MP iHealth (text and Connect Access Card) - Phillip Sparling, Kerry Redican

MP iHealth (text and Connect Access Card)

543 Seiten
McGraw-Hill Professional
978-0-07-738108-0 (ISBN)
119,25 inkl. MwSt
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Presents a new kind of health learning system - an integrated print-digital learning system designed to meet the needs of students and instructors. This book is organized into three key areas: Health Behaviors, Health Risks and Consequences, and Consumer Health.
iHealth: An Interactive Framework is a new kind of health learning system — an integrated print-digital learning system designed to meet the needs of today’s students and instructors. iHealth is composed of two essential components: A brief text that provides a guiding framework for teaching key personal health concepts in a limited amount of time. The book is organized into three key areas: Health Behaviors, Health Risks and Consequences, and Consumer Health. These personal health essentials are what students use to practice healthier behaviors, avoid the consequences of unhealthy behaviors, and to be critical consumers of health information and health care. iHealth is also an online homework system that offers a library of 66 current readings that enable instructors to focus on and integrate those special topics, themes, and perspectives that are most important to them personally, whether the environment, diversity, genetics, globalization, mind / body, technology, consumerism, or culture. The online readings are drawn primarily from mainstream media (newspapers, magazines, reliable Internet sites) and scientific journals. They have been chosen for their relevance to students’ lives and for their ability to promote behavior change.

Phillip B. Sparling is a Professor of Applied Physiology and Health Behavior in the College of Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). He received his undergraduate degree from Duke University and masters and doctorate from the University of Georgia. In addition to being a teacher and researcher at Georgia Tech for three decades, he has been a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Cape Town Medical School in South Africa, a Senior Scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, and a Visiting Research Professor in the School of Population Health at the University of Queensland in Australia. He has published some 70 peer-reviewed articles in scientific and medical journals. Dr. Sparling is a Fellow of the AAHPERD Research Consortium, American College of Sports Medicine, National Academy of Kinesiology, and the Society of Behavioral Medicine. His current work focuses on real-world projects that enable individuals and communities to change lifestyle behaviors to prevent and control chronic diseases. Kerry J. Redican is a Professor of Health Education and Health Promotion in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech. His education includes a bachelors degree from California State University at Long Beach, M.S. in health education from the UCLA School of Public Health, Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, and MPH in health administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As a faculty member at Virginia Tech for over two decades, he has been actively involved in development, implementation, and evaluation of health education programs in schools and communities. He is a co-author of four textbooks and has over 60 publications in health journals. Dr. Redican is a Fellow of the American School Health Association and has served on the Board of Directors of the American Association for Health Education and as President of the Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.

Part I--Personal Health: Revisiting the Basics
Chapter 1 Foundations of Personal Health
Part II--Health Behaviors: Living a Healthier Life
Chapter 2 Choose a Healthy Diet
Chapter 3 Develop a Fitness Program
Chapter 4 Understand Drugs Use, Misuse, and Abuse
Chapter 5 Respect Sexuality
Chapter 6 Manage Stress
Part III--Health Risks and Consequences: Understanding Medical Conditions
Chapter 7 Mental Health and Disorders
Chapter 8 Heart Disease and Stroke
Chapter 9 Cancers
Chapter 10 Diabetes
Chapter 11 Infections
Part IV--Health Care Choices: Navigating the Health Care System
Chapter 12 U.S. Health Care System: Fundamentals
Chapter 13 Personal Health Care: Decision Making
Part V--Resources

Connect Personal Health Online Articles
Below is a list of the 66 health-related articles available via the Connect Personal Health website.

Chapter 1

Aging Well: Toward a Way of Life for All People by Barbara A. Hawkins (~1600 words) Preventing Chronic Disease, July 2005

Nature versus Nurture Revisited by Kevin Davies (~1300 words) From the PBS NOVA Online feature: Cracking the Code of Life (2001

No Truth to the Fountain of Youth by S. Jay Olshansky, Leonard Hayflick, and Bruce A. Carnes (~2600 words) Scientific American, June 2002

Simple Tools for Understanding Risks: From Innumeracy to Insight by Gerd Gigerenzer and Adrian Edwards (~2500 words) British Medical Journal, September 27, 2003

The Theory Heard 'Round the World by Deborah Smith (~1400 words) Monitor on Psychology, October 2002

The Lost Boys by Sara Corbett (~1500 words) The New York Times Upfront, September 3, 2001

Chapter 2

Head to Head: Is the Obesity Epidemic Exaggerated? British Medical Journal, February 2, 2008 Yes by Patrick Basham and John Luik (~800 words) | No R.W. Jeffery and N.E. Sherwood (~800 words)

Lost in Translation: Why Real Fruits and Vegetables Beat Juices, Powders, and Purees by David Schardt (~ 1800 words) Nutrition Action Healthletter, December 2007

