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How They Lived

An Annotated Tour of Daily Life through History in Primary Sources [2 volumes]

James Ciment (Autor)

Greenwood Press
978-1-61069-895-5 (ISBN)
249,95 inkl. MwSt
Ideal for history majors, nonhistory majors taking history courses, as well as general readers, this book provides not only the primary documents and artifacts of ordinary people in history, but also annotations that help the reader put them into context and grasp their deeper meaning.

This two-volume work explores daily life across human history through primary sources, making use of this primary source material as well as detailed analysis to help readers understand and use these sources as evidence of how life used to be. The diverse selection of sources includes artifacts, inscriptions, histories, letters, and first-hand accounts, ranging from ancient times to the emergence of modern Europe to the present day. This set makes use of an innovative layout: facing pages contain a primary source selection on the left side, with the introduction and analysis on the right side. This facing-pages layout allows readers to access the text information and the primary source itself without any distracting page-turning.

Unlike most other books on history that relay key, momentous events in history and tales regarding kings and generals, aristocrats, and the highly educated, How They Lived: An Annotated Tour of Daily Life through History in Primary Sources includes significant coverage of ordinary people and interesting information about everyday life at all levels of society. As a result, this collection helps close the gap in what students of history are typically exposed to through its presentation of both written documents and images of artifacts.

James Ciment, PhD, is an independent scholar and an editor of reference works in history and the social sciences.

Foreword by Robert André LaFleur

Volume 1

Part 1: Ancient Australia: 40,000 bce–Fourth Millennium bce
1.1.1 Australian Aboriginal Cave Paintings
1.1.2 Late Paleolithic Mortar and Pestle
1.1.3 Neolithic Arrowhead
1.1.4 Mesolithic Ornamental Club
1.1.5 Beaker Culture Drinking Vessel

Part 2: Egypt and the Near East: Fourth Millennium bce–First Century ce
1.2.1 Egyptian Bronze Age Sickle
1.2.2 Old Kingdom Sculpture of Man Making Beer
1.2.3 Vizier Ptah-Hotep's Advice on Family Life
1.2.4 Sumerian Administrative Tablet with Cuneiform Script
1.2.5 Egyptian Hymn to the Nile
1.2.6 The Sumerian Flood Myth from the Epic of Gilgamesh
1.2.7 Terracotta Relief of a Babylonian Harp Player
1.2.8 Code of Hammurabi on Property Crime
1.2.9 Medical Strictures from the Code of Hammurabi
1.2.10 Egyptian Wood Lyre
1.2.11 Egyptian Alabaster Canopic Jar
1.2.12 Hymns from the Egyptian Book of the Dead
1.2.13 Model of an Assyrian Home
1.2.14 Clean and Unclean Foods according to the Book of Deuteronomy
1.2.15 Gold Model Chariot from Ancient Persia
1.2.16 Terracotta Figurine of an Egyptian Scribe
1.2.17 Herodotus Describes the Domestic Animals in Egypt
1.2.18 The Egyptian Practice of Embalming
1.2.19 Health and Hygiene in Ancient Egypt
1.2.20 Religious Rituals in the Nile Delta
1.2.21 Phoenician Law Concerning Sacrifices
1.2.22 Persian Customs as Witnessed by Herodotus
1.2.23 Josephus on Jewish Marriage and Family Law
1.2.24 Josephus on Rules of War
1.2.25 Travel and Trade around the Red Sea

Part 3: Ancient Asia: Fourth Millennium bce–Third Century ce
1.3.1 Harappan Seal
1.3.2 Jomon-Period Fukabachi Cup
1.3.3 Bronze Dagger from Shang Dynasty
1.3.4 Shang Dynasty Oracle Bone
1.3.5 Moral Precepts from the Mahabharata
1.3.6 The Laws of Manu on Hindu Women
1.3.7 Mourning for Parents during the Zhou Dynasty
1.3.8 The Arthashastra on an Ideal Mauryan Leader
1.3.9 Bronze Dotaku Ritual Bell
1.3.10 Clay Model of a Han Dynasty House
1.3.11 Tirukural on Renunciation of Flesh
1.3.12 Strabo's Observations on Urban Life in India
1.3.13 The Instruction of Children in Han China
1.3.14 Ban Zhao on Reverencing the Husband
1.3.15 The Indian Caste System in the Vishnu Purana

Part 4: Ancient Greece: 2000 bce–Second Century bce
1.4.1 Minoan Boxers Fresco
1.4.2 Minoan Pithoi
1.4.3 Late Bronze Age Copper Oxhide Ingot
1.4.4 A Scene of the Trojan War from the Iliad
1.4.5 Building a Boat in Homer's Odyssey
1.4.6 Hesiod's Notes on Farming and Harvesting
1.4.7 Solon's Legal Reforms for Athens
1.4.8 Education in Solon's Athens
1.4.9 Ostraka, or Classical Greek Voting Ballots
1.4.10 Bronze Corinthian Helmet
1.4.11 The Essentials of Effective Oratory According to Plato
1.4.12 A Greek Krater Depicting a Potter at Work
1.4.13 Public Works Programs of Pericles
1.4.14 A Military Funeral Procession during the Peloponnesian Wars
1.4.15 Terracotta Greek Theatrical Mask
1.4.16 Funerary Stele from the Athenian Necropolis of Kerameikos
1.4.17 A Description of Spartan Life
1.4.18 Xenophon on Teaching Obedience to Slaves
1.4.19 Xenophon on Managing the Household
1.4.20 Strabo Describes the Wonders of Alexandria
1.4.21 The Importance of Learning Philosophy According to Plutarch
1.4.22 Plutarch's Views on Physical Education
1.4.23 How to Choose a Teacher in Ancient Greece
1.4.24 Greek Views on the Benefits of Nursing
1.4.25 The Requisite Physical Attributes for Greek Athletes

Part 5: Ancient Rome: Second Century bce–460 ce
1.5.1 A Roman Senator on Living With, and Without, Matrimony
1.5.2 Cato the Elder on Uppity Women
1.5.3 Roman Perfume Vases
1.5.4 Cicero on Professions and Social Status
1.5.5 A Good Roman Father's Responsibilities
1.5.6 Cato the Elder's Philosophy on Slave Ownership
1.5.7 Quintilian on How an Orator Should Dress
1.5.8 Recipes from a Roman Cookbook
1.5.9 Seneca's Advice on Treating the Help Kindly
1.5.10 Buying a Farm in the Country
1.5.11 An Ideal Retirement according to Pliny the Younger
1.5.12 Pliny the Younger on Being Stood Up for Dinner
1.5.13 Pliny the Younger's Tuscan Villa
1.5.14 Seneca on the Benefits of Fasting
1.5.15 Great Buildings of Rome
1.5.16 Bronze Extraction Forceps
1.5.17 Bronze Sistrum
1.5.18 Portable Terracotta Stove
1.5.19 Scale for Bronze Coins
1.5.20 Roman Terracotta Oil Lamp
1.5.21 Quintilian's Prescription for Educating a Child
1.5.22 Roman Ivory Dice
1.5.23 Roman Ivory Toiletries
1.5.24 Tasks of the Priests of Jupiter
1.5.25 Juvenal's View on Urban Life in Rome
1.5.26 Poverty in the Roman Capital City
1.5.27 Pliny the Younger and Trajan Discuss How to Punish Christians
1.5.28 Roman Gladiator Mosaic
1.5.29 Roman Gold Collar with Sardonyx Medallion
1.5.30 Character of Visigoth King Theodoric II

Part 6: Byzantine Empire and Russia: Fourth–Mid-Twelfth Century ce
1.6.1 Byzantine Pilgrimage Flask
1.6.2 Digest of Justinian on Fugitive Slaves
1.6.3 The Institutes of Justinian on Marriage
1.6.4 Racing Factions in the Byzantine Capital
1.6.5 A Description of the Rus from the Risala
1.6.6 The Book of the Eparch on Economic Regulation in Constantinople
1.6.7 Icon of Saint Eudocia
1.6.8 Gold Solidus
1.6.9 Illuminated Illustration from Homilies on the Virgin
1.6.10 The Great Fair at Thessalonica

Part 7: Islamic World: Seventh–Sixteenth Centuries ce
1.7.1 Heaven and Hell According to the Koran
1.7.2 The Koran on Women and Inheritance
1.7.3 The Sunnah on Charity
1.7.4 The Sunnah on Prayer
1.7.5 The Sunnah on Women and Slaves
1.7.6 Koran Scroll Fragment
1.7.7 Laws Governing Mecca
1.7.8 Al-Khwarizmi on Algebra
1.7.9 Baghdad under the Abbasids
1.7.10 Muslim Views on Marriage
1.7.11 Small Plaques for Casket
1.7.12 Bronze Ewer Inlaid with Silver
1.7.13 Body Diagram from the Anatomy of the Human Body
1.7.14 Ceremonial Ottoman Caftan

Part 8: Africa: 4000 bce–Sixteenth Century ce
1.8.1 Saharan Prehistoric Cave Painting
1.8.2 Egyptian New Kingdom Fresco Depicting Nubian Servants
1.8.3 Hunters of the Horn of Africa
1.8.4 Bronze Relief of Benin Warriors
1.8.5 Yoruba Ancestor Monolith
1.8.6 Tellem Rain Sculpture
1.8.7 Ethiopian Orthodox Gospel Book
1.8.8 Description of Timbuktu and Its People

Part 9: The Americas: First–Sixteenth Centuries ce
1.9.1 Nazca Trophy Head Vessel
1.9.2 Moche Clay Trumpets
1.9.3 Tiwanaku Bronze Axe and Tupu Pins
1.9.4 Mississippian Stone Frog Pipe
1.9.5 Classic-Period Sculpture of a Maya Scribe
1.9.6 Ancestral Pueblo Turquoise Beads
1.9.7 Maya Almanac from the Dresden Codex
1.9.8 Aztec Spear-Throwers
1.9.9 Christopher Columbus's Notes on the Carib and Taino Peoples
1.9.10 Illustration of Aztec Tribute from the Mendoza Codex
1.9.11 Cortes's Descriptions of the Aztec City of Tenochtitlán
1.9.12 The Administration of Inca Provinces
1.9.13 Andean Chuspa Bag
1.9.14 Pre-Inca and Inca Religions
1.9.15 Pomo Cooking Basket

Part 10: Central and East Asia: Sixth–Fourteenth Centuries ce
1.10.1 Haniwa Horse from Yayoi-Period Japan
1.10.2 Sui Dynasty Flutist Figurine
1.10.3 Tang Dynasty Poem "Drinking Alone by Moonlight"
1.10.4 The Kojiki on Cosmic Origins
1.10.5 Bai Juyi's Poems on Middle and Old Age
1.10.6 Tang Dynasty Poem "The Charcoal-Seller"
1.10.7 The Tale of Genji on Life in the Heian Imperial Court
1.10.8 Song Dynasty Marble Polo Ball
1.10.9 Song Dynasty Metal Coin
1.10.10 Samurai Behavior Described in the Genpei Seisuiki
1.10.11 Marco Polo's Description of the Mongol Capital
1.10.12 Mongol Koumiss Flask
1.10.13 Marco Polo's Description of Mongol Warriors
1.10.14 Marco Polo on Chinese Paper Money
1.10.15 The Women of Kublai Khan's Court
1.10.16 Yoshida Kenko on Sake
1.10.17 Liu Chi on Corruption during the Yuan Dynasty
1.10.18 Medical Treatment as Described in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
1.10.19 Yuan Dynasty Jingdezhen Blue-and-White Porcelain Ewer
1.10.20 Scene from Aya no Tsuzumi, a Japanese Noh Play

