Drawing on expert opinions from the fields of nutrition, gut microbiology, mammalian physiology, and immunology, Diet-Microbe Interactions for Human Health investigates the evidence for a unified disease mechanism working through the gut and its resident microbiota, and linking many inflammation-related chronic diet associated diseases.State of the art post-genomic studies can highlight the important role played by our resident intestinal microbiota in determining human health and disease. Many chronic human diseases associated with modern lifestyles and diets - including those localized to the intestinal tract like inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease, and more pervasive systemic conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease - are characterized by aberrant profiles of gut bacteria or their metabolites. Many of these diseases have an inflammatory basis, often presenting with a chronic low-grade systemic inflammation, hinting at persistent and inappropriate activation of inflammatory pathways.Through the presentation and analysis of recent nutrition studies, this book discusses the possible mechanisms underpinning the disease processes associated with these pathologies, with high fat diets appearing to predispose to disease, and biologically active plant components, mainly fiber and polyphenols, appearing to reduce the risk of chronic disease development. - One comprehensive, translational source for all aspects of nutrition and diet's effect on gastrointestinal health and disease- Experts in nutrition, diet, microbiology and immunology take readers from the bench research (cellular and biochemical mechanisms of vitamins and nutrients) to new preventive and therapeutic approaches- Clear presentations by leading researchers of the cellular mechanisms underlying diet, immune response, and gastrointestinal disease help practicing nutritionists and clinicians (gastroenterologists, endocrinologists) map out new areas for clinical research and structuring clinical recommendations
Front Cover 1
Diet-Microbe Interactions in the Gut 4
Copyright Page 5
Contents 6
Foreword 10
Acknowledgements 12
List of Contributors 14
1 The Microbiota of the Human Gastrointestinal Tract: A Molecular View 16
Introduction 16
Gut Microbiota Metabolism in Health and Disease 16
Methodologies for Studying the Human Gut Microbiota 18
Measuring Species Richness and Variability 18
Estimating Microbial Relative Abundance within the Gut Microbiota using Culture-Independent Methods 19
Measuring Microbial Activity 20
Spatial Distribution of the Gut Microbiota and Interactions with Diet 21
The Stomach 21
The Small Intestine (Jejunum and Ileum) 22
The Colon (Large Intestine) 23
Models to Study Microbial Ecology 25
Conclusions 26
References 26
2 A Nutritional Anthropology of the Human Gut Microbiota 32
Human Diet or Microbiota, Which Came First? 32
Metagenomics and Cultivation-Independent Assessment of Human Gut Microbiota 33
Microbiome and Human Nutritional Phenotype 33
The Gut Microbiota in Human Evolution 34
Population Metagenomic Variation within the Human Microbiota 36
Populations can be Separated by Characteristic Differences in the Gut Microbiota 36
The Western Diet Metagenome is Obesity Prone 39
Conclusions 40
References 40
3 Probiotic Microorganisms for Shaping the Human Gut Microbiota – Mechanisms and Efficacy into the Future 42
Introduction 42
Let’s Start With the Definition of Probiotics 42
Shaping the Microbiota 43
The Neonatal Period 44
Adult Life and the Proposed Enterotype Classification 46
The Aged Period 47
Mechanisms and Efficacy 48
Efficacy in Healthy People 48
Conclusions 52
References 52
4 Bifidobacteria of the Human Gut: Our Special Friends 56
Taxonomy of Bifidobacteria 56
Bifidobacterial Ecology 58
Bifidobacterial Populations in the Human Gut 58
Bifidobacteria as Probiotics 59
Bifidobacterial Genomics 60
Comparative Genomics and Bifidobacteria 61
Interaction Between Bifidobacteria and Their Hosts 62
Exopolysaccharides (EPS) 62
Pilus-Like Structure 62
Serine Protease Inhibitor 63
Bacteriocins 63
Conclusions 63
References 64
5 Shaping the Human Microbiome with Prebiotic Foods – Current Perspectives for Continued Development 68
Introduction 68
Linking Microbiome Structure and Function 69
Probiotics 70
Prebiotics 71
Testing Prebiotics 74
Conclusion 80
References 81
6 Bioactivation of High-Molecular-Weight Polyphenols by the Gut Microbiome 88
Introduction 88
Proanthocyanidins 88
Structures and Nomenclature 88
Distribution in the Plant Kingdom: From Ecological Role to Behavior during Gastrointestinal Transit 89
Variability and Proanthocyanidin Determination in Foods 91
Dietary Sources, Intake and Health Benefits 91
Fate of Proanthocyanidins through the Digestive Tract 92
In Vitro Biotransformation 94
In Vivo Biotransformation 99
Hydrolyzable Tannins (Gallotannins and Ellagitannins) 100
Chemistry of Hydrolyzable Tannins (Gallotannins and Ellagitannins) 101
Occurrence and Dietary Sources 102
Metabolism of Hydrolyzable Tannins in Humans 105
Protective Effects of Hydrolyzable Tannins Intake in Human Subjects 111
Conclusions 113
References 113
7 Gut Microbial Metabolism of Plant Lignans: Influence on Human Health 118
Introduction 118
