General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry - Laura D. Frost, S. Todd Deal, Karen C. Timberlake

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry

An Integrated Approach Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package
Buch | Hardcover
512 Seiten
Prentice Hall (Verlag)
978-0-321-70619-5 (ISBN)
165,75 inkl. MwSt
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Drawing on 20 years of teaching allied health and pre-professional students, authors Laura Frost and Todd Deal have created this innovative new text for your GOB chemistry course.  General, organic, and biological chemistry topics are integrated throughout each chapter in a manner that immediately relates chemistry to your future allied health career and everyday life. General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: An Integrated Approach with MasteringChemistry® introduces the problem-solving skills you will need to assess situations critically on the job. Unique guided-inquiry activities are incorporated after each chapter, guiding you through an exploration of the information to develop chemical concepts, and then apply the developed concept to further examples.

Laura D. Frost is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Georgia Southern University, where she has taught chemistry to allied health students since 2000. She received her bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Kutztown University and a Ph.D. in chemistry with a biophysical focus from the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Frost is actively engaged in the teaching and learning of chemistry and uses a guided inquiry approach in her classes. Dr. Frost is a member of the American Chemical Society and its Chemical Education division and the Biophysical Society. In 2007, she was honored with the Regent’s Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by the University System of Georgia and was inducted into the Regent’s Hall of Fame for Teaching Excellence. She is an advocate for increased student learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines using guided inquiry and has spoken at numerous conferences and workshops on this topic. Todd S. Deal  received his B.S. degree in chemistry in 1986 from Georgia Southern College (now University) in Statesboro, Georgia, and his Ph.D. in chemistry in 1990 from The Ohio State University. He joined the faculty of his undergraduate alma mater in 1992, where he currently serves as Director of the Office of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement. Professor Deal has taught chemistry to allied health and preprofessional students for 20 years. In 1994, he was selected Professor of the Year by the students at Georgia Southern University. Professor Deal is also the recipient of the Allen E. Paulson College of Science and Technology’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2003), the Georgia Southern University Award for Excellence in Contributions to Instruction (2003), and the Allen E. Paulson College of Science and Technology’s Award for Excellence in Service (2006). Karen Timberlake is Professor Emerita of chemistry at Los Angeles Valley College, where she taught chemistry for allied health and preparatory chemistry for 36 years. Professor Timberlake has been writing chemistry textbooks for 33 years. She is known for her strategic use of pedagogical tools that promote student success in chemistry and the application of chemistry to real-life situations. More than one million students have learned chemistry using texts, laboratory manuals, and study guides written by Karen Timberlake.

Chapter 1:  Chemistry:  It’s All About “Stuff”
1.1    “Stuff” is Matter
Matter:  Mass and Volume
Math Matters – Metric Units and Prefixes
States of Matter
1.2    Gas Behavior – An Introduction to the Behavior of Matter
Gases and Pressure
Pressure and Volume – Boyle’s Law
Boyle’s Law and Breathing
Math Matters – Significant Figures and Rounding Calculator Results
Gases and Temperature
Temperature and Volume – Charles’s Law
1.3    Classifying Matter : Mixture or Pure Substance
Pure Substances
1.4    Elements, Compounds, and the Periodic Table
1.5    How Matter Changes
Physical Change
Chemical Reaction
Chemical Equations

Key Terms
Important Equations
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 2

Chapter 2:  Atoms, Radioactivity, and Ions
2.1    The Atom and Subatomic Particles
Subatomic Particles
Structure of an Atom
2.2    Atomic Number and Mass Number
Atomic Number
Mass Number
2.3    Isotopes and Atomic Mass
Atomic Mass
2.4    Measuring Atoms: The Mole
Math Matters – Scientific Notation
Avogadro’s Number
2.5    Electron Arrangements
2.6    Radioactivity and Radioisotopes
Types of Radiation
2.7    Nuclear Equations and Radioactive Decay
Alpha Decay
Beta Decay
Gamma Decay
Producing Radioactive Isotopes
2.8    Radiation Units and Half-Lives
Radioactivity Units
Half Life
2.9    Medical Applications for Radioisotopes

Key Terms
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 3

Chapter 3:  Compounds: Putting Particles Together
3.1    The Octet Rule
3.2    In Search of an Octet Part 1: Ion Formation
Trends in Ion Formation
Naming Ions
Important Ions in the Body
3.3    Ionic Compounds – Give and Take
Formulas of Ionic Compounds
Naming Ionic Compounds
3.4    In Search of an Octet Part 2: Covalent Bonding
Formulas and Structures of Covalent Compounds
Naming Covalent Compounds
3.5    Getting Covalent Compounds into Shape
    Determining the Shape of a Molecule
Lone Pairs and their Effect on Molecular Shape
Molecular Shape of Larger Molecules
3.6    Electronegativity and Molecular Polarity
    Molecular Polarity