Six Rules for Eating Wisely by Michael Pollan (~900 words) Time, June 11, 2006

When Buying Organic Makes Sense – and When It Doesn’t by Betsy McKay (~2,000 words) Wall Street Journal, January 16, 2007

You Are Also What You Drink by Jane Brody (~1,100 words) The New York Times, March 27, 2007

Chapter 3

Chapter 1 (pp 19-28) from The Courage to Startby John “The Penguin” Bingham (~ 3,000 words) New York, NY: Fireside, 1999

On Fitness: Going Back to a Sport You Love by Katherine Hobson (~900 words) US News and World Report, November 16, 2007

Choosing the Right Personal Trainer for Youby Jan Schroeder (~1,200 words) ACSM Fit Society Page, Winter 2006-07

The Play of the Year by Rick Reilly (~800 words) Sports Illustrated, November 18, 2002

Should Athletes Stretch before Exercise? by Karl B. Fields, Craig M. Burnworth and Martha Delaney (~3600 words) Sports Science Exchange #104, 6/14/2007 Gatorade Sports Science Institute

Let the Doping Begin by Norman Post (~750 words) SEED, Volume 2, Issue 3, February/March 2006

Chapter 4

A Host of Trouble by Emma Schwartz (1100 words) U.S. News and World Report, October, 2007

America's Most Dangerous Drug by David J. Jefferson (2000 words) Newsweek, August, 2005

Drug Use Among Racial/Ethnic Minorities (2500 words) National Institute on Drug Abuse, September, 2003

How We Get Addicted by Michael D. Lemonick with Alice Park, (2500 words) Time Magazine, July, 2007

Patterns of Club Drug Use in the U.S., 2004 (2000 words) Jane Carlisle Maxwell, The Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network

Possession of Cannabis for Personal Use (1500 words) European Legal Data Base on Drugs, March 22, 2008

Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behavior: Attitudes and Practices Among Adolescents and Young Adults (2800 words) The Henry Kaiser Family Foundation, Survey Snapshot, February, 2002

Over the Limit by Nancy Shute (1500 words) U.S. News and World Report, April, 2007

Chapter 5

Abstinence Only vs. Comprehensive Sex Education: What are the arguments? What is the evidence? (3000 words) Chris Collins, Priya Alagiri, Todd Summers (Progressive Health Partners) and Stephen F. Moran , AIDS Policy Research Center and Center for AIDS Prevention Studies

Doubts About Condoms: Science Questioning Their Efficacy in Halting HIV/AIDS Zenit (900 words)

"Hooking Up" and Hanging Out: Casual Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents and Young Adults Today (700 words) by Christy Daniel and Kate Fogarty University of Florida IFAS Extension

Pornography and Sexual Violence (1600 words) Robert Jensen (with contributions by Debbie Okrina) National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women

The Effectiveness of Condoms in Preventing HIV Transmission (600 words) American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR Aids research

The Heart of the Matter: Public Funding of Abortion for Poor Women in the United States Heather D. Boonstra (1200 words) Guttmacher Policy Review, Winter, 2007

Chapter 6

A Primer on Happiness and Life Satisfaction (Subjective Well Being)by Ed Diener (~3,000 words) Excerpted from Professor Diener’s webpage.

Poll Shows Stress Pains Many in College by Alan Fram and Trevor Tompson, Associated Press Writers (~1,200 words) USA TODAY March 18, 2008

“Strong Medicine” Speaks by Amy Hill Hearth (~1,050 words) March 01, 2008

The Road to Resilience (~1,400 words) APA Help Center, American Psychological Association 2004

Unraveling Beliefs by Mahzarin Banaji (~1,150 words) Edge 2007

Forging a New, Bipartisan Environmental Movement by Newt Gingrich and Terry L. Maple (~1,950 words) Issues in Science and Technology Winter 2008

Chapter 7

Men and Depression: Facing Darkness Julie Scelfo (1500 words) Newsweek, February, 2007

Who Was Responsible for Elizabeth Shin? Deborah Sontag (2000 words) The New York Times on the Web

Battling Anorexia: The Story of Karen Carpenter Adena Young (1200 words) Mind and Body

Leadership Personality: Do You Have the Big Five Traits? Maynard Brusman (1000 words) Working Resources, Volume IV., No. 8

A Nation of Wimps Hara Estroff Marano (1100 words) Psychology Today June, 2005

Bungle in the Jungle (~4000 words)by Joshua Hammer, Men's Vogue, December, 2007.

