Musculoskeletal Anatomy Flashcards - Joseph E. Muscolino

Musculoskeletal Anatomy Flashcards

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512 Seiten
2009 | 2nd Revised edition
978-0-323-05722-6 (ISBN)
37,40 inkl. MwSt
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Consisting of more than 250 high-quality flashcards, this work offers a tool for on-the-go review. It offers comprehensive coverage of the names, region and muscle groups, pronunciations, attachments, functions, innervations, and over 180 individual muscles.
Consisting of more than 250 high-quality flashcards, this powerful, portable study aid is the most thorough reference of its kind and the perfect tool for on-the-go review. Master musculoskeletal anatomy with comprehensive coverage of the names, region and muscle groups, pronunciations, attachments, functions, innervations, and more for over 180 individual muscles. Each two-sided, full-color muscle card also includes a vibrant illustration from The Muscular System Manual, 3rd Edition. You'll have quick access to everything you need to know about musculoskeletal anatomy, no matter where you are!

Comprehensive focus on musculoskeletal anatomy helps you master content essential to your success on exams and in manual therapy practice.
Compact size provides a complete review of musculoskeletal anatomy in a convenient, user-friendly format.

Innovative overlay artwork depicts high-quality muscle illustrations superimposed over photographs of the human body to help you identify the exact structure and placement of muscles and bone as they appear under the skin.
Muscle information is now organized by functional groups for easier reference and more practical review.
New cards familiarize you with additional skeletal muscles of the human body, including the eye, larynx, palette, perineum, pharynx, tongue, tympanic cavity, and abdomen.
Convenient references direct you to corresponding muscle information and illustrations in The Muscular System Manual, 3rd Edition and Musculoskeletal Anatomy Coloring Book, 2nd Edition for additional detail and review.

Part 1

The Skeletal Muscles of the Upper Extremity

Section 1: Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle

Card 1, Side A: Posterior View of the Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle Region

Card 1, Side B: Anterior View of the Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle Region

Card 2, Side A: Right Lateral View of the Shoulder Girdle and Neck Region

Card 2, Side B: Blank for now

Card 3: Trapezius

Card 4: Rhomboids

Card 5: Levator Scapulae

Card 6: Serratus Anterior

Card 7: Pectoralis Minor

Card 8: Subclavius

Section 2: Muscles of the Glenohumeral Joint

Card 9, Side A: Posterior view of the muscles of the glenohumeral joint and shoulder girdle region

Card 9, Side B: Anterior view of the muscles of the glenohumeral joint and shoulder girdle region

Card 10, Side A: Right lateral view of the muscles of the glenohumeral joint, shoulder girdle, and neck region


Card 10, Side B: Right lateral view of the muscles of the glenohumeral joint, shoulder girdle, and neck region

Card 11, Side A: Anterior view of a frontal plane section through the right glenohumeral joint

Card 12, Side A: Right lateral view of the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, and trunk regions

Card 12, Side B: Right lateral view of the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, and trunk regions

Card 13: Deltoid

Card 14: Coracobrachialis

Card 15: Pectoralis Major

Card 16: Latissimus Dorsi

Card 17: Teres Major

Card 18: Rotator Cuff Group

Card 19: Supraspinatus

Card 20: Infraspinatus

Card 21: Teres Minor

Card 22: Subscapularis

Section 3: Muscles of the Elbow and Radioulnar Joints

Card 23, Side A: Anterior view of muscles of right elbow joint

Card 23, Side B: Anterior view of muscles of right elbow joint

Card 24, Side A: Posterior view of muscles of right elbow joint

Card 24, Side B: Posterior views of muscles of right elbow joint

Card 25, Side A: Lateral view of the muscles of the right elbow joint

Card 25, Side B: Medial view of the muscles of the right elbow joint

Card 26: Biceps brachii

Card 27: Brachialis

Card 28: Brachioradialis

Card 29: Triceps brachii

Card 30: Anconeus

Card 31: Pronator teres

Card 32: Pronator quadratus

Card 33: Supinator

Section 4: Muscles of the Wrist Joint

Card 34, Side A: Anterior View of the Muscles of the Right Wrist Joint

Card 34, Side B: Anterior View of the Muscles of the Right Wrist Joint

Card 35, Side A: Anterior View of the Muscles of the Right Wrist Joint

Card 35, Side B: Blank for now

Card 36, Side A: Posterior View of the Muscles of the Right Wrist Joint

Card 36, Side B: Posterior View of the Muscles of the Right Wrist Joint

Card 37, Side A: Anterior View of the Right Wrist Flexor Group of Muscles

Card 37, Side B: Posterior View of the Right Wrist Extensor Group of Muscles

Card 38, Side A: Lateral View of the Muscles of the Right Wrist Joint

Card 38, Side B: Medial View of the Muscles of the Right Wrist Joint

Card 39: Flexor carpi radialis

Card 40: Palmaris longus

Card 41: Flexor carpi ulnaris

Card 42: Extensor carpi radialis longus

Card 43: Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Card 44: Extensor carpi ulnaris

