Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals with Electronic Devices (eBook)
XXVI, 452 Seiten
Springer Netherland (Verlag)
978-1-4020-9640-2 (ISBN)
The 2nd international tagging and tracking symposium was held in San Sebastian, Spain, in October 2007, seven years after the first symposium was held in Hawaii in 2000 (Sibert and Nielsen 2001). In the intervening seven years, there have been major advances in both the capability and reliability of electronic tags and analytical approaches for geolocation of tagged animals in marine habitats. Advances such as increased data storage capacity, sensor development, and tag miniaturization have allowed researchers to track a much wider array of marine animals, not just large and charismatic species. Importantly, data returned by these tags are now being used in population analyses and movement simulations that can be directly utilized in stock assessments and other management applications.
Papers in this volume are divided into three sections, the first describing insights into behavior achieved using acoustic, archival, and novel tags, the second reporting on advances in methods of geolocation, while the final section includes contributions where tag data have been used in management of marine species. Accurate documentation of animal movements and behaviors in critical marine habitats are impossible to obtain with other technologies. The management and conservation of marine species are critical in today's changing ocean environment and as electronic tags become more accurate and functional for a diversity of organisms their application continues to grow, setting new standards in science and technology.
The 2nd international tagging and tracking symposium was held in San Sebastian, Spain, in October 2007, seven years after the first symposium was held in Hawaii in 2000 (Sibert and Nielsen 2001). In the intervening seven years, there have been major advances in both the capability and reliability of electronic tags and analytical approaches for geolocation of tagged animals in marine habitats. Advances such as increased data storage capacity, sensor development, and tag miniaturization have allowed researchers to track a much wider array of marine animals, not just large and charismatic species. Importantly, data returned by these tags are now being used in population analyses and movement simulations that can be directly utilized in stock assessments and other management applications.Papers in this volume are divided into three sections, the first describing insights into behavior achieved using acoustic, archival, and novel tags, the second reporting on advances in methods of geolocation, while the final section includes contributions where tag data have been used in management of marine species. Accurate documentation of animal movements and behaviors in critical marine habitats are impossible to obtain with other technologies. The management and conservation of marine species are critical in today s changing ocean environment and as electronic tags become more accurate and functional for a diversity of organisms their application continues to grow, setting new standards in science and technology.
Preface: Applications of Electronic Taggingto Understanding Marine Animals 6
Contents 18
Contributors 21
Part I Behavioural Insights Based on the Use of Electronic Tags 27
Behaviour Using Acoustic Tags 28
Using Telemetry to Monitor Movements and Habitat Use of Cultured and Wild Juvenile Winter Flounder in a Shallow Estuary 29
Introduction 30
Materials and Methods 31
Study Site 31
Tagging Protocol 31
Comparison of Cultured and Wild Juvenile Movements 33
Active Tracking 33
VRAP Tracking 34
Wild Sub-adult Movements 35
Results 35
Comparison of Cultured and Wild Juvenile Movements 35
Active Tracking 35
VRAP Tracking 37
Wild Sub-adult Movements 40
Discussion 40
Conclusion 43
References 43
Comparative Behavior of Wild and Hatchery Reared White Sea Bream (Diplodus sargus) Released on Artificial Reefs Off the Algarve (Southern Portugal) 47
