine’, The Strand Magazine, 4 (December 1892), pp. 594-606.
‘The "Daily Graphic" – How it is Done (From the Supplement to the "Graphic" Christmas Number.)’ British Printer, V (1892), Jan-Feb, p. 8.
John Southward, ‘Progress in Book Printing’, from Progress in Printing and the Graphic Arts during the Victorian Era (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co Ltd, 1897), pp. 18-22.
‘The Printer’s Apprentice’, The Penny Magazine (11 August 1838), pp. 306-8.
Francis Bond Head, ‘The Printer’s Devil’, The Quarterly Review, 65, 129 (December 1838), pp 1–30.
‘A Few Words to Our Readers’, Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal, New Series, vol. III, no. 53 (4 January 1845), pp. 1-3.
H. Ashton, ‘How to Succeed as a Printer’, British Printer, VII (Jan-Feb 1895), pp. 17-19.
‘Some Notes on Compositors’, The Leisure Hour: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation (London) (17 January 1860), pp. 37–40.
‘The Printers’ Chapel’, The Leisure Hour: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation (London) (24 January 1863), pp. 62–4.
‘How Macaulay’s History was Bound’, The Leisure Hour: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation (London) (31 January 1856), pp. 72-4.
‘The Printing and Binding of the Revised Bible’, The Leisure Hour: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation (August 1885), pp. 543-6.
Frederick Saunders, The author’s printing and publishing assistant, comprising explanations of the process of printing preparation … (London: Saunders & Otley, 1839), pp 1-60.
The Author’s Handbook: a complete guide to the art and system of publishing on commission (London: E Churton, Commission Publishers, 1844).
C. Kegan Paul, ‘The Production and Life of Books’, Fortnightly Review (April 1883), pp. 485-99.
Emily Hill, ‘What Can Our Daughters Do for a Living?’, Women’s Penny Paper, 8.195 (23 September 1897), p. 198.
L. Barbara Brady and Anne Black, ‘Women Compositors and the Factory Acts’, The Economic Journal, 9, 34 (June 1899), pp. 261-6.
‘The Trades Described’ and ‘Women’s Work and Organisation’, from J. Ramsay Macdonald (ed.), Women in the Printing Trades: A Sociological Study (London, 1904), pp. 1-16, 24-43.
Charles Manby Smith, extract from The Working-man’s Way in the World: being the autobiography of a journeyman printer (London, 1853), pp. 283-97.
Andrew Aird, Letter Press Printing in Glasgow During the Last 50 Years (Glasgow: Privately Printed, 1882), pp. 5-10.
Voluame 3: Authors, Publishers and Copyright Law
Volume 3 Introduction
‘Books, Booksellers and Bookmakers’, London Magazine, Vol. 10 (February 1828), pp. 254-60.
‘Authors and Publishers’, The New Quarterly Review and Digest of Current Literature, British, American, French, and German (January 1854), pp. 9-17.
‘Introduction’, The Search for a Publisher; or, Counsels for a Young Author (1855; London: Provost & Co., repr. 1882), pp. 3-19.
James Spedding, Publishers and Authors (London: Printed for the Author by John Russell Smith, 1867), pp. 1-55.
‘An Interview with Mr A.P. Watt’, Bookman (October 1892), pp. 20-2.
William Heinemann, ‘The Middleman as Viewed by a Publisher’, Athenaeum (11 November 1893), p. 663
T. Werner Laurie, ‘Author, Agent, and Publisher by one of "The Trade"’, Nineteenth Century (November 1895), pp. 890-5.
Walter Besant, 'The Literary Agent', Nineteenth Century (December 1895), 979-86.
Robert Buchanan, Is Barabbas a Necessity? A Discourse on Publishers and Publishing (London: Robert Buchanan, Author & Publisher, 1896), pp. 3-31.
Robert Maugham, extract from A Treatise on the Law of Literary Property (London and Edinburgh: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green; Henry Dixon; Adam Black, 1828), pp. vii-xviii.
‘The Copy-Right Law’, Monthly Review (January 1838), pp. 52-63.
W. and R. Chambers, ‘Brief Objections to Mr Talfourd’s New Copyright Bill’, Times (25 April 1838), p. 3.
Letter from Robert Chambers to the Times (18 May 1838), p. 3.
‘New Copyright Bill’, Times (31 May 1838), p. 4.
[Routledge v Low], ‘Literary and Musical Copyright’, Athenaeum (16 December 1865), pp. 845-6.
