Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI (eBook)
XXXVIII, 516 Seiten
Springer US (Verlag)
978-1-4419-1241-1 (ISBN)
The International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT, www. isott. info) is an interdisciplinary society comprising about 250 members worldwide. Its purpose is to further the understanding of all aspects of the processes involved in the transport of oxygen from the air to its ultimate consumption in the cells of the various organs of the body. The annual meeting brings together scientists, engineers, clinicians and mathematicians in a unique int- national forum for the exchange of information and knowledge, the updating of participants on latest developments and techniques, and the discussion of controversial issues within the field of oxygen transport to tissue. Founded in 1973, the society has been the leading platform for the presentation of many of the technological and conceptual developments within the field both at the meetings themselves and in the proceedings of the society. These have been published first by Plenum Publishing (1973), then by Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers and presently by Springer Publishing, all in the Advances In Expe- mental Medicine and Biology Series. The 36th Annual ISOTT conference was held in Sapporo, Japan during August 3-7, 2008. It was the second occasion that the ISOTT meeting was held in Japan; the first one was held in the same place in 1987 organized by Professor Masaji Mochizuki.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 3
International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT) 6
ISOTT2008 6
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI 6
Preface 8
Contents 10
Contributors 20
Part 1: Physiology and Pathophysiology of O2 Transport 40
Unfinished Physiology 41
1 Introduction 41
References 43
Cell Respiration Under Hypoxia: Facts and Artefacts in Mitochondrial Oxygen Kinetics 44
1 Introduction 44
2 Mitochondrial and Cellular Oxygen Kinetics 45
2.1 Isolated Mitochondria 45
2.2 Intact Cells 46
3 Oxygen Kinetics and High-Resolution Respirometry 47
3.1 Nanomolar Resolution of Oxygen Concentration 47
3.2 High-Resolution Oxygen Kinetics: Effects of Cell Density and Cell Activity 48
4 Discussion 54
4.1 Comparative Mitochondrial Physiology and p50 of Mitochondrial Respiration 54
4.2 Methodological Limitations of Closed Systems 56
4.3 Variation of p50 in Open Systems 57
4.4 Variation of p50 In Vivo 58
5 Conclusions 58
References 59
Alveolar Hypoxia-Induced Systemic Inflammation: What Low PO2 Does and Does Not Do 63
1 Introduction 64
2 Dissociation Between Cremaster Microvascular PO2 Values and Cremaster Inflammation 64
3 Plasma from Hypoxic Rats Produces Inflammation in Normoxic Cremaster 65
4 Alveolar Macrophages Are Necessary for the Inflammation of Alveolar Hypoxia 65
5 Activation of Mast Cells by the AMÄ-Generated Intermediary Stimulates the Local Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) 66
References 67
The Influence of Oxygen Supply, Hemorheology and Microcirculation in the Heart and Vascular Systems 69
1 Microcirculation Anatomy 70
2 Endothelial Physiology 70
3 Hemorheology and the Microcirculation 71
4 Vessels and Oxidative Stress 72
5 Microcirculation and the Heart 72
6 Microcirculation and Pathology 73
References 74
Could Dilated Cardiomyopathy Alter the Peripheral Microcirculation and Blood Rheology? 76
1 Introduction 76
2 Material and Methods 77
3 Results 79
4 Discussion 80
5 Conclusion 82
References 82
The Role of Glyoxalase System in Renal Hypoxia 83
1 Hypoxia in the Kidney 83
2 Role of Methylglyoxal (MG), a Precursor of Protein Glycation, in Hypoxic Injury 84
3 Glyoxalase System for Detoxification of MG and its Pathophysiology 85
4 Renoprotective Effect of Glyoxalase I in Hypoxic Injury 86
5 Conclusion 87
References 88
Intracortical Microcirculatory Change Induced by Anesthesia in Rat Somatosensory Cortex 90
1 Introduction 90
