Smith: Psychology of Education II (4-vol. set) -

Smith: Psychology of Education II (4-vol. set)

Peter K. Smith (Herausgeber)

1974 Seiten
978-1-138-66951-2 (ISBN)
899,95 inkl. MwSt
Psychology of Education (2000) was the first comprehensive collection of the field’s research, and this new title takes account of the important developments that have taken place since its appearance. Psychology of Education II also includes coverage of areas without the scope of the first collection.
This new title in Routledge’s Major Themes in Education series is a four-volume collection of major works of scholarship. It is an essential successor to an earlier Routledge anthology, Psychology of Education (978-0-415-19302-3) (2000), edited by Peter K. Smith and Anthony D. Pellegrini.

Research in and around psychology and education has experienced dramatic growth in recent years. Psychology of Education (2000) was the first comprehensive collection of the field’s canonical and cutting-edge research, and this new collection takes full account of the many important developments that have taken place since its appearance. Psychology of Education II also includes coverage of areas without the scope of the first collection.

With a full index, together with a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Psychology of Education II is an indispensable work of reference.

Peter K. Smith is Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Goldsmiths University, London, UK

Volume I

Part 1: Theories

1. U. Goswami, ‘Neuroscience and Education’, British Journal of Educational Policy 74, 1, 2004, 1-14

2. D. C. Geary, ‘An Evolutionarily Informed Education Science’, Educational Psychologist 43, 4, 2008, 179-195

3. W. Johnson, M. McGue and W. G. Iacono, ‘Genetic and Environmental Influences on Academic Achievement Trajectories During Adolescence’, Developmental Psychology 42, 3, 2006, 514-532.

4. C. Blair and C. Cybele Raver, ‘Poverty, Stress and Brain Development: New Directions for Prevention and Stress’, Academic Pediatrics 16, 3, S30-S36, 2016.

Part 2: Methodology

5. A. L. Duckworth and D. S. Yaeger, ‘Measurement Matters: Assessing Personal Qualities Other Than Cognitive Ability for Educational Purposes’, Educational Researcher 44, 4, 2015, 237-251.

6. T. R. Kratochwill and J. R. Levin, ‘Enhancing the Scientific Credibility of Single-Case Intervention Research: Randomization to the Rescue’, Psychological Methods 15, 2, 2010, 124-144.

7. M. C. Makel and J. A. Plucker, ‘Facts Are More Important Than Novelty: Replication in the Education Sciences’, Educational Researcher 43, 6, 2014, 304-316.

Part 3: Theories of Learning

8. S. Chaiklin, ‘The Zone of Proximal Development in Vygotsky’s Analysis of Learning and Instruction’, in A. Kozulin, B. Gindis, V. S. Ageyev and S. M. Miller (eds), Vygotsky's Educational Theory in Cultural Context (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 39-64

9. W. Schnotz and C. Kürschner, ‘A Reconsideration of Cognitive Load Theory’, Educational Psychology Review 19, 4, 2007, 469-508.

10. J. Dunlosky, K. A. Rawson, E. J. Marsh, M. J. Nathan and D. T. Willingham, ‘Improving Students' Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology’, Psychological Science in the Public Interest 14, 1, 2013, 4-58.

11. S. G. Paris and A. H. Paris, Classroom Applications of Research on Self-regulated Learning’, Educational Psychologist 36, 2, 2001, 89-101.

12. W. M. Roth, ‘Gestures: Their Role in Teaching and Learning’, Review of Educational Research 71, 3, 365-392

Part 4: Pupil Motivation & Self-esteem

13. J. Brophy, ‘Developing Students' Appreciation for What is Taught in School’, Educational Psychologist 43, 3 2008, 132-141.

14. L. Legault, ‘Self-Determination Theory’, in V. Zeigler-Hill, T.K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, (Springer International, 2017), pp. 1-8.

15. H. W. Marsh and A. J. Martin, ‘Academic Self-concept and Academic Achievement: Relations and Causal Ordering’, British Journal of Educational Psychology 81, 1, 2011, 59-77.

Volume II

Part 5. School Characteristics

16. A. Thapa, J. Cohen, S. Guffey, and A. Higgins-D'Alessandro, ‘A Review of School Climate Research’, Review of Educational Research 83, 3, 2013, 357-385.