Introduction 47
Material and Methods 48
Results 50
Surgery and Fish Behavior During Transportation and Immediately After Release 50
Habitat Association 51
Daily Movements and Area Usage 53
Discussion 54
References 57
Survival, Migration Speed and Swimming Depth of Atlantic Salmon Kelts During Sea Entry and Fjord Migration 59
Introduction 59
Material and Methods 61
Study Area and Design 61
Handling, Tagging and Release of Fish 61
Data Analysis 64
Results 64
Length and Weight of Tagged Fish (n = 232) 65
Survival and Detection Rate of Acoustically Tagged Fish at Receiver Transects 65
Timing of Migration and Condition Factors 65
Swimming Progression and Swimming Depth 66
Fisheries in River Alta and Alta Fjord During the Study Period 66
Fishing Mortality and Recapture Rates 68
Discussion 68
Survival and Detection Rate at Transects 68
Timing of Migration, Swimming Progression and Swimming Depth 69
The Fishing Mortality and Recapture Rates 70
Suggestions for Further Study 71
Conclusion 71
References 72
Small Scale Vertical Behaviour of Juvenile Albacore in Relation to Their Biotic Environment in the Bay of Biscay 74
Introduction 74
Materials and Methods 76
Echosounding and Echointegration 76
Fishing Operations 78
Tagging and Tracking 78
Behaviour Analyses 78
Results 79
Environment at the Time of the Tracking 79
Albacore Prey in Relation to the Observed Shoals of Potential Prey 80
Vertical Distribution of Krill and Fish Layers 81
Tracks 82
Vertical Behaviour of Albacore 82
Depth Profiles 82
Influence of Tagging on Behaviour 85
Circadian Patterns 86
Effect of Fish Size on Depth 87
Vertical Behaviour of Albacore in Relation to Prey Shoals 90
Vertical Behaviour of Albacore in Relation to the Depth and Biomass of Micronekton and Plankton 90
Discussion 91
Conclusion 93
References 94
Acoustic Tag Networks 97
A Review of Acoustic Telemetry Technology and a Perspective on its Diversification Relative to Coastal Tracking Arrays 98
Introduction 98
Technical Review 100
Coding Schemes 101
Listening Schemes 105
Discussion 106
Conclusion -Case Studies 107
References 109
The Ocean Tracking Network Adding Marine Animal Movements to the Global Ocean Observing System 112
Introduction 112
Goals 113
Technology 113
Internal Versus External 115
Ecosystem Versus Habitat 117
Geolocation 118
References 120
Behaviour Using Archival Tags 122
Observations of the Behaviour of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the North Sea 123
Introduction 124
Materials and Methods 124
Data Storage Tags (DSTs) 124
Tagging Procedure 125
Analysis of Depth Data 125
Results 126
& Tag Recaptures &
Daily Behaviour Patterns 128
Behavioural Dynamics: Days to Weeks 128
Behavioural Dynamics: Seasonal Differences 132
Shoaling Behaviour 132
Discussion 135
Migration and Distribution 135
Behaviour Patterns 135
Social Behaviour 136
Conclusions 137
References 137
Vertical Movements and Habitat Utilization of Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), Yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and Bigeye (Thunnus obesus) Tunas in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific Ocean, Ascertained Through Archival Tag Data 140
Introduction 140
Materials and Methods 141
Tag Releases 142
Tag Recoveries 142
Data Processing 142
Results 144
Skipjack and Yellowfin Non-associative Bounce-Diving Behavior 149
Bigeye Non-associative Characteristic Behavior 152
Surface-Oriented Behavior 153
Deep-Diving Behavior 154
Vertical Habitat Utilization 154
Discussion 157
Conclusion 161
References 162
Investigations of Horizontal Movements of Atlantic Swordfish Using Pop-up Satellite Archival Tags 164
Introduction 164
Materials and Methods 167
Field Operations 167
Geolocation Method 168
Results 170
Discussion 174
References 177
Vertical Behavior and the Observation of FAD Effects on Tropical Tuna in the Warm-Pool of the Western Pacific Ocean 179
Introduction 180
Materials and Methods 181
Data Analysis 185
Results 186
Archival Tag Recoveries 186