2 Materials and Methods 91
3 Results 92
4 Discussion 93
References 94
Macrophages That Survive Hyperoxia Exposure Have Higher Superoxide Dismutase Activities in Their Mitochondria 95
1 Introduction 95
2 Materials and Methods 96
2.1 Macrophages Culture 96
2.2 Cell Counting and SOD Activity Assay 96
2.3 Isolation and Amplification of DNA 97
2.4 Sequence Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA 97
2.5 PCR-RFLP Assay 97
2.6 Statistical Analysis 98
3 Results 98
4 Discussion 100
References 100
Diet-Induced Ketosis Improves Cognitive Performance in Aged Rats 102
1 Introduction 102
2 Methods and Materials 103
2.1 Animal Preparation and Hypoxic Exposure 103
2.2 Behavioral Tests 103
2.3 Immunoreactivity of HIF-1alpha and GlUT-1 103
2.4 Statistical Analysis 104
3 Results 104
3.1 Physiological Variables 104
3.2 Behavioral Performance 104
3.3 Detection of HIF-1alpha Protein in Brain Cortex 105
3.4 Capillary Density: GLUT-1 Immunoreactivity 105
4 Discussion 106
References 106
Fenofibrate, a Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor alpha Agonist, Improves Hepatic Microcirculatory Patency and Oxygen Availability in a High-Fat-Diet-Induced Fatty Liver in Mice 107
1 Introduction 107
2 Materials and Methods 108
3 Results 109
4 Discussion 110
References 112
Renal Vasoconstriction in Rats Causes a Decrease in Capillary Density and an Increase in Alkaline Phosphatase Expression in Cardiac Capillary Nets 113
1 Introduction 113
2 Methods 114
3 Results 115
4 Discussion 116
References 117
The Effects of Cilostazol on Tissue Oxygenation upon an Ischemic-reperfusion Injury in the Mouse Cerebrum 119
1 Introduction 119
2 Materials and Methods 120
2.1 Animal Preparation 120
2.2 Measurement of Plasma Leakage 120
2.3 Evaluation of Capillary Patency 121
2.4 Evaluation of Hypoxia and Vessel Perfusion 121
2.5 Image Analysis 121
3 Results 121
4 Discussion 123
References 124
Effect of Transient Forebrain Ischemia on Flavoprotein Autofluorescence and the Somatosensory Evoked Potential in the Rat 125
1 Introduction 125
2 Methods 126
2.1 Experimental Protocol 126
2.2 Measurements of Flavoprotein Fluorescence 126
2.3 Measurements of SEP 127
2.4 Data Analysis 127
3 Results 128
4 Discussion 129
References 130
Assessing a Shift of Glucose Biotransformation by LC-MS/MS-based Metabolome Analysis in Carbon Monoxide-Exposed Cells 131
1 Introduction 131
2 Materials and Methods 132
2.1 Materials and Extraction of Metabolites 132
2.2 LC-MS/MS 132
3 Results 133
3.1 Measurement of 13C-Labeled Metabolites by LC-MS/MS 133
3.2 Effect of CO on Glucose Metabolism 135
4 Discussion 135
References 136
T-state Stabilization of Hemoglobin by Nitric Oxide to Form alpha-Nitrosyl Heme Causes Constitutive Release of ATP from Human Erythrocytes 138
1 Introduction 138
2 Materials and Methods 139
3 Results 140
3.1 Hb Allostery Serves as a Trigger for ATP Release from Erythrocytes 140
3.2 T-state Stabilization of Hb by NO did not Increase Intracellular ATP in Erythrocytes 141
4 Discussion 142
References 142
Age-Related Changes in the Trachea in Healthy Adults 144
1 Introduction 144
2 Methods 145
3 Results 146
4 Discussion 146
References 148
Polycythemia and Changes in Erythropoietin Concentration in Rats Exposed to Intermittent Hypoxia 150
1 Introduction 150
2 Methods 151
2.1 Production of Intermittent Hypoxia 151
2.2 Experimental Protocol and Statistics 151
3 Results 152
4 Discussion 154
References 155
A Case of HAPE on K2 and Literature Review 156
1 Introduction 156
2 Case 157
3 Discussion 158
4 Conclusion 160
References 160
Synchronization Between Cardiac and Respiratory Rhythms in Healthy Subjects and Patients 162
1 Introduction 162
2 Methods 163
3 Results 165
4 Discussion 167
References 168
Part 2: In Vivo Measurement of O2 170
Time-Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of the Adult Human Brain 171
1 Introduction 171
2 Time-Domain Optical Brain Imager 172
3 Data Analysis 173
4 Application to Functional Stimulation of the Brain 174
