Contemporary Research on Business and Management
CRC Press (Verlag)
978-0-367-47166-8 (ISBN)
This book contains selected papers presented at the 3rd International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2019), which was organized by the Alliance of Indonesian Master of Management Program (APMMI) and held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 27-29th November 2019. It was hosted by the Master of Management Program Indonesia University and co-hosts Airlangga University, Sriwijaya University, Trunojoyo University of Madura, and Telkom University, and supported by Telkom Indonesia and Triputra. The seminar aimed to provide a forum for leading scholars, academics, researchers, and practitioners in business and management area to reflect on current issues, challenges and opportunities, and to share the latest innovative research and best practice. This seminar brought together participants to exchange ideas on the future development of management disciplines: human resources, marketing, operations, finance, strategic management and entrepreneurship.
Siska Noviaristanti ( is a lecturer and researcher at Telkom University. She was born in Pekanbaru on November 10, 1978. After graduating from undergraduate degree in Mathematics Department, Padjadjaran University, she studied at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of the Bandung Institute of Technology and took Doctoral Degree at Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Currently she is a head of Master of Management program of Telkom University. She has published article in international conference proceedings in innovation management area.
Warehouse Selection Using Center-of-Gravity Method in Minimizing Transportation Cost
C. Lukardi, M. Hamsal
Marketing strategy postgraduate Tangerang Muhammadiyah University to improve human resources in Tangerang city
P. Susilo, C. Kurniastuti, D. Hadiwijaya
Examining a psychological sense of brand community in Iphone users
O.O. Sitepu, N. Sobari
Factors contributing to employee performance
E. W. Silitonga, J. Sadeli
Service-quality enhancement of the good willie barber shop using importance-performance analysis and business model re-modelling
R. H. Putri, A. A. Cholil
Exploring the Big Data Adoption by Indonesian Start-ups
D. Riswantini, U.S. Putro, M. Siallagan
Analyzing the effect of job satisfaction and work-life enrichment as factors toward employee turnover intention (A case in PT XYZ)
M. Raynaldi, A. Satrya
SBH strategic planning of new business development
A. A. Adyana, A. D. Hanani
Creating financial statements for performance evaluation at MSME ENF
P. Kusumapratiwi, L. Sudhartio
The effect of work autonomy on innovative work behavior in application and game developer sector: psychological flow as mediator
P.D. Lestari, A. Satrya
Physical Evidence Development of SME Woven Coffee Through Business Coaching
D. D. Sindudipoera, S. K. Widhaningrat
Increasing Revenue Using Marketing Plan on Geotracker Product Based on Business Coaching Method
J. Haryanto, H. Suhaimi
The effect of fun at work on turnover intention and organizational citizenship behavior with affective commitment as a mediating variable on millennial employees in the digital creative industry
S.G. Oktariza, P.M. Desiana
The effect of role overload on organizational citizenship behavior of national standardization agency employees mediated by employee exhaustion and moderated by supervisor autonomy support
D. N. Sari, P. M. Desiana
Strategies to increase liquidity and productivity in divisi tanaman semusim PTPN IX: A Case Study
E.R. Tholib, A.D. Hanani
The Restructuring of State-Owned Enterprises: A Case Study in an Indonesian Trading Company
O. Laura A., R. Rokhim
Analysis of the role of work-family balance mediation in the relationship between social support and job satisfaction of offshore workers in the oil and gas industry
I.O. Simanjuntak, P.M. Desiana
The impact of push, pull, and mooring factors toward customer switching intention on internet service providers in Indonesia
T. Kusumastiti, T.E. Balqiah
The employment relationship, turnover and organizational performance in garment factories: a conceptual paper
L. Damaryanti, P. Wulandari
Analysis of the effect of servicescape and coffee quality on customer satisfaction using an experiential marketing and brand identity approach in Anomali Coffee, senopati jakarta as a case study
A.L. Larasati, A.Z. Afiff
The Influence of school climate, social-emotional learning, and proactive personality on job satisfaction of PAUD teachers mediated by teaching efficacy in Depok, West Java, Indonesia
F.A. Fanhandaya, A. Satrya
The Impact of Working Capital Management on Company’s Performance: Evidence from Manufacturers in ASEAN-5
R.U. Hutapea, M. Ulpah
The influence of self-efficacy on reduced audit quality practice with burnout as a mediator on public auditors
D.R. Angraini, A. Satrya
The influence of ownership and board size on the performance of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2013 – 2018
S.A. Sutomo, J. Jahja
The role of individual and situational factors to whistleblowing in public sectors
D.C. Budiutami, A. Aprilianti
The Role of Work Satisfaction Mediation on The Effect of Work Rotation to Employee Performance in Telkom Region Lampung
V. I. Sinisuka, A. Ahadiat, N. Mardiana
Japanese Cultural Festival Behavioral Intention based on Attendees’ Co-creation, Perceived Value, and Satisfaction
M. Larasati, T.E. Balqiah
Commitment and Identification in The Millennial Employee: The Perceptions of Organizational and Supervisor Support
Innayatussolihah, E. S. Pusparini
The Influence of Entrepreneurial & Marketing Orientation to Strategic Learning Capability and SME Performance Automotive Industry in Indonesia - A Conceptual Framework
M. Z. Azizi, L. Sudhartio
The effect of human resource management practices on turnover intention of the auditor in XYZ institution in Indonesia: the mediating role of burnout
A. W. Pratiwi, A. Satrya
Determinant of Financial Inclusion in Indonesia
C. Azzahra, R.A. Kasri
Factors influencing customer’s continued mobile app use intention from internet service provider perspective information adoption model