Vertical Depth Behavior 187
Multi-Species School Depth Records 188
FAD Residence Time 189
Discussion 190
References 196
Effects of T-bar and DST Tagging on Survival and Growth of European Hake 198
Introduction 198
Methods 199
Fish Origin 199
Tagging Protocol 200
Data Analyses 200
Results 201
Analysis of Initial Fish Characteristics According to Treatment and Group Size 201
Effect of Tagging on Survival 202
Effect of Tagging on Growth 203
Discussion 206
Effect of Tagging on Survival 206
Effect of Tagging on Growth 207
Conclusion 208
References 208
Body Temperature of the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) in the Western Mediterranean 211
Introduction 211
Material and Methods 213
Description of the Tonnara 213
Body Temperature Measurements 214
Logger Features 215
Results 215
Acute Temperature Measurements 216
Trap Measurements 216
Bluefin 1 218
Bluefin 2 218
Discussion 218
References 221
Behaviour Using Novel Tags 224
Multi-Channel Data-Logging: Towards Determination of Behaviour and Metabolic Rate in Free-Swimming Sharks 225
Introduction 225
Method 227
Captive Trials 227
Devices Deployed 228
Data Analysis 228
Results 229
Overview of the Captive Trials 229
Behavioural Categorization 230
Determination of Active v. Passive Periods 230
Passive Periods 230
Active Periods 231
Steady Swimming 233
Fast-Start Swimming 234
ODBA 234
Discussion 235
Swimming Behaviour and Swimming Kinematics 235
Behaviour 238
ODBA and Energetics 239
Conclusion 240
References 240
Harnessing the Sun: Testing a Novel Attachment Method to Record Fine Scale Movements in Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola) 243
Introduction 243
Methods 244
Captive Trails 244
Field Trails 246
Analysis of Dive Data 246
Defining Descent and Ascent Phases 246
Defining Frequency and Amplitude from Sway Dynamic Data 247
Results 247
Captive Trials 247
Field Trials 248
Discusssion 251
References 254
An Archival Tag for Monitoring Key Behaviours (Feeding and Spawning) in Fish 1
Materials and Methods 259
The Tag 259
Tag and Sensor Implantation 261
Feeding Trials 261
Results 262
Recovery and Onset of Feeding 262
Jaw Movements 262
Ventilation 263
Feeding 264
Coughs 264
Yawns 265
Data Logging Frequency 266
Discussion 266
Further Developments 267
References 267
Part II Geolocation Methods 28
Lessons from a Prototype Geolocation Problem 270
Introduction 270
Random Walk Models of Animal Movements 271
Filtering of Noisy Measurements 272
The Diffusivity of a Non-Diffusive Fish 275
Filtering in the Frequency Domain 277
Temporal Patterns in the Accuracy 280
Discussion 282
Appendix 1 The Kalman Filter with Discrete Measurements 283
Appendix 2 The Continuous-Time Kalman Filter 285
Transients in the Filtering Variance 286
Periods with Missing Data 286
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Diffusivity 286
Appendix 3 The Wiener filter 287
References 288
Geolocating Fish Using Hidden Markov Models and Data Storage Tags 290
Introduction 270
Notation 292
A Simulated Cod in the Baltic 272
The Filter Explained 275
Discretisation of the Advection-Diffusion Equation 295
The Predictive Filter 296
Likelihood Estimation of Parameters 298
Smoothing of the Position 298
Track Estimation 285
Sampling a Random Track 286
The Most Probable Track 286
Discussion 304
References 288
State Space Model for Light Based Tracking of Marine Animals: Validation on Swimming and Diving Creatures 307
Introduction 307
Materials and Methods 310
Data 310
Model 311
Kalman Filter Model With Sea Surface Temperature 312
Results 312
Discussion 317
References 320
Removing Bias in Latitude Estimated from Solar Irradiance Time Series 322
Introduction 322
Methods 323
Data Sources 323
Error Propagation Analysis 323
Preliminary State-Space Model 326
Results 327
Discussion 329
References 332
Positioning Pelagic Fish from Sunrise and Sunset Times: Complex Observation Errors Call for Constrained, Robust Modeling 334
Introduction 307
Methods 310
Geolocation for Sunrise/Sunset Detectors 310
Optimizing Geolocation 311