Conversion of Plant Lignans to Enterolignans by Gut Bacteria 119
Associations Between Lignan Exposure and Human Health 122
Cancer 122
Colorectal Cancer 123
Breast Cancer 123
Prostate Cancer 124
Cardiovascular Disease 125
Other Health Effects 125
Interindividual Differences in Lignan Metabolism 125
Diet 126
Sex Differences in Enterolignan Production 128
Other Factors Associated with Enterolignan Production 128
Conclusions 129
Acknowledgements 129
References 129
8 Gut Microbiome Modulates Dietary Xenobiotic Toxicity: The Case of DON and Its Derivatives 134
Introduction 134
Gastric Stability of DON Derivatives 136
Bacterial Transformation and Intestinal Absorption of DON and its Derivatives 136
DON and DON-Conjugates Impact on the Human Gut 138
References 139
9 Gut Microbiota–Immune System Crosstalk: Implications for Metabolic Disease 142
Gut Microbial Recognition by the Immune System 142
Immune Effectors of Intestinal Microbiota–Host Crosstalk 143
Intestinal Barrier, Gut Permeability and Metabolic Inflammation 144
Effects of Intestinal Bacterial Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) on Inflammation and Metabolism 145
Dietary Fat Metabolism, Bile Acids and Gut Microbiota 146
Diet, Tmao, Gut Microbiota and Atherosclerosis 147
Immune Versus Metabolic Functions in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Gene Networks 148
Conclusion 149
References 150
10 The Interplay of Epigenetics and Epidemiology in Autoimmune Diseases: Time for Geoepigenetics 154
The Etiology and Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disease 154
The Rationale for Geoepigenetics 155
Geoepigenetics of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) 156
Geoepigenetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 158
Geoepigenetics of Systemic Sclerosis 159
Conclusions 160
References 160
11 Obesity-Associated Gut Microbiota: Characterization and Dietary Modulation 164
The Obesity Pandemic 164
Genetic Determinants of Obesity 164
Obesity Associated Gut Microbiota 165
Gut Microbiota and Obesity: Evidence from Mice 166
Differences in Bacterial Composition at a Phylum Level 166
Differences in Bacterial Composition at a Genus/Group Level 166
Gut Microbiota and Obesity: Evidence from Human Studies 166
Difference in Bacterial Composition at Phylum Level 166
Difference in Bacterial Composition at Genus/Groups Level 167
Archaea Methanogens 167
Cause or Consequence 168
Interactions between Gut Microbes and Obesity: “The Energy Extraction Theory” 169
Gut Microbiota and Dietary “Energy-Harvest” 169
Role of SCFA and their Receptors in Dietary “Energy-Harvest” 171
Interactions between Gut Microbes and Obesity: “The Appetite Control Theory” 172
Interactions between Gut Microbes and Obesity: “The Inflammation Theory” 173
Gut Microbiota AS A Therapeutic Target of Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics 176
Conclusions 181
References 181
12 An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away – Inter-Relationship Between Apple Consumption, the Gut Microbiota and Cardiometabo... 188
Introduction 188
Apple Components 188
Simple Carbohydrates 189
Vitamins and Minerals 190
Fiber 190
Polyphenols 190
Polyphenols Bioavailability 192
The Human Gut Microbiota 193
Modulation of the Gut Microbiota Composition – Impact of Apples and Apple Components 194
Cardiometabolic Disease Risk – Epidemiological Studies 195
Cardiometabolic Risk Factors 196
Lipid Metabolism 196
Mechanisms Explaining the Potential Lipid Lowering Effects 199
Inhibition of Enterohepatic Circulation 199
Modulation of Lipid Metabolism 199
Digestive Enzyme Inhibition 199
Polyphenol–Pectin Synergistic Effect 199
Blood Pressure and Vascular Function 200
Inflammation 200
Antioxidant Role 201
Diabetes Risk 202
Conclusion 202
References 203
13 Whole Plant Foods and Colon Cancer Risk 210
Introduction 210
Diet and Colorectal Cancer 210
Biological Activity and Anticancer Properties of Whole-Grain Cereals 212
Biomarkers for CRC 213
Biological Activity and Anticancer Properties of Brassica Vegetables 214
Human Studies 214
Biological Activity and Anticancer Properties of Berry Fruits 216
Conclusion 218
References 219
14 Population Level Divergence from the Mediterranean Diet and the Risk of Cancer and Metabolic Disease 224
Mediterranean Diet as the Traditional Diet of Southern Europe 224
Historical Overview 224
Expression of Culture and Lifestyle – UNESCO’s Recognition 225
Scientific Definition and Description 225
The Evidence-Based Health Protection by Mediterranean Diet 226
First Epidemiological Evidence 226
Level of Adherence: Is there any Measure? 226
The Moli-Sani Experience 227
Mediterranean Diet – From Epidemiology to Clinical Trials 228
Mediterranean Diet as a Health Protection Model 229
Preventing Cardio-Metabolic Disease 229
Protection against Different Types of Cancer 230
Mediterranean Food Consumption and Human Gut Microbiota 231
Mediterranean Food Intake and Impact on Human Gut Microbiota 231
Concluding Remarks 234
References 234
15 Diet and the Gut Microbiota – How the Gut:Brain Axis Impacts on Autism 240
Background 240
Gut Microbiota and ASD 241
Amino Acid Metabolism 243
Lipid Metabolism and the Brain 245
Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) and the Brain 246