Chapter 8

Hands-Only CPR Simplifies Saving Lives for Bystanders (~700 words) News Release, American Heart Association April 1, 2008

Lowering LDL Cholesterol without Drugs by Adam Voiland (~750 words) U.S. News & World Report posted February 6, 2008

Physical Activity and Coronary Heart Diseaseby G. David Batty and I-Min Lee (850 words) British Medical Journal 328:1089-1090, May 8, 2004

Dr. Ancel Keys, 100, Promoter of Mediterranean Diet, Dies by Jane Brody (~850 words) The New York Times November 23, 2004

Doctors without Orders: The Mystery of Patients Who Fail to Follow Prescriptions by Jessica Wapner (~1,050 words)Slate posted March 21, 2008

Chapter 9

The Deadliest Cancer (2500 words) by Geoffrey Cowley and Claudia Kalb Newsweek, August, 2005

The Sunscreen Myth: How sunscreen products actually promote cancer (1000 words) Mike Adams, Natural Printable article, June, 2007

Cancer and Me (2000 words)by Bernadine Healy, U.S. News and World Report, April, 2007

Mapping the Cancer Genome (3200 words) by Francis S. Collins, Anna D. Barker Scientific American, March, 2007

Cancer Drugs: Weighing the Risks and Benefits (2500 words) Linda Bren, FDA Consumer, January-February, 2007

Cancer Quackery Examined (3500 words) by Ray Lowenthal, The Skeptic, Autumn, 2001

Chapter 10

All About Pre-Diabetes. American Diabetes Association March 2004 (~950 words)

Creating a Family Culture of Healthy Eating, One Step at a Time by Laura Plunket (~1,650 words) Diabetes Health June 2007

Type 2 Diabetes: Thirty Years of Progress. National Institutes of Health 2005 (~1,200 words)

How and Where Fat Is Stored Predicts Disease Risk Better Than Weight. UT (University of Texas) Southwestern Medical Center April 16, 2008 (~900 words

The Battle of the Bulge The Economist February 15, 2008 (~1,250 words)

Chapter 11

How the FDA Works to Keep Produce Safe (2200 words) Michelle Meadows, FDA Consumer, March-April 2007, pp. 13-19.

Avian Flu: Is the Government Ready for an Epidemic? (1500 words) ABC News Internet Ventures. Rhonda Schwartz, Michael Bicks, Samantha Chapman, Maddy Sauer Simon Surowicz, Jill Rackmill, Steve Baker, Monica DelaRosa and Jeffifer Needleman. (September 15, 2005) ABC News Internet Ventures, 2008.

Genital Herpes: A Hidden Epidemic (~words) Linda Bren FDA Consumer Magazine, March-April, 2002.

The Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections (2700 words) Ricki Lewis, FDA Consumer Magazine, September, 1995

Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response (1500 words) Julie Louise Gerberding, James M. Hughes, Jeffrey P. Koplan JAMA, February, 2000
Risk of Meningococcal Infection in College Students (2500 words) Lee H. Harrison, Diane M. Dwyer, Charles T. Maples, Lillian Billman JAMA, May, 1999

ul>Chapter 12

Yes, Prevention is Cheaper Than Treatmentby Dean Ornish (~1,450 words) Newsweek April 24, 2008

In Search of New Ideas for Global Healthby Tadataka Yamada (~1,050 words) New England Journal of Medicine March 27, 2008

It’s Never Just One Thing” that Leads to Serious Errorby Susan Brink (2,000 words) Los Angeles Times January 28, 2008

Training Daze by Darshak Sanghavi (1,250 words) Slate posted March 12, 2008

Disentangling Integrative Medicine by Edzard Ernst (~1,100 words) Mayo Clinic Proceedings 79: 565-566, April 2004

Improving Health Care Quality: Current Conceptsby Michael J. Pentecost (~1,750 words) The Permanente Journal 11: 75-77, Winter 2007

Chapter 13

Campus Health's Hidden Costs by Kim Clark (~800 words) US News and World Report Feb 11, 2008
Five Rules by Atul Gawande (~1,800 words) Harvard Medical School Commencement address June 9, 2005

Q & A: The Big Hurt. An Interview with Jerome Groopman, M.D. (~1,700 words) The New Yorker October 10, 2005

AP Probe Finds Drugs in Drinking Water by Jeff Donn, Martha Mendoza and Justin Pritchard (~2,600 words) USA Today March 10, 2008

Blocked by Lisa I. Iezzoni (~2,750 words) Health Affairs 27:203-209, January/February 2008

Does Your Brain Have a Mind of Its Own? by Gary Marcus (1,350 words) Los Angeles Times May 4, 2008

Erscheint lt. Verlag 16.2.2010
Zusatzinfo Illustrations (chiefly col.)
Sprache englisch
Maße 137 x 211 mm
Gewicht 528 g
Themenwelt Studium Querschnittsbereiche Prävention / Gesundheitsförderung
ISBN-10 0-07-738108-4 / 0077381084
ISBN-13 978-0-07-738108-0 / 9780077381080
Zustand Neuware
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