Woman and Goddess in Hinduism - T. Pintchman, R. Sherma

Woman and Goddess in Hinduism

Reinterpretations and Re-envisionings

, (Autoren)

Buch | Hardcover
243 Seiten
Palgrave Macmillan (Verlag)
978-0-230-11369-5 (ISBN)
106,99 inkl. MwSt
Offering multilayered explorations of Hindu understandings of the Feminine, both human and divine, this book emphasizes theological and activist methods and aims over historical, anthropological, and literary ones.

TRACY PINTCHMAN is a Professor and Director of the International Studies Program at Loyola University Chicago, USA.   RITA SHARMA is Director of the Institute For Theology Beyond Boundaries and Executive Director of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Taksha Institute, Hampton, USA.

A Hermeneutics of Intersubjectivity; R.D.Sherma PART I: THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION Sat?, Suttee, and S?vitr?; A.Sharma Still a Goddess at Second Sight: Envisioning the Beautiful Woman of the Saundarya Lahar?; F.Xavier Clooney Mystery, Wonder, and Knowledge in the Triadic Figure of Maha??vidya? Chinnamasta?: A ?a?kta Woman's Reading; N.Bhattacharya Saxena PART II: RECLAIMING ALTERNATIVE MODALITIES OF FEMININE POWER S?t? Raso?s and ??kta P??has: A Feminine Reclamation of Mythic and Epic Proportions; P.Herman Female Gurus and the Divine Feminine; K.Pechilis The K?l? Practice: Revisiting Women's Roles in Tantra; L. Biernecki PART III: THE FEMININE PRINCIPLES IN HINDU THOUGHT AND PRACTICE: PROBLEMS AND POSSIBILITIES Hindu Rituals on Behalf of Women: Notes on First Principles; L.Patton The Feminine Concept of Surrender in Vai??avism; E.H.Rick Jarow Gandhi's Construction of the Feminine in Hinduism: Negotiating Traditional Values for Modern Goals; V.Howard Afterword: Reimagining the Hindu Feminine: Concluding Reflections

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