17. R. Berkowitz, H. Moore, R. A. Astor, and R. Benbenishty, ‘A Research Synthesis of the Associations Between Socioeconomic Background, Inequality, School Climate, and Academic Achievement’, Review of Educational Research 87, 2, 2017, 425-469.

18. K. Allen, M. L. Kern, D. Vella-Brodrick, J. Hattie and L. Waters, ‘What Schools Need to Know About Fostering School Belonging: A Meta-analysis’, Educational Psychology Review 30, 1, 2018, 1-34.

19. K. Leithwood and D. Jantzi, ‘A Review of Empirical Evidence About School Size Effects: A Policy Perspective’, Review of Educational Research 79, 1, 2009, 464-490.

Part 6: Gender

20. S.-F. Lim, et al., ‘Do Girls and Boys Perceive Themselves as Equally Engaged in School? The Results of an International Study from 12 Countries’, Journal of School Psychology 50, 1, 2012, 77-94.

21. G. Stoet and D. C. Geary, ‘The Gender-Equality Paradox in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education’, Psychological Science 29, 4, 2018, 581-593.

Part 7: Emotional and Cognitive Intelligence

22. P. W. Garner, ‘Emotional Competence and its Influences on Teaching and Learning’, Educational Psychology Review 22, 3, 2010, 297-321.

23. K. V. Petrides et al., ‘Developments in Trait Emotional Intelligence Research’, Emotion Review 8, 4, 2016, 335-341.

24. D. M. Fergusson, L. J. Horwood and E. M. Ridder, ‘Show Me the Child at Seven II: Childhood Intelligence and Later Outcomes in Adolescence and Young Adulthood’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 46, 8, 2005, 850-858.

25. D. Lubinski, R. M. Webb, M. J. Morelock and C. P. Benbow, ‘Top 1 in 10,000: A 10-year Follow-up of the Profoundly Gifted’, Journal of Applied Psychology 86, 4, 2001, 718-729.

Part 8: Challenging Conditions

26. A. K. Cohen, M. Rai, D. H. Rehkopf and B. Abrams, ‘Educational Attainment and Obesity: A Systematic Review’, Obesity Reviews 14, 12, 2013, 989-1005.

Part 9: Ethnicity, SES and Culture

27. D. W. Sue, A. I. Lin, G. C. Torino, C. M. Capodilupo and D. P. Rivera, ‘Racial Microaggressions and Difficult Dialogues on Race in the Classroom’, Cultural Diversity an Ethnic Minority Psychology 15, 2, 2009, 183-190.

28. N. L. Letourneau, L. Duffett-Leger, L. Levac, B. Watson and C. Young-Morris, ‘Socioeconomic Status and Child Development: A Meta-Analysis’, Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Disorders 21, 3, 2013, 211-224.

29. M. Levels and J. Dronkers, ‘Educational Performance of Native and Immigrant Children from Various Countries of Origin’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 31, 8, 2008, 1404-1425.

30. R. B. King and D. M. McInerney, ‘Culture's Consequences on Student Motivation: Capturing Cross-Cultural Universality and Variability Through Personal Investment Theory’, Educational Psychologist 49, 3, 2014, 175-198.

31. Editorial, ‘The Cost of Not Educating Girls in Africa’, The Lancet 392, 2018, 2326

Volume III

Part 10: School Curriculum

32. C. Blair and R. P. Razza, ‘Relating Effortful Control, Executive Function, and False Belief Understanding to Emerging Math and Literacy Ability in Kindergarten’, Child Development 78, 2, 2007, 647-663.

33. M. Caravolas, et al., ‘Common Patterns of Prediction of Literacy Development in Different Alphabetic Orthographies’, Psychological Science 23, 6, 2012, 678-686.

34. D. Sasanguie, S. M. Göbel, K. Moll, K. Smets and B. Reynvoet, ‘Approximate Number Sense, Symbolic Number Processing, or Number-space Mappings: What Underlies Mathematics Achievement?’, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 114, 3, 2013, 418-431.