Y. Pitasari, S. Rahayu H.H.
The effect of Fun at Work and Social Support towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Work Engagement as a Mediation Variable at PT Telkom Indonesia (Regional II)
D. C. Ginbreta, P. M. Desiana
Continuance Usage Intention in Mobile Payment Services
N. Fitria, N. Sobari
Influence of Healthy Lifestyle, Health Concern, Environment Concern, Product Quality towards Intention to Purchase Organic Coffee
R Puspitasari, T. E. Balqiah
Halal Tourist Destination in Indonesian Muslims Perspective
M. Fakhri, N. Sobari
Consumer Intention to Adopt PayLater – An Empirical Study
A.S. Rachmawati, R.D. Astuti
Promotional media development of MSMEs Bakmie Pulau Seribu
A. R. Lubis, S. K. Widhaningrat
Improvement of Dredging Project Planning with Maturity Model of Lean Project Planning and Control Approach
K.N.P. Nugrohoa, M.L. Singgih
The Influence of Destination Image on Tourist Satisfaction and Tourist Loyalty: A Case Study of Urban Tourism in Semarang, Indonesia
G.P.M. Agung, S. Wijaya, D.C. Widjaja
Risk of Analysis on Rearing Period of Broiler Chicken in Closed House Management with Bayesian Network
Ramdhani, Vanany I.
The liquidity contagion in the ASEAN-5
F.A. Pratiwi, Z. Ananto
The Development of Marketing Channels through Social Media, E-Commerce and Instagram Promotion Standard Operating Procedures of SMEs X
E. K. Prasetyo, S. K. Widhaningrat
The Expansion of Marketing Channel and Creating Company Profile for A Wedding Photography SME
N. Wiridyadewi, H. Suhaimi
The Effect of Online Promotion and Travel Motivation on Intention to Travel to Ecotourism Destinations in Indonesia: The Role of Destination Image as a Mediating Variable
S.F. Mulianto, H. Semuel, S. Wijaya
Forming a Financial Statement of a Construction Company PT DMP
D.A. Rachma, F. Ismaeni
Can Negative News Moderate Your Intention to Vote?
A. Humairoh, N. Sobari
Use Case Points Integrated to Scrum Framework for Software Development Cost and Effort Estimations
L.N. Safitri, M. I. Irawan
Impact of functional and non-functional value in adoption intention of Gesits electric motorcycle in Indonesia
F. Habibie, M. G. Alif
Optimization of Instagram Promotion Channel and Distribution Channel Using E-Commerce Platform Toward MSME Atkey
P. Nabila, S. Hasnul
Competition in banking financial technology: perspective demand side
I. Sadalia, F. N. Nasution, A. Fauzi
Liquidity and Credit Risk in Indonesian Islamic Banks
A. Salahuddin, W. A. Perdana, N. D. Hendranastiti
Oil Price and Cost of Hajj: The Evidence from Indonesia
A. Salahuddin, W. A. Perdana, N. D. Hendranastiti
Corporate Social Responsibility Performance and Banking Soundness in Indonesia: Should the Industry be more Socially Responsible?