Key Terms
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 4

Chapter 4:  Introduction to Organic Compounds
4.1    Alkanes – The Simplest Organic Compounds
Straight chain alkanes
4.2    Representing the Structures of Organic Compounds
Condensed structural formulas
Skeletal structures
Cyclic alkanes
4.3    Fatty Acids — Biological Hydrocarbons
Alkanes are non-polar compounds
Structure and polarity of fatty acid molecules
Unsaturated fatty acids
Fatty acids in our diet
4.4    Families of Organic Compounds – Functional Groups
Unsaturated hydrocarbons – Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatics
4.5    Isomerism in Organic Compounds, Part 1
Structural isomers
Conformational isomers
Nomenclature of simple compounds
Branched chain alkanes
4.6    Isomerism in Organic Compounds, Part 2
Cis/Trans isomerism in cycloalkanes
Cis/Trans isomerism in alkenes
Stereoisomerism in chiral molecules
The consequences of chirality

Key Terms
Summary of Reactions
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 5

Chapter 5:   Carbohydrates:  Life’s Sweet Molecules
5.1    Carbohydrates
5.2    Monosaccharide Structure
    Functional Groups in Monosaccharides – Alcohol, Aldehyde, and Ketone
Stereochemistry in Monosaccharides
Multiple Chiral Centers
Representing Stereoisomers – The Fischer Projection
Stereoisomers That are Not Enantiomers
Some Important Monosaccharides
5.3    Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
    Oxidation and Reduction
    Monosaccharides and Redox
5.4    Ring Formation – The Truth about Monosaccharide Structure
5.5    Disaccharides
Condensation and Hydrolysis – Forming and Breaking Glycosidic Bonds
Naming Glycosidic Linkages
Some Important Disaccharides
Relative Sweetness of Monosaccharides and Sucrose
5.6    Polysaccharides
Storage Polysaccharides
Amylose and Amylopectin
Structural Polysaccharides
5.7    Carbohydrates and Blood
ABO Blood Groups

Key Terms
Summary of Reactions
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Intermolecular Forces: State Changes, Solubility, and Cell Membranes
6.1    Types of Intermolecular Forces
London Forces
Dipole-Dipole Attractions
Hydrogen Bonding
Ion-Dipole Attraction: A Similar Force
6.2    Intermolecular Forces and Solubility
The Golden Rule of Solubility
Applying the Golden Rule: To Non-polar Compounds
Applying the Golden Rule: To Polar Compounds
Applying the Golden Rule: To Ionic Compounds
The Unique Chemistry of Soap
6.3  Intermolecular Forces and Changes of State
Heat and Intermolecular Forces
Boiling Points and Alkanes
The Unusual Behavior of Water
6.4  Fats, Oils, and Margarine – Solid to Liquid and Back Again
Margarine: Changing the Liquid to a Solid
Trans Fats
6.5  Intermolecular Forces and the Cell Membrane
A Quick Look at Phospholipids
The Cell Membrane is a Bilayer
Cholesterol in Membranes

Key Terms
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Solution Chemistry:  How Sweet is Your Tea?
7.1    Solutions are Mixtures
Phases of Solutes and Solvents
Colloids and Suspensions 
7.2    Formation of Solutions
Factors Affecting Solubility and Saturated Solutions
Solubility and Temperature
Solubility and Pressure – Henry’s Law
7.3    Chemical Equations for Solution Formation – Electrolytes
Strong Electrolytes
Weak Electrolytes
Ionic Solutions and Equivalents
7.4    Concentration
Milliequivalents per Liter (mEq/L)
Millimoles per Liter (mmol/L) and Molarity (M)
Percent (%)
Math Matters – Percent
    Mass / volume Percent (% m/v)
    Relationship to Other Common Units
    Mass / mass Percent (% m/m)
    Volume / volume Percent (% v/v)
Parts per Million (ppm) and Parts per Billion (ppb)
7.5    Dilution
7.6    Osmosis and Diffusion
Diffusion and Dialysis
7.7    Transport Across Cell Membranes
Diffusion, Facilitated Transport, and Active Transport