Section 5: Extrinsic Muscles of the Finger Joints

Card 45: Flexor digitorum superficialis

Card 46: Flexor digitorum profundus

Card 47: Flexor pollicis longus

Card 48: Extensor digitorum

Card 49: Extensor digiti minimi

Card 50, Side A: Posterior view of the muscles of the right deep distal four group

Card 50, Side B: Posterior view of the muscles of the right deep distal four group

Card 51: Abductor pollicis longus

Card 52: Extensor pollicis brevis

Card 53: Extensor pollicis longus

Card 54: Extensor indicis

Section 6: Intrinsic Muscles of the Finger Joints

Card 55, Side A: Anterior (Palmar) View of the Musculature of the Hand - Superficial View with Palmar Aponeurosis

Card 55, Side B: Anterior (Palmar) View of the Musculature of the Hand - Superficial Muscular View

Card 56, Side A: Anterior (Palmar) View of the Musculature of the Hand - Intermediate Muscular View

Card 56, Side B: Anterior (Palmar) View of the Musculature of the Hand - Deep Muscular View

Card 57, Side A: Anterior (Palmar) view of the Musculature of the Hand - Deepest Muscular View

Card 57, Side B: Posterior (Dorsal) View of the Musculature of the Hand

Card 58, Side A: Dorsal View of the dorsal digital expansion of the index finger of the right hand

Card 58, Side B: Lateral View of the dorsal digital expansion of the index finger of the right hand

Card 59: Thenar group

Card 60: Abductor pollicis brevis

Card 61: Flexor pollicis brevis

Card 62: Opponens pollicis

Card 63: Hypothenar group

Card 64: Abductor digiti minimi manus

Card 65: Flexor digiti minimi manus

Card 66: Opponens pollicis

Card 67: Central compartment group

Card 68: Adductor pollicis

Card 69: Lumbricals manus

Card 70: Palmar interossei

Card 71: Dorsal interossei manus

Card 72: Palmaris brevis

Part 2

The Skeletal Muscles of the Axial Body

Section 7: Muscles of the Spinal Joints

Card 73, Side A: Posterior Views of the Muscles of the Trunk - Superficial and Intermediate Views

Card 73, Side B: Posterior Views of the Muscles of the Trunk - Deeper Views

Card 74, Side A: Anterior Views of the Muscles of the Trunk - Superficial and Intermediate Views

Card 74, Side B: Anterior Views of the Muscles of the Trunk - Deeper Views

Card 75, Side A: Lateral View of the Trunk

Card 76, Side A: Posterior View of the Neck and Upper Back Region - Superficial Views

Card 76, Side B: Posterior View of the Neck and Upper Back Region - Intermediate and Deep Views

Card 77, Side A: Posterior View of the Neck and Upper Back Region - Intermediate and Deep Views

Card 78, Side A: Anterior View of the Neck and Upper Chest Region - Superficial Views

Card 78, Side B: Anterior View of the Neck and Upper Chest Region - Intermediate and Deep Views

Card 79, Side A: Anterior View of the Neck and Upper Chest Region - Intermediate and Deep Views

Card 79, Side B: Right Lateral View of the Muscles of the Neck Region

Card 80: Erector Spinae Group

Card 81: Iliocostalis

Card 82: longissimus

Card 83: Spinalis

Card 84: Transversospinalis

Card 85: Semispinalis

Card 86: Multifidus

Card 87: Rotatores

Card 88: Interspinales

Card 89: Intertransversarii

Card 90: Sternocleidomastoid

Card 91: Scalene group

Card 92: Anterior scalene

Card 93: Middle scalene

Card 94: Posterior scalene

Card 95: Prevertebral group

Card 96: Longus colli

Card 97: Longus capitis

Card 98: Rectus capitis anterior

Card 99: Rectus capitis lateralis

Card 100: Splenius capitis

Card 101: Splenius cervicis

Card 102: Suboccipital group

Card 103: Rectus capitis posterior major

Card 104: Rectus capitis posterior major

Card 105: Obliquus capitis inferior

Card 106: Obliquus capitis superior

Card 107: Quadratus lumborum

Card 108: Anterior abdominal wall superficial

Card 109: Anterior abdominal wall deeper

Card 110: Rectus abdominis

Card 111: External abdominal oblique

Card 112: Internal abdominal oblique

Card 113: Transversus abdominis

Card 114: Psoas minor

Section 8: Muscles of the Ribcage Joints

Card 115, Side A: Posterior Views of the Muscles of the Trunk - Superficial and Intermediate Views

Card 115, Side B: Posterior Views of the Muscles of the Trunk - Deeper Views

Card 116, Side A: Anterior View of the Muscles of the Trunk - Superficial and Intermediate Views

Card 116, Side B: Anterior View of the Muscles of the Trunk - Deeper Views

Card 117, Side A: Right Lateral View of the Muscles of the Trunk - Superficial View

Card 117, Side B: Right Lateral View of the Muscles of the Trunk - Deep View

Card 118: External intercostals

Card 119: Internal intercostals

Card 120: Transversus thoracis

Card 121: Diaphragm

Card 122: Serratus posterior superior

Card 123: Serratus posterior inferior

Card 124: Levatores costarum

Card 125: Subcostales

Section 9: Muscles of the Temporomandibular Joints

Card 126, Side A: Superficial Right Lateral View of the Muscles of the Head

Card 126, Side B: Views of the Major Muscles of Mastication

Card 127, Side A: Views of the Major Muscles of Mastication

Card 127, Side B: Views of the Major Muscles of Mastication

Card 128, Side A: Anterior Views of the Neck and Upper Chest Region

Card 128, Side B: Anterior Views of the Neck and Upper Chest Region

Card 129: Temporalis

Card 130: Masseter

Card 131: Lateral pterygoid

Card 132: Medial pterygoid

Card 133: Hyoid group

Card 134: Digastric

Card 135: Mylohyoid

Card 136: Geniohyoid

Card 137: Stylohyoid

Card 138: Sternohyoid

Card 139: Sternothyroid

Card 140: Thyrohyoid

Card 141: Omohyoid

Section 10: Muscles of Facial Expression

Card 142, Side A: Superficial Lateral View of the Muscles of the Head

Card 142, Side B: Superficial and Intermediate Anterior Views of the Muscles of the Head

Card 143, Side A: Superficial Posterior View of the Muscles of the Head

Card 143, Side B: Superficial Posterior View of the Muscles of the Head

Card 144, Side A: Facial Landmarks

Card 144, Side B: Facial Landmarks

Card 145: Occipitofrontalis

Card 146: Temporoparietalis

Card 147: Auricularis group

Card 148: Orbicularis oculi

Card 149: Levator palpebrae superioris

Card 150: Corrugator supercilii

Card 151: Procerus

Card 152: Nasalis

Card 153: Depressor septi nasi

Card 154: Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

Card 155: Levator labii superioris

Card 156: Zygomaticus minor

Card 157: Zygomaticus major

Card 158: Levator anguli oris

Card 159: Risorius

Card 160: Depressor anguli oris

Card 161: Depressor labii inferioris

Card 162: Mentalis

Card 163: Buccinator

Card 164: Orbicularis oris

Card 165: Platysma

Part 3

The Skeletal Muscles of the Lower Extremity

Section 11: Muscles of the Hip Joint

Card 166, Side A: Anterior Views of the Muscles of the Right Hip Joint - Superficial and Intermediate Views

Card 166, Side B: Anterior Views of the Muscles of the Right Hip Joint - Deeper Views

Card 167, Side A: Posterior Views of the Muscles of the Right Hip Joint - Superficial and Intermediate Views

Card 167, Side B: Posterior Views of the Muscles of the Right Hip Joint - Deeper Views

Card 168, Side A: Medial Views of the Muscles of the Right Hip Joint - Superficial and Deep Views

Card 168, Side B: Medial Views of the Muscles of the Right Hip Joint - Superficial and Deep Views

Card 169, Side A: Lateral View of the Muscles of the Right Hip Joint - Superficial View