R. Rokhim, W. A. Perdana, M. R. Astrini
Oil Price and Airlines Company Financial Soundness
R. Rokhim, W. A. Perdana, M. Robbani
Quality of channel integration, perceived fluency and omnichannel service usage in the fashion industry moderating the role of gender
J. A. Nasir, T. E. Balqiah
Financial Feasibility Analysis for outlet expansion of Masalalu Café based on Business Coaching Method
M. Sugiarto, H. Suhaimi
The Influence of Non-Interest Income towards Credit Risk and Loan Spread in ASEAN-5
N.D. Novianti, R. Rokhim
Credit Growth and Financial Fragility in the ASEAN Region
C. J. Hakim, R. Rokhim, M. Aulia
The effect of corporate governance and financial factors on dividend payment
F. Asali, W. R. Murhadi , B. S. Sutejo
Determinants of Mekaar’s Ultramicro Credit Default Probability
N. Nurusshafa, R. Rokhim
Developing Business Strategic Model Using Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) Approach for Fintech Lending Startup based on Lean Startup Methodology
I. Gibranata, M. L. Singgih
The Influence of Social Media and Social Media Advertising Engagements on Purchase Intention in Fashion Product
H. Ulya, Y. Alversia
Market Reaction toward Mandatory Stock-Split in Damascus Security Exchange
B. Kabouk, I.A. Ekaputra
The Effect Of Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA) on brand awareness and customer response
D. F. Esma, Nuryakin
The Role of Mediation Attitude Towards Using in Perceived Usefulness Relationship in Behavioral Intention
R. Rifa’I, Nuryakin
Effect of consumption value on behavioral intention through perceived beneficial image as a mediator
S. Dianto, Nuryakin
Improvement of Website and Hotel Exterior Design Based on Business Coaching Method
K. Nurfajri, H. Suhaimi
The influence of greenwashing perception and green satisfaction on green trust and green-word-of-mouth (A Study of Low Cost Green Car Owner)
H.A. Pratama, R.P. Setyanto , T. Luhita
Understanding Banking Ecosystem: A Case Study of National Bank in Timor-Leste
S. Noviaristanti, F. Belo
The effect of perceived value and service quality on customer satisfaction Program Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Palembang branch office (Case Study on Salary Recipient Category Participants)
V.A. Riefriani, Z. Wahab, M. Widiyanti, M.S. Shihab
The effect of price and tagline “free shipping throughout Indonesia” on buying interest in Shopee marketplace of undergraduate students at Palembang campus of Sriwijaya University
N. Maria, Z. Wahab, M. Widiyanti, M. Adam
The effect of price and promotion of induction stores to improve electricity sales in PT. PLN (PERSERO) UP3 Bangka in Celagen Island
Kgs. M. A. Amrullah, Z. Wahab, M. Widiyanti, M. S. Shihab
Priority Scale of the Corporate Culture of PT Krakatau Daya Listrik
An assessment of customer satisfaction using servqual model in Melaka Halal Hotel
W.P. Yin, N. Rashid, N. Ismail, M.S.Md Saad, M.F. Kamarudin
Credit Growth and Bank Soundness in the ASEAN Region
C. J. Hakim, R. Rokhim, F. R. Humaira
The Impact of Asset Growth Rate on Future Stock Return of Listed Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
D. S. Pramasti, E. Rizkianto
Improving satisfaction of hospital consumer through the application of lean hospital
M. Isa, D. Handoyo, I. S. Adji
The effect of destination images tourist facilities and experiential marketing on loyalty through visitors in taman pintar Yogyakarta
B. W. Setyawibowo, Wiyadi, Soepatini
Corruption Perception Index and Locally Generated Revenue: Have They Gotten Better or Worse? A Case Study in Ten Major Cities in Indonesia
R. Rokhim, R.E.F. Nasution, A. Muchtar, W. Thohary
The Effects of Brand Value on Brand Loyalty of Cosmetics and Skin Care Products: Proactive and Reactive in Sustainability
N. Kinanti, Y. Alversia
Does the Volatility of Oil Prices Influence the Transportation Sector in ASEAN Countries?
R. Rokhim, F. G. Tolangga, M. R. Astrini
The Effect of Service Quality, Price, and Brand Images on Grab Food Customers Loyalty in Palembang
A.F. Imanu, Z. Wahab, I. Andriana, M. Widiyanti
The influence of brand image, price, and quality of products on cement purchasing decisions at Semen Baturaja (PERSERO), LTD
T. Ibrahim, Z. Wahab, M. Widiyanti, M. S. Shihab
The effect of corporate social responsibility on corporate value with profitability as variable moderation in subsector manufacturing companies coal mining listed in Indonesia stock exchange
M. Widiyanti, P. Wahyuni
Digital Promotion Media for Small Medium Enterprises
D.W. Soewardikoen, B. Prabawa
Good Corporate Governance and Agency Cost in Indonesia
A. Putri K, W.R. Murhadi, B.S. Sutejo
Factors Influencing Indonesian Consumer’s Online Buying Behavior in Beauty Category
M. D. Muslimah, Y. Alversia
Erscheinungsdatum | 22.09.2020 |
Verlagsort | London |
Sprache | englisch |
Maße | 174 x 246 mm |
Gewicht | 762 g |
Themenwelt | Mathematik / Informatik ► Mathematik ► Finanz- / Wirtschaftsmathematik |
Wirtschaft ► Betriebswirtschaft / Management | |
Wirtschaft ► Volkswirtschaftslehre | |
ISBN-10 | 0-367-47166-3 / 0367471663 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0-367-47166-8 / 9780367471668 |
Zustand | Neuware |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
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