Gut Microbiota and Digestive Function 248
Dietary Patterns, Gut Microbiota and Brain Development 250
Dietary Modulation of the Gut Microbiota for Improved Brain Function 250
Probiotics, Gut Microbiota Successional Development and Brain Function 252
Conclusions 253
References 253
Index 262
A Nutritional Anthropology of the Human Gut Microbiota
Carlotta De Filippo and Kieran M. Tuohy, Department of Food Quality and Nutrition, Research and Innovation Centre, Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all’Adige, Trento, Italy
Undoubtedly, modern humankind is an omnivorous species. Nevertheless, types of diet changed radically over the course of human evolution, from hunter–gatherers, through the birth of agriculture and culminating with the modern Western-style diet. The Upper Paleolithic period is the crucial time because of the appearance of anatomically modern humans in Europe.
The human gut “metagenome” is a complex consortium of trillions of microbes, whose collective genomes contain at least 100-times as many genes as our own eukaryote genome. This essential “organ” provides the host with enhanced metabolic capabilities, protection against pathogens, education of the immune system and modulation of gastrointestinal development.
Historically, the microbial ecosystem of the gastrointestinal tract was specific for an environmental niche, as much as the flora and fauna of an ecosystem are geographically distinct. A clear example of this richness and diversity is that currently in Africa, the microbial composition is very different from that described in the Western world. Globalization of the microbial population of our digestive tracts is due to industrialization and standardization of food chain products that homogenizes the microorganisms that we ingest. Understanding the evolution of human–microbe ecosystems greatly benefits from a baseline reflecting an ancestral state of the human microbiome. The study of our closest living cousins, the other great apes, provides one path to reconstruct ancestral microbiomes. Retrieving human microbiome information from samples left behind by our distant ancestors would provide an ideal approach to understanding the coevolution of humans and microbes.
Gut microbiota; Metagenomics; Diet; Microbial communities
Human Diet or Microbiota, Which Came First?
The feeding strategy of Homo sapiens appears to be characterized by an extraordinary omnivorism, which has no equal among mammals with the exception to some extent of the Suidae and the brown bear. This strategy allows him to have a diet that is able to capture all substances and nutrients necessary for its energy and structural needs, according to the best sources, such as foods, available in the ecosystem of origin and from a certain point in its evolution, adapted to remote ecosystems. We can therefore say that diet is one of the main factors that differentiates and drives evolution of human populations. Dietary differences originated from cultural evolution and geographic differences in availability of crops and cultivation and animal husbandry. It is widely recognized that a varied and balanced diet is essential to an individual’s health. The adverse effects of nutrient deficiency are numerous and well documented.1–4 Because nutritionally related problems continue to be the cause behind many diseases that hinder progress towards universally adequate health, all countries should be actively pursuing the improvement of their people’s nutritional status. Recently we witnessed an explosion of food consumption studies in both urban and rural areas of developing countries.5–7 These types of studies are vital to our understanding of more “transitional” and/or “traditional” diets vs. the modern-day Western-style diet. Furthermore, food-consumption in rural communities in particular generally involves a large proportion of the food coming from home-production or gathering or, at the very least, having been grown, produced and purchased locally. Therefore, diets are usually monotonous and simple because they are dependent on the availability of foods in the home or local markets as well as the prices of those foods. However, the foods themselves, often consumed with little processing or using traditional fermentation technologies, represent complex mixtures of non-digestible carbohydrates and fibers, polyphenols and live fermentative microorganisms, thereby representing both complex nutritional support for the gut microbiota and an important source of passenger microorganisms with immune-modulatory and metabolic potential. The relative invariability of these traditional diets may potentially be reflected in gut colonization by relatively homogeneous and characteristic microbiomes. Recent discoveries highlighting the importance of gut microbiota have demonstrated how the availability of the nutrients present in the foods comprising everyone’s diet is highly dependent on the human gut microbiota. The question then becomes, to what extent is the human gut microbiota dependent on changes in diet and how robust is the human microbiota from birth to death? To propose potential answers to these questions first of all we have to understand what is the human microbiota.