Direct Method (Solving for Positions) 337
Filtering and Smoothing (Solving for a Track) 338
Iterative Filtering and Smoothing to Handle Non-Linear Dynamics 339
Statistical Linearization 339
Handling Heavy-Tailed Error Distributions 340
Adding Hard Constraints 341
Results 341
Synthetic Data 341
Effect of Errors and Biases in Timing Sunrise and Sunset Events 341
Pop-Up Archival Tag Dataset 343
Drifters 343
Example of a Bluefin Tuna Track 346
Discussion 346
Expected Errors in Direct Geolocation Based on Sunrise/Sunset Times 346
A Constrained, Non-Linear, Non-Gaussian Estimation Method 349
References 320
Summary Report of a Workshop on Geolocation Methods for Marine Animals 353
Introduction 307
Aims and Objectives of the Workshop 310
Progress in Geolocation Methods and Technologies 356
Estimation of Position 311
Methods for Estimation of Geoposition 337
Error Quantification 338
Alternative Technologies 339
Management and Interpretation of Position Estimate Data 362
Management of Tagging Data 340
Interpretation of Animal Behaviour 341
Limitations in Geolocation Methods and Technologies 341
Tag Hardware and Programming Capabilities 341
Data Collection 341
Data Processing and Handling 364
Error Reduction 365
Data Management 366
Quality Control 366
Visualisation 366
Data Analysis 349
Data sharing 367
Comparative Analyses 367
Identification of Behavioural States in Tagged Animals 367
Integration of Complementary Data for Investigations into Population and Ecosystem Effects 368
Summary of Recommendations and Agreed Actions 368
References 320
Part III Applications of Electronic Tags to Fisheries Management 97
Developing Integrated Database Systems for the Management of Electronic Tagging Data 375
Introduction 375
System Overview 377
Database Design 377
Satellite Tags 379
Acoustic Tags 381
Archival Tags 382
Environmental Data 382
Mapping Solutions 384
Conclusion 384
References 387
Electronic Tagging Data Supporting Flexible Spatial Management in an Australian Longline Fishery 389
Introduction 389
Southern Bluefin Tuna on the East Coast of Australia 391
Searching for a Solution: Management Context for SBT in Eastern Australia 392
Searching for a Solution: The Science History 395
Stage 1: Static Management Arrangements (2001) 397
Stage 2: SST-Based Expert Judgment (2002) 397
Stage 3: SST-Habitat Model (2003) -- Electronic Tag Data Added 398
Stage 4: 3D Habitat Model (2004-Present) 401
Searching for a Solution: Management Issues 403
Lessons for Future Science and Management 406
Science Constraints: Tag Data and Habitat Preference Models 406
Operational Management Constraints 408
Conclusion 409
References 409
Correction Factors Derived from Acoustic Tag Data for a Juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna Abundance Index in Southern Western Australia 412
Introduction 412
An Abundance Index for Southern Bluefin Tuna 415
Methods 415
Data Collection 416
Data Analyses 420
Estimation of D detection 420
Estimation of F offshore 420
Estimation of T residence 421
Results 421
Depth Distribution - Estimating D detection 422
Inshore-Offshore Pathways - Estimating F offshore 423
Residence Times - Estimating T residence 423
Discussion 423
Correcting the Abundance Estimate 426
One Additional Complicating Factor 426
References 427
A Multi-Scale Study of Red Porgy Movements and Habitat Use, and Its Application to the Design of Marine Reserve Networks 430
Introduction 431
Materials and Methods 432
Study Site 432
Capture and Tagging Methods 434
Active Tracking 434
Passive Monitoring 435
Tag-Recapture 437
Data Analysis 437
Results 439
Active Tracking 439
Passive Monitoring 439
Tag-Recapture 444
Discussion 444
Home Range, Habitat Preferences and the Predictability of Short-Term Movements 444
Residency, Migrations and Dispersal 445
Implications for the Design and Functioning of Marine Reserves 446
Conclusion 448
References 448
Index 451
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 10.6.2009 |
Reihe/Serie | Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries | