Pro IOS Internationalization and Localization - Tony Person

Pro IOS Internationalization and Localization


Buch | Softcover
125 Seiten
Apress (Verlag)
978-1-4302-5773-8 (ISBN)
16,00 inkl. MwSt
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As more and more iOS devices are reaching world markets, it's becoming more important to make sure your apps work properly in those markets. Pro iOS Internationalization and Localization is a concise and very practical guide to making sure your apps are usable no matter where your users may live, and no matter what languages they may speak. You'll learn how to localize text, timezones, and even graphics to fit your audience. You'll go beyond Xcode to learning not only how to script your internationalization, but also how to work with language experts to make sure you get it just right. If you have an app or a set of apps, and you want to reach that world market with no distractions about other topics, then Pro iOS Internationalization and Localization is exactly the book you need. What you'll learn * How to manage localization strings * How to work with language experts * How to use command line tools to internationalize your apps * How to work with different character sets Who this book is for Intermediate to expert iOS developers who want quick and effective ways to internationalize and localize their apps for a world market.

Ch. 1: Making an App Global Ch. 2: Supporting Non-English Ch. 3: Managing Localization Strings Ch. 4: Working with Language Experts Ch. 5: Command Line Tools Ch. 6: One Nib to Rule them All Ch. 7: Graphics and Languages Ch. 8: Database and Localized Files Ch. 9: Considering Asian Languages Appendix: Localization for Pre-4.5 Versions of Xcode

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