5 Conclusions 175
References 176
Clinical Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Oximetry Using India Ink 177
1 Introduction 178
2 Materials and Methods 179
3 Results 179
4 Conclusions 183
References 183
Measurement of Oxygen in the Microcirculation Using Phosphorescence Quenching Microscopy 185
1 Introduction 185
2 Phosphorescence Quenching Microscopy 186
3 Applications of PQM 189
References 190
Optimization of the Coherence Measurement Computed by Means of the Welch Averaged Periodogram Method for Assessment of Impaired Cerebral Autoregulation 191
1 Introduction 191
2 Datasets 192
3 Methods 192
4 Results 194
5 Discussion 195
References 196
A Hybrid Multi-Distance Phase and Broadband Spatially Resolved Spectrometer and Algorithm for Resolving Absolute Concentrations of Chromophores in the Near-Infrared Light Spectrum 197
1 Introduction 197
2 Methods 198
2.1 The Instrument 198
2.2 The Algorithm 199
3 Results 199
3.1 Solid Homogeneous Phantoms 199
3.2 Dynamic Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Phantoms 201
3.3 In-Vivo Muscle 201
4 Discussion 201
References 203
Comparison of Local Adipose Tissue Content and SRS-Derived NIRS Muscle Oxygenation Measurements in 90 Individuals 204
1 Introduction 204
2 Methods 205
3 Results 205
4 Discussion 206
References 208
Muscle Oxygen Saturation Measured Using ‘‘Cyclic NIR Signals’’ During Exercise 209
1 Introduction 209
2 Methods 210
2.1 Experiments 210
2.2 Data Analysis 211
3 Results 213
4 Discussion 214
References 215
Determination of Oxygen Dosage Effects on Cytochrome Oxidase after Anoxia in Brain 216
1 Introduction 216
2 Materials and Methods 217
3 Results and Discussion 218
References 222
A Mathematical Model for Analyses of Muscle Oxygenation Measurements Using NIR Spectroscopy 223
1 Introduction 223
2 Materials and Methods 224
3 Results 225
4 Discussion and Conclusions 227
References 228
Mapping of Optical Pathlength of Human Adult Head at Multi-Wavelengths in Near Infrared Spectroscopy 229
1 Introduction 229
2 Method 230
2.1 TR-NIRS System 230
2.2 Data Analysis 231
3 Results 231
4 Discussion 234
5 Conclusion 234
References 235
Changes of Evoked Cerebral Blood Oxygenation and Optical Pathlength in the Frontal Lobe During Language Tasks: A Study by Multi-Channel, Time-Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Functional MRI 237
1 Introduction 238
2 Method 238
3 Results 238
4 Discussion 242
References 242
The Partial Coherence Method for Assessment of Impaired Cerebral Autoregulation using Near-infrared Spectroscopy: Potential and Limitations 243
1 Introduction 243
2 Datasets 244
3 Methods 245
4 Results 245
5 Discussion 247
References 248
Active Muscle Oxygenation Dynamics Measured During High-Intensity Exercise by Using Two Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Methods 249
1 Introduction 249
2 Methods 250
3 Results 251
4 Discussion 253
References 254
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Frontal Sinus on the Sensitivity of the NIRS Signal in the Adult Head 255
1 Introduction 255
2 Methods 256
2.1 Time-Resolved Experiments 256
2.2 Modelling of the Light Propagation in the Head Model 256
3 Results and Discussion 257
4 Conclusions 259
References 260
Functional Optical Topography Analysis Using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) Methodology with and without Physiological Confounds 261
1 Introduction 261
2 Methods 262
3 Results 265
4 Discussion 266
References 267
Comparison of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials and Cerebral Blood Oxygenation Changes in the Sensorimotor Cortex During Activation in the Rat 268
1 Introduction 268
2 Method 269
3 Results 269
4 Discussion 270
5 Conclusion 271
References 272
Individual Differences in Blood Volume and Oxygenation in the Brain during a Cognitive Task based on Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Measurements 273
1 Introduction 273
2 Methods 274
3 Results and Discussion 275
