Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes (eBook)
IX, 366 Seiten
Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Verlag)
978-3-662-53305-5 (ISBN)
Editorial 5
Contents 7
Best-Practice Approach for a Solution-Oriented Technology Assessment: Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in the Context of Huma... 10
1 Introduction 11
2 Background 11
2.1 Ethical Constructive Technology Assessment 12
2.2 Model for the Ethical Evaluation of Socio-technical Systems 13
3 Consideration of ELSI with the AMICAI in the Context of Human-Robot Collaboration 15
4 Results 16
5 Discussion and Conclusion 21
References 22
Human-Oriented Productivity Management as a Key Criterion for Success in the Digitalised Working World 24
1 Digitalisation as a Driver of Change in the World of Work and Business 25
1.1 Transformation of the World of Work and Business 25
1.2 The Flexibilisation of Work 26
2 Human-Oriented Productivity Management as the Basis for the Sustainable Implementation of Digitalisation 27
2.1 Tasks of Productivity Management 27
2.2 Human Orientation as an Operating Criterion for Success 28
2.3 Impact of Human Orientation on Productivity 29
2.4 Challenges of Human-Oriented Productivity Management 32
3 New Requirements in Industrial Engineering 33
3.1 REFA as the Architecture of Innovative Industrial Engineering 33
3.2 Interface Management Within the Company 35
3.3 Skills of the Industrial Engineer 36
4 Summary 37
References 38
Recource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem: Investigation of the Quality of Project Plans 40
1 Introduction 41
2 Creating Project Plans 42
2.1 The Concept of Planning 42
2.2 Formal Description of a Project Planning Problem 43
2.2.1 Decision Variables 45
2.2.2 Objectives 45
2.2.3 Restrictions 46
2.3 Human Competitiveness 47
3 Concept of the Multi-objective Evolutionary Metaheuristic 48
3.1 Definition of Individuals 48
3.2 Software 50
4 Empirical Study 53
4.1 Participants 53
4.2 Process 54
4.3 Scheduling Problem 54
4.4 Plan Quality 57
4.5 Variables and Hypotheses 60
4.6 Statistical Analysis and Results 60
5 Conclusion 65
References 66
Fields of Action for Work Design in Industrie 4.0 69
1 Digitalization and Industrie 4.0 70
2 Approach 70
3 Results 71
4 Fields of Action for Work Design 72
4.1 Information in Industrie 4.0 73
4.2 Informational Assistance 73
4.2.1 Technical Approaches 73
4.2.2 Organizational Approaches 74
4.2.3 Personal Approaches 76
4.3 Energetic Assistance 77
4.3.1 Technical Approaches 77
4.3.2 Organizational Approaches 78
4.3.3 Personal Approaches 78
5 Summary 79
References 80
Skilled Workers: Are They the Losers of ``Industry 4.0´´? 81
1 Introduction 82
2 Aims and Core Areas of the Survey 82
3 The State of Implementation of ``Industry 4.0´´ 84
4 Overview of Challenges 86
5 Changes on Skilled Worker Level 88
5.1 The Situation of Skilled Workers: Employment Situation 88
5.2 Challenges for Occupational Profiles 89
5.2.1 Empirically Identified Changes 89
5.2.2 Generic Occupational Fields of Action in ``Industry 4.0´´ 90
Definition: Generic Occupational Fields of Action: ``Industry 4.0´´ 91
Description of the Generic Fields of Action: Plant Engineering 91
Plant Installation 91
Set-up of a Plant and Putting it into Operation 91
Plant Monitoring 92
Process Management (Visualization/Monitoring/Coordination/Organization) 92
Data Management (Dealing with Operational Data/Access to Software/Parametrization/Programming) 92
Maintenance 93
Repair 93
Trouble Shooting and Repair 93
6 Discussion of the Results 94
References 94
Work Requirements and Qualifications in Maintenance 4.0 96
1 Introduction 96
2 Research Design and Research Questions 97
3 Fields of Application of ``Industry 4.0´´ 98
4 State of Research on ``Maintenance 4.0´´ 99
5 Shaping of Assistance Systems for Maintenance 4.0 101
6 Changes in the World of Work of Maintenance 4.0 102
7 Competences and Qualifications for Maintenance 4.0 104
8 Conclusions 107
References 108
Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method 110
1 Educational Concept at the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences 111
1.1 Requirements for Industrial Engineers 111
1.2 Industrial Engineering Degree 112
2 Kanban Business Game 114
2.1 Learning Objectives 114
2.2 Theoretical Principles 114
2.3 Basic Concept 115
2.4 Detailed Concept 116
2.5 Evaluation and Interpretation of the Results 118
3 Outlook 119
References 121
Training Interventions to Increase Innovation and Productivity in Age-Diverse Teams 122
1 Introduction 123
2 Interventions at the Individual Level 123
2.1 Cognitive Training 124
2.2 Stress Management Training 124
2.3 Participants of the Cognitive and Stress Management Training 124
3 Intervention at the Management Level 125
3.1 Leadership Training 125
3.2 Participants of the Leadership Training 127
4 Results 127
4.1 Cognitive Training Intervention 127
4.2 Stress Management Training Intervention 127
4.3 Leadership Training Intervention 128
5 Discussion 129
References 129
Change into an Ergonomic 3 Shift Model with a Reduction of the Night Shifts for All Workers 132
1 Introduction 132
2 Ergonomic Background of Night and Shift Work 133
2.1 Shift Work at an Advancing Age 133
2.2 Aging Appropriate Shift Schedule Design 134
3 Practical Implementation in a Metal and Electrical Industry Company 134
3.1 Initial Position 134
3.2 Aims and Measures 136
3.3 Development and Implementation of an Ergonomic Shift System 136
3.3.1 Reduction of the Night Shift for all Employees 137
3.3.2 Implementation of Ergonomic Recommendations 137
3.3.3 Pilot Project and Implementation 138
4 Conclusion and Prospect 139
References 139
Vocational Competency Management Through the Use of Serious Games: Opportunities and Risks Using the Example of the Harbour In... 141
1 Introduction: Challenges in the Harbour Industry 141
2 Identification of Required Skills 144
3 Serious Games 148
4 Summary and Outlook 151
References 153
Retirement Research Requires a Broad View and Interdiciplinarity 155
1 Introduction 156
2 The JPI-UEP Project 158
2.1 JPI UEP: Conceptual Basis: The lidA Conceptual Framework on Work, Age and Employment 158
3 JPI UEP: Three Research Gaps 160
4 Discussion 163
References 163
Age-Differentiated Analysis of the Influence of Task Descriptions on Learning Sensorimotor Tasks 165
1 Introduction 166
2 Background 166
3 Method 168
3.1 Participants 169
3.2 Experimental Task and Task Descriptions 169
3.3 Experimental Variables 170
3.4 Procedure 170
3.5 Statistical Analysis 171
4 Results and Discussion 171
4.1 Statistical Analysis of the Replication Study 171
4.1.1 Participants´ Characteristics 171
4.1.2 Execution Times 172
4.1.3 Assembly Errors 174
4.1.4 Participants´ Behavior to Use Task Descriptions 175
4.1.5 Subjectively Perceived Workload 176
4.2 Model Accuracy and Prediction Quality of Jeske´s Method 177
4.2.1 Curve Fit 177
4.2.2 Prediction Quality of Jeske´s Method 177
5 Conclusion and Outlook 179
References 180
The Potential of Virtual Interactive Learning Environments for Individual and Organizational Learning: An Example for the Main... 182
1 Initial Situation 182
2 Experiences from the Industrial Use: Evaluation Method and Results 184
2.1 Evaluation 185
2.1.1 Participants 185
2.1.2 Measures 185
2.1.3 Procedure 186
2.2 Results 187
2.2.1 Data Analysis 187
2.2.2 Enjoyment 188
2.2.3 Perceived Usefulness 188
2.2.4 Learning 188
2.2.5 Usability 189
2.3 Discussion of the Evaluation Results 189
3 Individual and Organizational Learning 189
4 Discussion 192
References 194
Designing Rooms for Virtual, Informal Communication: Reciprocal Awareness as a Central Criterion 196
1 Introduction 197
2 Research Project ``The Development and Implementation of Places for Virtual, Informal Communication (OviK)´´ 198
2.1 Project Description 198
2.1.1 Pilot Scenario ``OviK-Virtual Piazza´´ 198
2.1.2 Pilot Scenario ``OviK-Virtual Extended Office´´ 199
2.1.3 Pilot Scenario ``OviK-Virtual Café´´ 199
2.2 Project Goals 199
2.3 Project Members 201
3 Theoretical and Empirical Foundation 202
3.1 Informal Communication 202
3.2 Pilot Scenario ``OviK-Virtual Café´´ 202
3.3 Success Factors for Computer-Mediated Informal Communication 203
3.4 Theoretical Framework Model: Situation Awareness 204
4 Relevance and Question 206
5 Methodology 207
6 Results 208
7 Discussion and Design Recommendations 210
References 211
Analysis of the Stress and Strain of Repetitive Assembly Tasks 214
1 Introduction and Aims 214
2 State of Research 215
3 Method 216
4 Results 217
5 Discussion and Outlook 220
References 222
Analysis and Evaluation of Physical Workload During Long-Cyclic Tasks as a Prerequisite for Ergonomic Work Design 224
1 Introduction 225
2 Ergonomic Assessment Worksheet (EAWS) 226
3 Initial Situation 228
4 Methodology 228
4.1 Physical Workload Matrix 229
4.2 Data Record Sheet 230
4.3 Comparison of Data Collection Methods 230
5 Exemplary Application of the Methodology 231
6 Results 232
6.1 Lessons from the Preparation for Data Collection 232
6.2 Lessons for the Execution of the Data Collection 233
6.3 Lessons for the Post Processing of the Data Collection 234
7 Discussion 234
8 Outlook 236
References 236
Walking ``Normally´´ vs. ``Sideways´´ in Simulated, Simple Assembly Operations: Analysis of Muscular Strain in the Legs 238
1 Introduction 239
2 Methodology and Experimental Setup in Both Studies 239
2.1 Surface Electromyography (EMG) 239
2.2 Experiment Layout and Scenarios in the Study 1 241
2.3 Setup of the U-Line and Subjects in the Study 2 242
3 Data Processing and Results 243
3.1 Results Study 1 244
3.2 Results Study 2 246
4 Discussion 248
5 Conclusions 249
5.1 Main Conclusions from Lab Study 1 249
5.2 Main Conclusions from Lab Study 2 249
References 250
Analysis of a Multimodal Human-Robot-Interface in Terms of Mental Workload 251
1 Introduction 251
2 Theoretical Background 252
3 Methods 255
3.1 Subjective Perceived Workload and Performance-Based Measurement 256
3.2 Physiological Indicators 256
3.2.1 Unconscious Parameters 257
3.2.2 Conscious Parameter 258
4 Experimental Setting 259
5 Data Analysis 260
5.1 Planning of Welding Path 260
5.2 Trajectory Control and Correction 261
5.3 Analysis of Physiological Data 261
6 Discussion 262
References 262
How to Evaluate the Usability of Smart Devices as Conceivable Work Assistance: A Systematic Review 265
1 Introduction 266
2 The Systematic Reviewing Process 267
2.1 State of the Art and Research Question 267
2.2 Methodical Approach 268
3 Results 270
3.1 Initial Results 271
3.2 Results of the Full-Text Analysis 272
4 Discussion and Outlook 273
References 276
Menu Styles of Mobile Devices and Their Influence on Gaze Behavior While Walking 279
1 Introduction 280
2 Method 283
3 Result 287
4 Discussion 290
References 291
An Age-Differentiated Perspective on Visualizations of Personal Health Data 293
1 Introduction 293
2 Digital Consumer Health Products and Visualizations 295
2.1 Mobile Personal Health Monitoring 295
2.2 Medical Test Results and Personal Health Records 297
3 Problem Statement 300
4 Efforts Towards an Age-Differentiated Design of Data Visualizations 301
4.1 Elderlies Health Information Need and Behavior as Context of Visualizations of Personal Health Data 301
4.1.1 Research Questions and Background 302
4.1.2 Method 302
4.1.3 Results 303
4.2 Formalizing Health Visualization Tasks and Data Types With Regard to Generalizable Evaluation Results 304
4.3 Investigating the Relation Between Age-Dependent Visual Search Task Performance and Visualization Task Performance and Ins... 305
5 Summary and Conclusion 308
References 308
How the Duration of Automated Driving Influences Take-Over Performance and Gaze Behavior 313
1 Introduction 313
2 Method 314
2.1 Participants 314
2.2 Driving Simulator 314
2.3 Experimental Design 315
2.4 Take-Over Situation 316
2.5 Dependent Variables 316
2.6 Statistical Analysis 317
3 Results 318
4 Discussion and Limitations 319
5 Summary 320
References 321
Uncanny and Unsafe Valley of Assistance and Automation: First Sketch and Application to Vehicle Automation 323
1 Introduction: Assistance, Automation and Robotics 324
2 Early Indicators for the Existence of an Unsafe Valley 325
3 A First Glimpse: What Happens in an Unsafe Valley? 327
4 A Sketch of the Design Space: The Solution´s Dimensions for Safeguarding an Unsafe Valley 331
5 Outlook: Balancing Risks and Chances of Assistance and Automation by Securing the Unsafe Valley 335
References 335
Man-Robot Collaboration in the Context of Industry 4.0: Approach-Avoidance Tendencies as an Indicator for the Affective Qualit... 339
1 Introduction 340
2 Collaborative Working Environments 340
2.1 Industry 4.0 340
2.2 Human-Robot Collaboration 341
2.3 Anthropomorphic Robots 341
3 Human Movement Behavior 342
3.1 Approach-Avoidance Concept 342
3.2 Aiming Movements and Posture 343
4 Empirical Study 344
4.1 Experimental Design 344
4.2 Materials and Methods 345
5 Results 347
6 Discussion 349
References 351
Joint Angle Depending Representation of Maximum Forces in Digital Human Models: Investigating Multivariate Joint-Torque Polyno... 353
1 Introduction 354
2 State of Art 355
2.1 Ellipse and Ellipsoids for Prediction of Torques 355
2.2 Elbow Strength Curves 356
2.3 Functional Anatomy of Shoulder and Elbow 356
2.4 Calculation of Joint Angles and Definition of Main Directions of Movements 358
3 Methods 359
3.1 Experimental Design 359
3.2 Measurement Procedure 359
3.3 Procedure for Polynomial Regression 361
4 Results 362
4.1 Measurement Results 362
4.2 Derived Polynomial Regression 364
5 Discussion 366
6 Summary and Perspective 367
References 368
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 1.2.2017 |
Zusatzinfo | IX, 366 p. 120 illus., 87 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | Berlin |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Geisteswissenschaften ► Psychologie ► Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie |
Sozialwissenschaften ► Politik / Verwaltung | |
Sozialwissenschaften ► Soziologie | |
Technik | |
Wirtschaft ► Betriebswirtschaft / Management ► Personalwesen | |
Schlagworte | ergonomic analysis • Ergonomics • Human Factors • Occupational Health and Safety • Occupational science • Work Science |
ISBN-10 | 3-662-53305-7 / 3662533057 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-662-53305-5 / 9783662533055 |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |
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