John Camden Hotten, extracts from Literary Copyright: Seven Letters Addressed by Permission to the Right Hon. The Earl Stanhope (London: John Camden Hotten, 1871), pp. 15-46, 91-102, 135-55
Matthew Arnold, ‘Copyright’, Fortnightly Review (March 1880), 319-34.
Edward Marston, extract from Copyright, National and International: with some remarks on the position of authors and publishers by a publisher (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1887), pp. 5-44.
Charles James Longman, ‘A Publisher’s View of International Copyright’, Fraser’s Magazine (March 1881), pp. 372-8.
Wilkie Collins, ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’, Author 2 (June 1890), pp. 31-5.
C. J. Longman, ‘The American Copyright Bill’, Economic Review (April 1891), pp. 203-8.
G. Herbert Thring, ‘Recent Attempts at Copyright Legislation’, Fortnightly Review (March 1898), pp. 461-7.
Augustine Birrell, ‘The Present Situation’, in Seven Lectures on the Law and History of Copyright in Books (London: Cassell & Co., 1899), pp. 205-23.
Extracts from The Grievances Between Authors and Publishers. Being the Report of the Conferences of the Incorporated Society of Authors held at Willis’s Rooms, in March 1887 with Additional Matter and Summary (London: Field & Tuer; Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1887), pp. 7-46, 52-61, 127-85.
‘The Mysteries of Publishing: An Interview with Messrs Chatto and Windus’, Pall Mall Gazette (9 March 1887), pp. 1-2.
J. Neville Porter, ‘The Relations Between Authors and Publishers’, Time (1887), pp. 399-411.
‘Archdeacon Farrar and the Publishers’, correspondence from the Times, 7-14 October 1890. [Letter from J. Russell Endean, 7 October; letters from F.W. Farrar and Cassell and Company, 8 October; letters from Walter Besant, F.W. Farrar and J Russell Endean, 9 October); letter from Andrew W. Tuer, 10 October; letters from An Author, Harry Quilter, and E. Marston, 11 October; letters from Walter Besant, S.S. Sprigge, and Facing Both Ways, 13 October; letters from George Lock and Andrew W. Tuer, 14 October].
Extracts from William Heinemann (ed.), The Hardships of Publishing: Letters to ‘The Athenaeum’ (London: Privately Printed, 1893), pp. 3-28; 30-32; 42-57; 59-62; 95-113.
Walter Besant, extracts from The Pen and the Book (London: Thomas Burleigh, 1899), pp. 145-86, 200-13.
‘Am I a Thief? A Publisher’s Reply to Sir Walter Besant’, article and correspondence published in Outlook (Original article, 14 January; Letters by Walter Besant, Another Publisher, Thomas Pinkerton, 21 January; Letter by Another Publisher, 28 January; Letters by A Publisher, A London Bookseller, 11 February 1899).
Volume 4: Publishers, Markets, Readers
Volume 4 Introduction
Charles Knight, The Old Printer and the Modern Press (London: John Murray, 1854), pp. 238-58.
‘Literature for the People’, Times (9 Feb 1854), p. 10.
‘Cheap Books and their Readers: An Interview with Mr Routledge’, Pall Mall Gazette (19 Nov 1885), pp. 1-2.
‘Shilling Literature’, Time (July 1885), 115-7.
‘The New Departure in Publishing: A Six-shilling Novel for Sixpence’, Publishers’ Circular (13 May 1899), pp. 519-20.
A.D. Innes, ‘The Production and Purchase of Books’. Paper delivered to the Third International Congress of Publishers, London 7-10 June 1899 (London : Printed for the Organising Committee by Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1899).
‘The Booksellers on the Question of Cheaper Books’, Academy (21 May 1898), 558-9.
Wm Laird Clowes, ‘The Cheapening of Useful Books’, Fortnightly Review (July 1901), 88-98.
W. T. Stead, ‘The World’s Classics; or Bound Books for the Million’, Review of Reviews (November 1901), 544-6.
James Grant, extract from The Great Metropolis, second series (London: Saunders and Otley, 1837), I, pp. 121-40.
Charles Knight, extract from The Old Printer and the Modern Press (London: John Murray, 1854), pp. 260-9.
‘The Circulation of Modern Literature’, Spectator (3 Jan 1863), pp. 16-18.
‘The Publications of a Year’, Leisure Hour (21 March 1863), 190-2.
Walter Montagu Gattie, ‘What English People Read’, Fortnightly Review (September 1889), 307-21.
Joseph Ackland, ‘Elementary Education and the Decay of Literature’, Nineteenth Century (March 1894), pp. 412-23.
‘Do English People Buy Books?’ The Author, 1 (16 March 1891), pp. 288-91.