Card 169, Side B: Lateral View of the Muscles of the Right Hip Joint - Deep View

Card 170: Psoas major

Card 171: Iliacus

Card 172: Tensor fasciae latae

Card 173: Sartorius

Card 174: Adductor group

Card 175: Pectineus

Card 176: Adductor longus

Card 177: Gracilis

Card 178: Adductor brevis

Card 179: Adductor magnus

Card 180: Gluteal group

Card 181: Gluteus maximus

Card 182: Gluteus medius

Card 183: Gluteus minimus

Card 184: Deep lateral rotator group

Card 185: Piriformis

Card 186: Superior gemellus

Card 187: Obturator internus

Card 188: Inferior gemellus

Card 189: Obturator externus

Card 190: Quadratus femoris

Section 12: Muscles of the Knee Joint

Card 191, Side A: Anterior Views of the Muscles of the Right Knee Joint

Card 191, Side B: Anterior Views of the Muscles of the Right Knee Joint

Card 192, Side A: Posterior Views of the Muscles of the Right Knee Joint

Card 192, Side B: Posterior Views of the Muscles of the Right Knee Joint

Card 193, Side A: Lateral Views of the Muscles of the Right Knee Joint

Card 193, Side B: Lateral Views of the Muscles of the Right Knee Joint

Card 194, Side A: Medial Views of the Muscles of the Right Knee Joint

Card 194, Side B: Medial Views of the Muscles of the Right Knee Joint

Card 195: Quadriceps femoris group

Card 196: Rectus femoris

Card 197: Vastus lateralis

Card 198: Vastus medialis

Card 199: Vastus intermedius

Card 200: Articularis genus

Card 201: Hamstring group

Card 202: Biceps femoris

Card 203: Semitendinosus

Card 204: Semimembranosus

Card 205: Popliteus

Section 13: Muscles of the Ankle and Subtalar Joints

Card 206, Side A: Anterior view of the muscles of the right ankle and subtalar joints

Card 206, Side B: Anterior view of the muscles of the right ankle and subtalar joints

Card 207, Side A: Posterior views of the muscles of the right ankle and subtalar joints

Card 207, Side B: Posterior views of the muscles of the right ankle and subtalar joints

Card 208, Side A: Posterior views of the muscles of the right ankle and subtalar joints

Card 208, Side B: Lateral view of the muscles of the right ankle and subtalar joints

Card 209, Side A: Medial views of the muscles of the right ankle and subtalar joints

Card 209, Side B: Medial views of the muscles of the right ankle and subtalar joints

Card 210: Tibialis anterior

Card 211: Fibularis tertius

Card 212: Fibularis longus

Card 213: Fibularis brevis

Card 214: Gastrocnemius

Card 215: Soleus

Card 216: Plantaris

Card 217: Tibialis posterior

Section 14: Extrinsic Muscles of the Toe Joints

Card 218: Extensor digitorum longus

Card 219: Extensor hallucis longus

Card 220: Flexor digitorum longus

Card 221: Flexor hallucis longus

Section 15: Intrinsic Muscles of the Toe Joints

Card 222, Side A: Plantar Views of the Muscles of the Right Foot

Card 222, Side B: Plantar Views of the Muscles of the Right Foot

Card 223, Side A: Plantar Views of the Muscles of the Right Foot

Card 223, Side B: Plantar Views of the Muscles of the Right Foot

Card 224, Side A: Dorsal View of the Muscles of the Right Foot

Card 225, Side A: Lateral view of the muscles of the right foot

Card 225, Side B: Medial view of the muscles of the right foot

Card 226: Extensor digitorum brevis

Card 227: Extensor hallucis brevis

Card 228: Abductor hallucis

Card 229: Abductor digiti minimi pedis

Card 230: Flexor digitorum brevis

Card 231: Quadratus plantae

Card 232: Lumbricals pedis

Card 233: Flexor hallucis brevis

Card 234: Flexor digiti minimi pedis

Card 235: Adductor hallucis

Card 236: Plantar interossei

Card 237: Dorsal interossei pedis

Part IV: Pelvic Floor Muscles

Figure 19-26

Card 238, Side A: Medial (superficial) view of the muscles of the right side of the pelvis.

Card 238, Side B: Medial (deeper) view of the muscles of the right side of the pelvis

Card 239, Side A: Superior (superficial) view of the muscles of the female pelvic floor.

Card 239, Side B: Superior (deeper) view of the muscles of the female pelvic floor.

Card 240, Side A: Inferior (superficial) view of the muscles of the female pelvic floor

Card 240, Side B: Inferior (Intermediate and Deep) views of the muscles of the female pelvic floor

Part V: Other Skeletal Muscles

Card 241: Extrinsic Muscles of the Eye

Card 242: Extrinsic Muscles of the Eye

Card 243: Muscles of the Larynx

Card 244: Muscles of the Larynx

Card 245: Muscles of the Palate

Card 246: Muscles of the Palate

Card 247: Muscles of the Perineum

Card 248: Muscles of the Perineum

Card 249: Muscles of the Pharynx

Card 250: Muscles of the Tongue

Card 251: Muscles of the Tongue

Card 252: Muscles of the Tympanic Cavity

Card 253: Muscles of the Abdomen

Verlagsort St Louis
Sprache englisch
Maße 102 x 152 mm
Themenwelt Medizin / Pharmazie Naturheilkunde
Studium 1. Studienabschnitt (Vorklinik) Anatomie / Neuroanatomie
ISBN-10 0-323-05722-5 / 0323057225
ISBN-13 978-0-323-05722-6 / 9780323057226
Zustand Neuware
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