Metagenomics and Cultivation-Independent Assessment of Human Gut Microbiota
The human gut microbiota is composed of commensal microorganisms inherited largely from our mothers at birth, passengers’ microorganisms, mainly environmental, with which we come into continuous contact via the food we eat, and potential pathogens, exogenous invaders which try to overcome the body’s defenses and cause disease. In the 20th century our knowledge of the human microbiota was constrained by the ability to describe and study the biological functions of less than a hundred cultivable bacteria. The species we described until the year 2000 were also the most easily cultivated, and given the special attention of funding agencies towards pathogens, we fundamentally ignored the genome to function relation for the vast majority of our commensal organisms which do not cause disease and a handful of bacterial species used in food production and shown to dominate the gut microbiota of breast-fed infants, the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, respectively.
Furthermore, for a century the study of microorganisms has been limited by the ability to cultivate them. The established view is that only a subset of the microbial species which make up our microbiome can be easily cultivated. Recently, the scientific revolution driven by high-throughput sequencing techniques (Next Generation Sequencing, NGS), has made possible the unraveling of the evolutionary history of human gut microbiome. Key to this endeavor has been the emergence of bioinformatics tools necessary to describe the microbial ecology-encoded high-resolution NGS data derived from diverse microbiomes.
Large-scale projects such as the European Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract MetaHIT8 and the US Human Microbiome Project, HMP9,10 have made substantial progress towards this goal and the amount of metagenomic information is exponentially increasing, especially that obtained for individuals living in industrialized countries. The first EU-funded MetaHIT consortium produced Illumina sequences of fecal samples of 124 European individuals, including healthy, overweight and obese adults, as well as patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).8 When extended to Japanese and American populations, MetaHIT also established that the worldwide population could be classified into three distinct enterotypes.11 The NIH-funded Human Microbiome Project, HMP Consortium, is also developing and indexing another fundamental reference set of microbial genome sequences from a population of 242 healthy adults, sampled at different body sites, generating 5177 microbial taxonomic profiles from 16S ribosomal RNA genes and over 3.5 terabases of metagenomic sequence so far.9,10 In parallel, they have sequenced approximately 800 reference strains isolated from the human body, generating data that represent the largest resource describing the abundance and variety of the human microbiome. The project encountered an estimated 81–99% of the genera, enzyme families and community configurations occupied by the healthy Western microbiome.9,10 The information deposited in these resources promises to be a goldmine for pathway and network inference, reconstructing the super-meta-pathway subtending the interaction between humans and their microbiomes.
Microbiome and Human Nutritional Phenotype
The role of the gut microbiota in provision of nutritionally relevant molecules for human health and nutrition is still largely unknown, but indeed these organisms do contribute metabolic and digestive functions absent from the human genome.12 A glimpse of the metabolic pathway complexity contained in metagenomics datasets first emerged from the study of Gill et al.13: the human genome lacks most of the enzymes required for degradation of plant polysaccharides and they are supplied by the human gut microbiome which can metabolize cellulose, starch and unusual sugars such as arabinose, mannose, and xylose, thanks to at least 81 different glycoside hydrolase families. With the aim of understanding the dietary modulation of gut microbiota, Zhu et al.14 undertook a large-scale analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences to profile the microbiota inhabiting the digestive system of giant pandas using a metagenomic approach. They performed predicted gene functional classification, finding the presence of putative cellulose-metabolizing symbionts in this little-studied microbial environment, explaining how giant pandas are able to partially digest bamboo fiber, despite a genome lacking enzymes that can degrade cellulose. This study showed the...
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 4.8.2014 |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Medizin / Pharmazie ► Medizinische Fachgebiete ► Innere Medizin |
Medizin / Pharmazie ► Medizinische Fachgebiete ► Pharmakologie / Pharmakotherapie | |
Studium ► 1. Studienabschnitt (Vorklinik) ► Physiologie | |
Technik ► Lebensmitteltechnologie | |
ISBN-10 | 0-12-407941-5 / 0124079415 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0-12-407941-0 / 9780124079410 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
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