35. R. Barac and E. Bialystok, ‘Bilingual Effects on Cognitive and Linguistic Development: Role of Language, Cultural Background, and Education’, Child Development 83, 2, 2012, 413-422.

36. S. Hallam, ‘The Power of Music: Its Impact on the Intellectual, Social and Personal Development of Children and Young People’, International Journal of Music Education 28, 3, 2010, 269-289.

37. C. D. Ennis, ‘Educating Students for a Lifetime of Physical Activity: Enhancing Mindfulness, Motivation, and Meaning’, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 88, 3, 2017, 241-250.

38. B. N. Macnamara, D. Z. Hambrick, F. L. Oswald, ‘Deliberate Practice and Performance in Music, Games, Sports, Education, and Professions: A Meta-Analysis’, Psychological Science 25, 8, 2014, 1608-1618.

Part 11: Moral Education & Citizenship Education

39. W. Althof and M. W. Berkowitz, ‘Moral Education and Character Education: Their Relationship and Roles in Citizenship Education’, Journal of Moral Education 35, 4, 2006, 495-518.

40. L. Nucci and E. Turiel, ‘Capturing the Complexity of Moral Development and Education’, Mind, Brain and Education 3, 3, 2009, 151-159.

41. G. Biesta, R. Lawy and N. Kelly, ‘Understanding Young People's Citizenship Learning in Everyday Life: The Role of Contexts, Relationships and Dispositions’, Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 4, 1, 2009, 5-24.

Part 12: Cooperative Learning

42. D. W. Johnson and R. T. Johnson, ‘An Educational Psychology Success Story: Social Interdependence Theory and Cooperative Learning’, Educational Researcher 38, 5 2009, 365-379.

43. P. Dillenbourg, S. Järvelä and F. Fischer, ‘The Evolution of Research on Computer-supported Collaborative Learning: From Design to Orchestration’, in N. Balacheff, S. Ludvigsen, T. de Jong, A. Lazoner and S. Barnes (eds), Technology-Enhanced Learning: Principles and Products (Springer, 2009), pp. 1-21.

Part 13: Mindfulness

44. R. S. Crane et al., ‘What Defines Mindfulness-based Programs? The Warp and the Weft’, Psychological Medicine 47, 6, 2017, 990-999

45. C. Zenner, S. Herrnleben-Kurz and H. Walach, ‘Mindfulness-based Interventions in Schools: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis’, Frontiers in Psychology 5, 603, 2014.

Part 14: Computers and ICT

46. R. Hermans, J. Tondeur, J. van Braak and M. Valcke, ‘The Impact of Primary School Teachers' Educational Beliefs on the Classroom Use of Computers’, Computers and Education 51, 4, 2008, 1499-1509.

47. L. A. Annetta, ‘The "I's" Have It: A Framework for Serious Educational Game Design’, Review of General Psychology 14, 2, 2010, 105-112.

Part 15: Recess and Play

48. A. D. Pellegrini, K. Kato, P. Blatchford and E. Baines, ‘A Short-term Longitudinal Study of Children's Playground Games Across the First Year of School: Implications for Social Competence and Adjustment to School’, American Educational Research Journal 39, 4, 2002, 991-1015.

49. C. Ramstetter and R. Murray, ‘Time to Play: Recognizing the Benefits of Recess’, American Educator spring 2017, 17-23, 43.

50. D. Whitebread and colleagues, ‘The role of play in children’s development: a review of the evidence’. The LEGO Foundation, 2017.

Volume IV

Part 16: Parents, Families and School

51. D. M. Fergusson and L. J. Woodward, ‘Maternal Age and Educational and Psychosocial Outcomes in Early Adulthood’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 40, 3, 1999, 479-489.

52. R. M. Pasco Fearon and J. Belsky, ‘Infant-mother Attachment and the Growth of Externalizing Problems Across the Primary-school Years’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 52, 7, 2011, 782-791.

53. C. Spera, K. R. Wentzel and H. C. Matto, ‘Parental Aspirations for Their Children's Educational Attainment: Relations to Ethnicity, Parental Education, Children's Academic Performance, and Parental Perceptions of School Climate’, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 38, 8, 2009, 1140-1152.