Part 11: Europe in the Middle Ages: Fifth–Fifteenth Centuries ce
1.11.1 Merovingian Grooming Accessories
1.11.2 Salic Law on the Punishment for Stealing Livestock
1.11.3 Monastic Life According to The Rule of St. Benedict
1.11.4 A Vassal's Contract
1.11.5 Laws Concerning Anglo-Saxon Women
1.11.6 Anglo-Saxon Vendetta and Tort Law
1.11.7 A Monastic Fish Farm
1.11.8 Song of Roland on Frankish Military Culture and Chivalry
1.11.9 Viking Rune Stone
1.11.10 Land Grant to a Jewish Community in Medieval Germany
1.11.11 The Fall of Jerusalem during the Crusades
1.11.12 Bankruptcy in Medieval England
1.11.13 Pledging Allegiance to the Count of Flanders
1.11.14 The Rights of Individuals on Anglo-Saxon Social Classes
1.11.15 Charter for a Butchers' Guild
1.11.16 Description of Students at the University of Paris
1.11.17 Knight Chess Piece from Florence
1.11.18 Thirteen-Century Charters for English Cities
1.11.19 Acknowledgment of King's Authority over Vassal's Marriage
1.11.20 Violence and the Supernatural in Viking Life
1.11.21 Running a Manorial Estate in England
1.11.22 Illustration from the Luttrell Psalter of English Servants
1.11.23 Account of the Black Death at Avignon
1.11.24 The Statute of Laborers from Fourteenth-Century England
1.11.25 University of Heidelberg's Charter of Privileges
1.11.26 An English Guide to Being a Good Hunter
1.11.27 Wax Seal with Hanseatic Cog
1.11.28 Helmet and Bevor
1.11.29 Italian Tarot Card Depicting the Knight of Wands
1.11.30 Marriage of Margery Paston

Volume 2

Part 12: The Emergence of Modern Europe: 1500–1700 ce
2.12.1 A Venetian Ambassador's Description of Germany
2.12.2 The Book of the Courtier
2.12.3 Italian Medicinal Jar (Albarello)
2.12.4 Church Law from the Council of Trent
2.12.5 John Calvin's Ordinances for the Regulation of the Churches
2.12.6 Commentary on English Women's Fashions
2.12.7 A Description of Dutch Town Life
2.12.8 European Horse Tournament Armor
2.12.9 Italian Gunpowder Flask
2.12.10 A Renaissance Education in England
2.12.11 Hunting Wild Boar
2.12.12 William Harrison's Description of England
2.12.13 Stephen Gosson's The School of Abuse
2.12.14 The Scottish Diet, Past and Present
2.12.15 In Defense of Drinking Irish Whiskey
2.12.16 Prescriptions for Treating and Preventing the Plague
2.12.17 English Pocket Watch
2.12.18 Wine or Beer Mug from England
2.12.19 Dancing in Elizabethan England
2.12.20 English Act for the Relief of the Poor
2.12.21 Italian Baroque-Era Guitar
2.12.22 Sinful Clothes Worn by English Women
2.12.23 Accusation of Heresy during the Spanish Inquisition
2.12.24 Pastimes of the English Aristocracy
2.12.25 Marriage Customs in Different European Countries

Part 13: The World beyond Europe: Sixteenth–Eighteenth Centuries ce
2.13.1 Ottoman Astronomers in the Galata Tower
2.13.2 The Markets in the Aztec Capital of Tenochtitlan
2.13.3 The Coronado Expedition's Description of Zuni Pueblos
2.13.4 The Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire
2.13.5 Spanish-Nahuatl Dictionary
2.13.6 Bishop Diego de Landa's Account of the Mistreatment of the Maya
2.13.7 Illustration of Aztec Silversmiths from the Florentine Codex
2.13.8 William Adams on Conflict with the Mapuche
2.13.9 Houses and Furnishings in India
2.13.10 Muslim Burial Practices in India
2.13.11 Muslim Prayer in India
2.13.12 An English Sailor in Japan
2.13.13 Murder of a Native American Boy at Plymouth Plantation
2.13.14 A Spanish Missionary's Voyage up the Amazon River
2.13.15 Report from the Governor of New Sweden
2.13.16 François Bernier on Indian Astrology
2.13.17 A Dutchman's Description of Colonial Plantation Life
2.13.18 A Jesuit Missionary's Expedition to the Sonoran Desert
2.13.19 Letter from a Tobacco Planter on the Worth of His Plantation
2.13.20 Spanish Silver Eight Real Coin
2.13.21 Scene from the Qing Dynasty Play The Peach Blossom Fan
2.13.22 Edo-Period Painting of Men Drinking Tea
2.13.23 Colonial Tombstone Epitaphs
2.13.24 Edo-Period Japanese Kimono
2.13.25 Qing Dynasty Pewter Altar Set
2.13.26 Turkish Shadow Puppets
2.13.27 Newspaper Advertisement for Slave Auction in Boston
2.13.28 A Slaver's Description of the Middle Passage
2.13.29 Race and Class in Colonial Lima
2.13.30 Description of Colonial Philadelphia
2.13.31 Marriage Negotiations in Colonial Virginia
2.13.32 An Account of Tahitian Navigation
2.13.33 Captain Cook on the Food of the Nootka People of North America
2.13.34 Material Culture of the Sandwich Islands
2.13.35 Olaudah Equiano on the African Slave Trade