Key Terms
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 6

Chapter 8:  Acids, Bases, and the Building Blocks of Life
8.1    Acids and Bases – Definitions
8.2    Strong Acids and Bases
8.3    Chemical Equilibrium
The Equilibrium Constant, Keq
Effect of Concentration on Equilibrium
Effect of Temperature on Equilibrium
8.4    Weak Acids and Bases
The Equilibrium Constant Ka
    Conjugate Acids and Bases
8.5    pH and the pH scale
    The Autoionization of Water, Kw
    [H3O+], [OH-], and pH
    Measuring pH
Math Matters – Logarithms and Inverse Logarithms
    Calculating pH
    Calculating [H3O+]
8.6    pKa 
The relationship between pH and pKa
8.7    Amino Acids:  Common Biological Weak Acids
8.8    Buffers:  An Important Property of Weak Acids and Bases
    Maintaining Physiological pH with Bicarbonate Buffer:  Homeostasis
        Changes in Ventilation Rate
        Changes in Metabolic Acid Production

Key Terms
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 9

Chapter 9:  Proteins – Amides at Work
9.1 Amino Acids – A second look
Amino Acid Structure
Amino Acid Classification
9.2    Protein Formation
Condensation Reaction of Amino Acids
Amide or Peptide, Which Is It?
9.3    Protein Structure
Primary Structure – N-terminus & C-terminus
Secondary structure
    b-strands and sheets
Tertiary Structure
Quaternary Structure
9.4  Protein Denaturation
9.5  Sample Proteins

Key Terms
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 10

Chapter 10:  Enzymes – Nature’s Chemists
10.1    Enzymes and Their Substrates
Active site
10.2    Enzyme Activity
10.3     Reaction Energetics and Thermodynamics
10.4      Reaction Energy Diagrams
10.5     Activation Energy (Ea)
Enzymes Lower Activation Energy

Key Terms
Additional Problems
    Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 11

Chapter 11:  Nucleic Acids – Big Molecules with a Big Role
11.1    Components of Nucleic Acids
    Nitrogenous Bases
    Ribose and Deoxyribose
    Condensation of the Components
    Naming Nucleotides
11.2    Nucleic Acid Formation
    Primary Structure:  Nucleic Acid Sequence
11.3      DNA
Secondary Structure:  Complementary Base Pairing
Tertiary Structure:  Chromosomes
11.4      RNA and Protein Synthesis
    RNA Types
    Messenger RNA and Transcription
    Ribosomal RNA and the Ribosome
    Transfer RNA and Translation
11.5     Putting It Together:  The Genetic Code and Protein Synthesis
The Genetic Code
Protein Synthesis
    tRNA Activation
11.6     Genetic Mutations
11.7     Viruses
    HIV-1 and AIDS
11.8    Recombinant DNA Technology
Therapeutic Proteins
Genetically Modified Crops
Genetic Testing
Nuclear Transplantation – Cloning an Organism

Key Terms
Additional Problems
Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems
Looking Ahead – GI problems for Chapter 12

Chapter 12:  Food As Fuel – A Metabolic Overview
12.1  Overview of Metabolism
Where in the Cell?
12.2  Metabolically Relevant Nucleotides
Acetyl Coenzyme A / Coenzyme A
12.3  Digestion – From Fuel Molecules to Building Blocks
12.4  Glycolysis – From Building Blocks to Common Metabolites
Chemical Reactions in Glycolysis
Regulation of Glycolysis
Fates of Pyruvate
Aerobic Conditions
Anaerobic Conditions
12.5  The Citric Acid Cycle – Central Processing
    Reactions of the Citric Acid Cycle   
Citric Acid Cycle Summary
12.6  Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation
    Electron Transport
Oxidative Phosphorylation
Thermogenesis – Uncoupling ATP Synthase
12.7  ATP Production
    Counting ATP from One Glucose
Oxidation of Pyruvate
Citric Acid Cycle
Total ATP from Glucose Oxidation
12.8  Other Fuel Choices
Energy from Fatty Acids
The Beta Oxidation Cycle
Cycle Repeats and ATP Production
Too Much Acetyl CoA - Ketosis
Energy from Amino Acids
Putting It Together:  Linking the Pathways

Key Terms
Summary of Reactions
Additional Problems
Challenge Problems
Answers to Odd Numbered Problems

Erscheint lt. Verlag 28.3.2011
Verlagsort Upper Saddle River
Sprache englisch
Maße 216 x 276 mm
Themenwelt Schulbuch / Wörterbuch
Naturwissenschaften Chemie
ISBN-10 0-321-70619-6 / 0321706196
ISBN-13 978-0-321-70619-5 / 9780321706195
Zustand Neuware
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