Nonlinear Internal Waves in Lakes von Kolumban Hutter Buch | Hardcover 2011 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783642234378 171,19 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-14 Tagen
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Plasma Turbulence in the Solar System von Yasuhito Narita Buch | Softcover 2012 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783642256660 49,99 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-14 Tagen
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Geophysics in Mining and Environmental Protection von Adam F. Idziak; Ryszard Dubiel Buch | Hardcover 2011 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783642190964 106,99 € (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-14 Tagen
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