Part 14: The Age of Reason: Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries
2.14.1 French Coffee Grinder
2.14.2 Italian Ophthalmologist's Surgical Instruments
2.14.3 European Snuff Box
2.14.4 Front Page of The Daily Courant
2.14.5 Building a New Russian Capital
2.14.6 Voltaire on Inoculation
2.14.7 Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack
2.14.8 French Encyclopedia Article on Chocolate
2.14.9 Nautical Signals of Correspondence
2.14.10 Frederick the Great's Regulations for Public Schools
2.14.11 Newspaper Notices for Runaway Servants and Apprentices
2.14.12 An Account of a Public Execution in London
2.14.13 Colonial Minutemen Agreement
2.14.14 Abigail Adams to John Adams: "Remember the Ladies"
2.14.15 Diagram of British Slave Ship
2.14.16 Thomas Jefferson on American Education
2.14.17 Poverty in the French Countryside
2.14.18 Cavalry Officer's Sabretache
2.14.19 French Assignats
2.14.20 Ottoman Prayer Rug
2.14.21 Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow
2.14.22 Description of Slave Conditions in Brazil
2.14.23 Brazilian Slave Music
2.14.24 Haitian Rural Law Code
2.14.25 The Mexican Caste System in the Nineteenth Century

Part 15: The Rise of Nationalism: Late Eighteenth–Early Twentieth Centuries
2.15.1 Pioneering Lands in Brazil
2.15.2 The Role of Women in Islamic West Africa
2.15.3 Account of the Settlement of Port Jackson, Australia
2.15.4 Building a Log Barn on the Canadian Frontier
2.15.5 Qing Dynasty Opium Pipe
2.15.6 Samoan Love Song
2.15.7 Burning of Widows in India
2.15.8 Opium Addiction in Nineteenth-Century England
2.15.9 Fishing Laws in the Kingdom of Hawaii
2.15.10 The Indian Caste System
2.15.11 Polynesian Warrior Dress
2.15.12 Solomon Northrup's Description of a Louisiana Slave Auction
2.15.13 British Instructions on Negotiating with African Chiefs
2.15.14 Life on the Pampas of Argentina
2.15.15 On Ageing Gracefully in Rural America
2.15.16 A Non-Muslim's Pilgrimage to Mecca
2.15.17 Account of the Great Sepoy Rebellion in India
2.15.18 Life on the Oregon Trail
2.15.19 Foraging for Food during the American Civil War
2.15.20 A Vietnamese Appeal to Resist French Occupation
2.15.21 Battle Hymn of the Republic
2.15.22 Cuban Cigar Box Label
2.15.23 Description of a Berber Camp in Morocco
2.15.24 Portrait of a Maori Man
2.15.25 Parsi Funerary Practices
2.15.26 Digging for Diamonds in South Africa
2.15.27 Colonial Boarding Schools in West Africa
2.15.28 An American Missionary Describes Chinese Foot-Binding
2.15.29 The White Man's Burden
2.15.30 Blackfoot Tipis from the Great Plains
2.15.31 Description of a Turkish Harem in the Ottoman Empire
2.15.32 Indian Cricket Batsman
2.15.33 Apsaalooke (Crow) Mother with Child in Cradleboard
2.15.34 Description of Native American Corn Dances