54. J.-S. Lee and N. K. Bowen, ‘Parent Involvement, Cultural Capital, and the Achievement Gap Among Elementary School Children’, American Educational Research Journal 43, 2, 2006, 193-218.

55. M. J. Rosenfeld, ‘Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through School’, Demography 47, 3, 2010, 755-775.

Part 17: Teachers and Pupils

56. E. T. Emmer and L. M. Stough, ‘Classroom Management: A Critical Part of Educational Psychology, with Implications for Teacher Education’, Educational Psychologist 36, 2, 2001, 103-112.

57. J. Cornelius-White, ‘Learner-centered Teacher-student Relationships are Effective: A Meta-analysis’, Review of Educational Research 77, 1, 2007, 113-143.

58. N. Noddings, ‘The Caring Relation in Teaching’, Oxford Review of Education 38, 6, 2012, 771-781.

59. T. J. Sabol and R. C. Pianta, ‘Recent Trends in Research on Teacher-child Relationships’, Attachment and Human Development 14, 3, 2012, 213-231.

Part 18: Peer Relations and Friendship

60. T. J. Berndt, ‘Children's Friendships: Shifts Over a Half-century in Perspectives on Their Development and Their Effects’, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology 50, 3, 2004, 206-223.

61. A. H. N. Cillessen and A. J. Rose, ‘Understanding Popularity in the Peer System’, Current Directions in Psychological Science 14, 2, 2005, 102-105.

62. J. W. Aikins, K. L. Bierman and J. G. Parker, ‘Navigating the Transition to Junior High School: The Influence of Pre-transition Friendship and Self-system Characteristics’, Social Development 14, 1, 2005, 42-60.

Part 19: Bullies and Victims

63. C. Salmivalli, ‘Bullying and the Peer Group: A Review’, Aggression and Violent Behaviour 15, 2, 2010, 112-120.

64. E. S. Buhs, G. W. Ladd and S. L. Herald, ‘Peer Exclusion and Victimization: Processes that Mediate the Relation between Peer Group Rejection and Children's Classroom Engagement and Achievement?’, Journal of Educational Psychology 98, 1, 2006, 1-13.

65. J. Ringrose and E. Renold, ‘Normative Cruelties and Gender Deviants: The Performative Effects of Bully Discourses for Girls and Boys in School’, British Educational Research Journal 36, 4, 2010, 573-596.

Part 20: Interventions

66. National Evaluation of Sure Start Team, ‘The Impact of Sure Start Local Programmes on Seven Year Olds and Their Families’, Research Brief, Department for Education, June 2012.

67. M. Manning, R. Homel and C. Smith, ‘A Meta-analysis of the Effects of Early Developmental Prevention Programs in At-risk Populations on Non-health Outcomes in Adolescence’, Children and Youth Services Review 32, 4, 2010, 506-519.

68. M. M. Ttofi and D. P. Farrington, ‘Effectiveness of School-based Programs to Reduce Bullying: A Systematic and Meta-analytic Review’, Journal of Experimental Criminology 7, 1, 2011, 27-56.

69. M. G. Sawyer et al., ‘School-based Prevention of Depression: A Randomised Controlled Study of the Beyondblue Schools Research Initiative’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51, 2, 2010, 199-209

70. D. S. Yeager and G. M. Walton, ‘Social-Psychological Interventions in Education: They're Not Magic’, Review of Educational Research 81, 2, 2011, 267-301.

71. J. L. Barrett et al., ‘Cost Effectiveness of an Elementary School Active Physical Education Policy’, American Journal of Preventative Medicine 49, 1, 2015, 148-159.


Erscheint lt. Verlag 25.11.2019
Reihe/Serie Major Themes in Education
Zusatzinfo 152 Tables, black and white; 112 Halftones, black and white
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 453 g
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften Psychologie Allgemeine Psychologie
Geisteswissenschaften Psychologie Pädagogische Psychologie
Sozialwissenschaften Pädagogik Allgemeines / Lexika
Sozialwissenschaften Pädagogik Bildungstheorie
Sozialwissenschaften Pädagogik Didaktik
ISBN-10 1-138-66951-2 / 1138669512
ISBN-13 978-1-138-66951-2 / 9781138669512
Zustand Neuware
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