Ergebnisse zu
Geschichte: Allgemeines / Lexika

A Series of Essays, intended to illustrate the State of Religion and Literature in the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, 5th ed
von R. Maitland; Frederick Stokes
Buch | Softcover
2020 | Hansebooks
ISBN: 9783348017435
36,90 (inkl. MwSt)
in den Warenkorb
  • Versand in 10-14 Tagen
in Four Volumes - the Revolution, 1683-1760; Modern England, 1760-1815 - Vol. 4
von John R. Green
Buch | Softcover
2021 | Hansebooks
ISBN: 9783348054041
35,90 (inkl. MwSt)
in den Warenkorb
  • Versand in 10-14 Tagen
A Social History of the Debutante
von Kristen Richardson
Buch | Softcover
2020 | WW Norton & Co
ISBN: 9780393358537
18,30 (inkl. MwSt)
in den Warenkorb
  • Versand in 10-20 Tagen
being a Full True and Particular Account of the Miraculous Escape of His Most Sacred Majesty King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester
von Allan Fea
Buch | Softcover
2021 | Hansebooks
ISBN: 9783348059107
29,90 (inkl. MwSt)
in den Warenkorb
  • Versand in 10-14 Tagen
Showing the Succession, Dignities, and Offices of Every Peer from 1066 to 1885, with Sixteen Hundred Illustrations. Vol. 3
von James W. E. Doyle
Buch | Softcover
2021 | Hansebooks
ISBN: 9783348053389
45,90 (inkl. MwSt)
in den Warenkorb
  • Versand in 10-14 Tagen
as connected with the Fitz-John Porter Case. A paper read before the Society of ex-army and navy officers of Cincinnati, February 28, 1882. DE
von Jacob D. Cox
Buch | Softcover
2021 | Hansebooks
ISBN: 9783348062848
16,90 (inkl. MwSt)
in den Warenkorb
  • Versand in 10-14 Tagen
An inquiry whether the Union can be restored by any other means than war. DE
von Henry Flanders
Buch | Softcover
2021 | Hansebooks
ISBN: 9783348067980
12,90 (inkl. MwSt)
in den Warenkorb
  • Versand in 10-14 Tagen