Part 16: The Industrial Revolution: Late Eighteenth–Early Twentieth Centuries
2.16.1 Description of a Mechanical Reaper
2.16.2 Child Labor Conditions in Great Britain
2.16.3 Description of the Early American Factory System
2.16.4 Pollution in the Thames River
2.16.5 Life at an English Boarding School
2.16.6 A British Servant's Diary
2.16.7 American Woman Working on Singer Sewing Machine
2.16.8 Advice on How to Treat Cholera at Home
2.16.9 Pony Express Poster
2.16.10 Middle-Class Victorian Recipes
2.16.11 Advertisement for the Union Pacific Railroad
2.16.12 Deadwood Stagecoach
2.16.13 Victorian Man with a Penny-Farthing Bicycle
2.16.14 American Temperance Crusaders Protest a Saloon
2.16.15 Widow's Mourning Wear during the Victorian Era
2.16.16 New York City Street Urchins
2.16.17 Sumo Wrestlers
2.16.18 English Advertisement for a Wringer and Mangler
2.16.19 Description of Election Day in New York City
2.16.20 Advertisement for Kodak's Bullet Camera
2.16.21 French Opera Poster for Sapho
2.16.22 American Woman Modeling a Corset
2.16.23 Renault's First Saloon Car
2.16.24 A English Traveler's Description of Marrakesh
2.16.25 Preamble to the Industrial Workers of the World Constitution
2.16.26 Prison Conditions in Siberia
2.16.27 Description of a Chicago Meatpacking Plant
2.16.28 Account of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire in New York City
2.16.29 Automobile Business Opportunities in America

Part 17: The World at War: 1914–1945
2.17.1 Description of Trench Life in World War I
2.17.2 African and Asian Soldiers in the British Army
2.17.3 Spalding Official Baseball Guide Cover
2.17.4 Description of German Submarine Warfare
2.17.5 German War Bond Poster
2.17.6 American Poster Urging Women to Work
2.17.7 Margaret Sanger on Birth Control in America
2.17.8 European Micro Telephone with Receiver
2.17.9 War Poems by English Poet Rupert Brooke
2.17.10 Weighing Harvested Rubber in Brazil
2.17.11 Portrait of an American Flapper
2.17.12 Line outside a Charity Soup Kitchen during the Great Depression
2.17.13 1930s Refrigerator in the United States
2.17.14 American Tabletop Radio
2.17.15 American Ticker Tape Operator
2.17.16 Victory Garden Poster from the United States
2.17.17 World War II British Ration Book
2.17.18 Survey of American Combat Bomber Crews
2.17.19 Japanese Soldiers' Experiences during World War II

Part 18: The Cold War: 1945–1990
2.18.1 President Truman Announces Dropping of Atomic Bomb
2.18.2 Safe Conduct Pass for North Korean Soldiers
2.18.3 Workers on a Central American Banana Plantation
2.18.4 Brown v. Board of Education Decision
2.18.5 American Soft Drink Advertisement
2.18.6 British Civil Defense Poster
2.18.7 People Greeting Families Members across the Berlin Wall
2.18.8 Fans Lining Up for Beatles Concert Tickets in London
2.18.9 Mao Zedong's "Little Red Book"
2.18.10 Jeep Assembly Line at a Mitsubishi Factory
2.18.11 Promotional Postcard for Rock Concert at the Fillmore
2.18.12 NOW's Bill of Rights for Modern Women
2.18.13 Women Leaning against a Fiat Automobile
2.18.14 American Anti-Vietnam War Flyer
2.18.15 "America Salutes" Button Commemorating Moon Landing
2.18.16 AIDS Awareness Poster from the United States
2.18.17 Students Protest in the Streets of Tehran
2.18.18 Desmond Tutu's Speech on the Struggle against Apartheid
2.18.19 Child Soldier from Chad Posing with a Libyan Helmet
2.18.20 Food Line in the Soviet Union

Part 19: A New Millennium: 1990s to the Present
2.19.1 China's One-Child Policy Statement
2.19.2 Afghan Women Wearing Burqas
2.19.3 Brazilian Favela and High Rises
2.19.4 Foreclosure Sign about American Home
2.19.5 Maldives President's Speech on Climate Change
2.19.6 Hydrogen Fueling Station in Southern California
2.19.7 Egyptian Man Holding Up Protest Sign
2.19.8 Kenyans Banking by Phone
2.19.9 Cell Phone User Communicating Via Twitter
2.19.10 Sudanese Refugees Wait in Line for Water

Further Reading about Daily Life from ABC-CLIO
About the Author

Erscheint lt. Verlag 14.12.2015
Vorwort Robert André LaFleur
Zusatzinfo 153 bw illus
Sprache englisch
Gewicht 3090 g
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte
Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Geschichtstheorie / Historik
Geschichte Teilgebiete der Geschichte Kulturgeschichte
ISBN-10 1-61069-895-9 / 1610698959
ISBN-13 978-1-61069-895-5 / 9781610698955
Zustand Neuware
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