References 276
Cerebral Oxygenation in the Frontal Lobe Cortex during Incremental Exercise Tests: The Regional Changes Influenced by Volitional Exhaustion 278
1 Introduction 278
2 Methods 279
3 Results 280
4 Discussion 283
References 283
Implantable Resonators - A Technique for Repeated Measurement of Oxygen at Multiple Deep Sites with In Vivo EPR 285
1 Introduction 285
2 Materials and Methods 286
3 Results 287
4 Discussion 289
References 291
Use of Visible Spectrophotometry to Assess Tissue Oxygenation in the Colostomy Stoma 293
1 Introduction 293
2 Methods 294
3 Results 295
4 Discussion 296
5 Conclusions 297
References 297
Automatic Detection of Motion Artifacts in Infant Functional Optical Topography Studies 299
1 Introduction 299
2 Methods 300
2.1 Data Recording 300
2.2 Data Analysis 301
3 Results and Discussion 302
4 Conclusions 303
References 304
Modelling of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption and NIRS Detection of Cytochrome Oxidase Redox State 305
1 Introduction: NIRS and Brain Monitoring 305
2 The Model 306
3 Comparison with Data from a Hypoxia Study 308
4 Estimating DeltaoxCCO Using the BRAINCIRC Model 308
5 Conclusions 310
References 310
Forced Oscillation Technique as a Non-Invasive Assessment for Lung Transplant Recipients 312
1 Introduction 312
2 Theoretical Background and Measurement Protocol 313
3 Case Report 313
4 Discussion 315
References 316
Part 3: Exercise and O2 Transport 318
Muscle Microcirculatory O2 Exchange in Health and Disease 319
1 Introduction 319
2 RBC Flux in the Majority of Capillaries in Resting Muscle 321
3 NIRS Evidence Supports Little De novo Capillary Recruitment from Rest-Exercise 322
4 RBC Flux in Most Resting Muscle Capillaries is Mathematically Feasible 322
5 Putative Explanations for Apparently Contrary Findings 323
6 Conclusions 323
References 324
Arteriolar Vasomotor Control and Contractile Performance During Fatiguing Tetanic Contractions in Rat Skeletal Muscle: Role of Sympathetic System 326
1 Introduction 326
2 Methods 327
3 Results 328
4 Discussion 329
References 331
The Influence of Passive Stretch on Muscle Oxygen Saturation 333
1 Introduction 333
2 Methods 334
3 Results 335
4 Discussion 336
References 338
NIRS Measurement of O2 Dynamics in Contracting Blood and Buffer Perfused Hindlimb Muscle 339
1 Introduction 339
2 Materials and Methods 340
2.1 Experimental Animals and Protocol 340
2.2 Statistical Analysis 342
3 Results 342
4 Discussion 343
References 344
Muscle Reoxygenation Difference Between Superficial and Deep Regions of the Muscles During Static Knee Extension 345
1 Introduction 345
2 Methods 346
3 Results 347
4 Discussion 348
References 350
Arterial Oxygen Desaturation Response to Repeated Bouts of Sprint Exercise in Healthy Young Women 351
1 Introduction 351
2 Methods 352
2.1 Subjects 352
2.2 Exercise 352
2.3 Measurements 353
2.4 EIAH 353
2.5 Statistics 353
3 Results 354
4 Discussion 354
References 355
The Effect of Endurance Training on Resting Oxygen Stores in Muscle Evaluated by Near Infrared Continuous Wave Spectroscopy 357
1 Introduction 358
2 Methods 358
3 Results 359
4 Discussion 360
5 Conclusion 362
References 362
Cerebrovascular Response During Heavy Upper Body Exercise: Effect of Mode of Ventilation on Blood Flow Velocity in the Middle Cerebral Artery 363
1 Introduction 363
2 Methods 364
3 Results 365
4 Discussion 366
References 367
Unchanged Muscle Deoxygenation Heterogeneity During Bicycle Exercise After 6 Weeks of Endurance Training 369
1 Introduction 369
2 Methods 370
2.1 Subjects 370
2.2 Experimental Design 370
2.3 Multichannel NIRSRS System 370
2.4 Statistics 371
3 Results 372
4 Discussion 373
References 374
Comparison of Muscle O2 Dynamics at Different Sites of the Forearm Flexor Muscles During Incremental Handgrip Exercise 375
1 Introduction 375
2 Methods 376
2.1 Subjects 376
2.2 Experimental Protocol 376
2.3 Multichannel NIRcws 376
2.4 Statistics 377
3 Results 378
4 Discussion 378