Thomas Frost, ‘Popular Literature Forty Years Ago’, in Forty Years Recollections (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1880), pp. 77-95.
Charles Manby Smith, ‘The Press of the Seven Dials’, Chambers’s Journal (28 June 1856), pp. 401-5.
Report of the Select Committee on Newspaper Stamps (1851), pp. 371-80.
‘Literature of the People-Past and Present’, Athenaeum (1 January 1870), pp. 11-14.
William Alexander, ‘Literature of the People – Past and Present’, Good Words (Dec 1876), pp. 92-6.
[Francis Hitchman], ‘Penny Fiction’, Quarterly Review (July 1890), pp. 150-71.
[‘The New Business in Bookselling’], Athenaeum (27 January 1849), p. 95.
Literature of the Rail: Re-published, by permission, from "The Times" of Saturday 9th August 1851, with a preface (London: John Murray, 1851).
‘Railroad Bookselling’, Saturday Review (31 January 1857), pp. 100-2.
‘Our Modern Mercury’, Once a Week (2 February 1861), pp. 160-3.
‘W.H. Smith & Son’s’, Ludgate Monthly (January 1892), pp. 161-9.
‘The Harmsworth Magazine: Some Interviews’, Academy (16 July 1898), pp. 67-8
‘The Bookstall Monopoly’, Graphic (23 July 1898), p. 58.
‘The Edinburgh Review (1802-1902)’, Edinburgh Review, CCCCII (October 1902), pp. 275-80; 284-86, 287-91, 295-96.
’Publishing and Puffing’, Metropolitan Magazine (Oct 1833), 171-8.
[Christian Isobel Johnstone], ‘Johnstone’s Edinburgh Magazine’, Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine (January 1834), pp. 490-500.
‘Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal’, Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal (1 February 1834), pp. 1-2.
George M. Smith, ‘Our Birth and Parentage’, Cornhill Magazine (January 1901), pp. 4-17.
William Westall, ‘Newspaper Fiction’, Lippincott's Monthly Magazine (June 1890), pp. 77-88.
‘Popular Magazines, Circulating Libraries, and the Sale of Books’, Bookman (June 1898), pp. 67-70.
Charles Knight, extract from The Old Printer and the Modern Press (London: John Murray, 1854), pp. 229-34.
Catherine Gore, 'The Monster Misery of Literature', Blackwood's Magazine (May 1844), pp. 556-60.
‘New and Cheap Forms of Popular Literature’, Eclectic Review (July 1845), pp. 74-84.
‘Mudie's Library’, Leisure Hour (March 1886), pp. 187-9.
William C. Preston, ‘Mudie's Library’, Good Words (December 1894), pp. 668-76
‘Mr Mudie's Monopoly’, Literary Gazette (29 September 1860), article and selected subsequent correspondence. [Original article, 29 September; letter from Mudie to the Athenaeum, 6 October; letter from ‘Z’, 6 October; letter from Fair Play, 20 October; letter from ‘Senex’, 27 October; ‘Mudie’s Library’, Saturday Review, 3 November; letters from Saunders, Otley and A Second-Rate Author, 17 November; letter from Charles J. Skeet, 24 November].
‘A Novel – One Guinea and a Half’, Saturday Review (11 November 1871), pp. 615-16.
Samuel Tinsley, ‘Three-Volume Novels’, letter to the Times (4 December 1871).
‘On the Forms of Publishing Fiction’, Tinsley's Magazine (May 1872), pp. 411-14.
Alexander Innes Shand, ‘The Novelists and their Patrons’, Fortnightly Review (July 1886), pp. 23-35.
‘The Circulating Libraries and Three-Volume Novels’, Publishers' Circular (7 July 1894), pp. 5, 7-8
‘The Three-Volume Novel’, The Author 5:3 (1 August 1894), pp. 63-5.
Extract from ‘Second Reading in the House of Lords of the Sale of Obscene Books Prevention Bill’, Hansard, HL vol. 146 (25 June 1857), cols 329-337.
The Case of ‘The Confessional Unmasked’. Being a Report of the Proceedings at Wolverhampton, and in the Court of Queen’s Bench, in the Matter of the Appeal ‘Scott v. Justices of Wolverhampton’ (London: A. Gadsby, 1868), pp. 36-48.
Extract from The National Vigilance Association, Pernicious Literature. Debate in the House of Commons. Trial and conviction for sale of Zola's novels. With opinions of the press (London: National Vigilance Association, [1889]), pp. 5-19.
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Maße | 156 x 234 mm |
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Themenwelt | Geisteswissenschaften ► Geschichte ► Regional- / Ländergeschichte |
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