References 380
Blood Flow and Arterial Vessel Diameter Change During Graded Handgrip Exercise in Dominant and Non-dominant Forearms of Tennis Players 381
1 Introduction 381
2 Methods 382
3 Results 383
4 Discussion 384
References 385
Changes in Perfusion Related to Muscle Length Affect the Pressor Response to Isometric Muscle Contraction 387
1 Introduction 387
2 Methods 388
3 Results 389
4 Discussion 391
References 393
Decreased Muscle Oxygenation and Increased Arterial Blood Flow in the Non-Exercising Limb During Leg Exercise 394
1 Introduction 394
2 Methods 395
2.1 Subjects 395
2.2 Exercise 395
2.3 Measurements 395
2.4 Data Analysis and Statistics 397
3 Results 397
4 Discussion 398
References 399
Effects of Acute Hypoxia on the Inflection Point of Muscle Oxygenation 400
1 Introduction 400
2 Methods 401
2.1 Subjects 401
2.2 Experiment Design 401
2.3 Measurements 401
2.4 Statistical Analyses 403
3 Results 403
4 Discussion 404
References 404
Part 4: O2 Microenvironment in Cancer 406
No Sustained Improvement in Tumor Oxygenation After Localized Mild Hyperthermia 407
1 Introduction 407
2 Methods 408
3 Results 409
4 Conclusions 410
References 411
HIF-Mediated Hypoxic Response is Missing in Severely Hypoxic Uterine Leiomyomas 413
1 Introduction 413
2 Methods 414
3 Results 415
4 Conclusions 417
References 418
FRET-Like Fluorophore-Nanoparticle Complex for Highly Specific Cancer Localization 420
1 Introduction 420
2 Materials, Instruments and Methods 421
3 Results and Discussion 422
3.1 Free Cypate Fluorescence by Free NGP Colloids 422
3.2 Fluorescence Change by NGP-Short Spacer 423
3.3 Fluorescence Change by NGP-Longer Spacer 424
4 Conclusions 425
References 425
Design of Novel Hypoxia-Targeting IDO Hybrid Inhibitors Conjugated with an Unsubstituted L-TRP as an IDO Affinity Moiety 427
1 Introduction 427
2 Materials and Methods 428
2.1 Syntheses of L-Trp-TPZ Hybrids 428
2.2 IDO Inhibitory Activity 429
3 Results 429
3.1 Synthesis 429
3.2 IDO Inhibitory Activity 430
4 Discussion 432
References 432
Phosphorescence-Assisted Microvascular O2 Measurements Reveal Alterations of Oxygen Demand in Human Metastatic Colon Cancer in the Liver of Superimmunodeficient NOG Mice 434
1 Introduction 434
2 Materials and Methods 435
2.1 The Model for Hepatic Metastasis of Human Colon Cancer 435
2.2 Measurement of Blood Flow and Microvascular PO2 435
3 Results 436
4 Discussion 437
References 439
Part 5: Clinical Aspects of O2 Transport 441
Hemoglobin-Vesicle, a Cellular Artificial Oxygen Carrier that Fulfils the Physiological Roles of the Red Blood Cell Structure 442
1 Introduction 442
2 Structural Stability and Suspension Properties 443
3 The Rate of O2-Unloading, and NO- and CO-Bindings 444
4 Resuscitation from Hemorrhagic Shock with HbV 445
References 447
Safer Surgery Using Zymogen Protein C Concentrate 448
1 Introduction 449
2 The Surgery 451
3 Production Research 452
4 Conclusions 452
References 453
Cerebral and Peripheral Tissue Oxygenation in Children Supported on ECMO for Cardio-Respiratory Failure 455
1 Introduction 455
2 Methods 456
3 Results and Discussion 457
4 Conclusions 460
References 461
Effects of Acupuncture on Autonomic Nervous Function and Prefrontal Cortex Activity 462
1 Introduction 462
2 Methods 463
3 Results 464
4 Discussion 466
References 466
The Effect of Glycaemia on the Cerebral Oxygenation in Very Low Birthweight Infants as Measured by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 468
1 Introduction 468
2 Datasets 469
2.1 Patient Population 469
2.2 Clinical Data 469
3 Methods 470
3.1 Monitoring Cerebral Tissue Oxygenation and Extraction 470
3.2 Study Design and Statistics 470
4 Experimental Results and Discussion 470
4.1 Clinical Characteristics 470
4.2 The Effect of Glycaemia on TOI, FTOE and HbD 471
5 Discussion 472
6 Conclusion 473
References 473
A Novel Approach to Evaluate the Vessel Function Determined by Near Infrared Spectroscopy 474
1 Introduction 474
2 Methods 475
2.1 Protocol (OT: Occlusion Test) 475
2.2 Statistics 475
3 Results 476
4 Discussion 476
References 478
Effects of Aging on Activity of the Prefrontal Cortex and Autonomic Nervous System during Mental Stress Task 479
1 Introduction 479
2 Methods 480
3 Result 481
4 Discussion 482
References 483
Activity in the Premotor Area Related to Bite Force Control - A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study 485
1 Introduction 485
2 Methods 486
3 Results 488
4 Discussion 488
5 Conclusion 489
References 490
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study on Primary Motor and Somatosensory Cortex Response to Biting and Finger Clenching 491
1 Introduction 491
2 Methods 492
3 Results 493
4 Discussion 494
5 Conclusion 495
References 496
Changes in Cerebral Blood Oxygenation and Hemodynamics After Endovascular Treatment of Vascular Malformation Measured by Time-Resolved Spectroscopy 497
1 Introduction 497
2 Method 498
2.1 Case Presentation 498
2.2 TRS 499
3 Results 500
4 Discussion 500
5 Conclusion 502
References 502
Development of a New Rehabilitation System Based on a Brain-Computer Interface Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 503
1 Introduction 503
2 Methods 504
2.1 Subjects 504
2.2 Experimental Procedure 505
2.3 NIRS-BCI Signal Analysis 506
2.4 Electrical Muscle Stimulation 506
3 Results and Discussion 506
References 508
Bedside Assessment of Cerebral Vasospasms After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Near Infrared Time-Resolved Spectroscopy 510
1 Introduction 510
2 Methods 511
3 Results 512
4 Discussion 512
5 Conclusion 515
References 515
Development of an Artificial Vital Sign Generator for Pulse Oximeter 517
1 Introduction 517
2 Artificial Vital Sign Generator 518
2.1 Biological Model 518
2.2 Control Unit 518
3 Emitted Light Signals of Artificial Vital Sign Generator 520
3.1 Pulse Oximetry 520
3.2 Calculation of Emitted Light Signals 520
4 Experimental Results 521
5 Discussion and Conclusions 522
References 522
EC-IC Bypass Function in Moyamoya Disease and Non-Moyamoya Ischemic Stroke Evaluated by Intraoperative Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Angiography 523
1 Introduction 523
2 Methods 524
3 Results 525
4 Discussion 526
5 Conclusion 527
References 527
Effects of Revascularisation on Evoked Cerebral Blood Oxygenation Responses in Stroke Patients 529
1 Introduction 529
2 Methods 530
3 Results 531
4 Discussion 532
5 Conclusion 532
References 533
Effects of Oral Single-Dose Administration of Sarpogrelate Hydrochloride on Saturation O2 of Calf Muscle During Plantar Flexion Exercise 535
1 Introduction 535
2 Methods 536
3 Results 537
4 Discussion 538
5 Conclusion 539
References 540
Oxidative Capacity of the Skeletal Muscle and Lactic Acid Kinetics During Exercise in Healthy Subjects and Patients with COPD 541
1 Introduction 541
2 Methods 542
2.1 Study Design and Subjects 542
2.2 Exercise Test, LA Measurement, and NIRS Monitoring 542
3 Results 543
4 Discussion 545
5 Conclusion 546
References 547
Index 548
Index 548
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 10.3.2010 |
Reihe/Serie | Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology |
Zusatzinfo | XXXVIII, 516 p. 179 illus., 15 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | New York |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Medizinische Fachgebiete ► Innere Medizin ► Pneumologie |
Studium ► 1. Studienabschnitt (Vorklinik) ► Biochemie / Molekularbiologie | |
Studium ► 1. Studienabschnitt (Vorklinik) ► Physiologie | |
Studium ► Querschnittsbereiche ► Infektiologie / Immunologie | |
Naturwissenschaften ► Biologie ► Biochemie | |
Technik | |
Schlagworte | 31 • bruley • Cells • erythrocyte • ISOTT • oxygen • Physiology • tissue • Transport • XXXI |
ISBN-10 | 1-4419-1241-X / 144191241X |
ISBN-13 | 978-1-4419-1241-1 / 9781441912411 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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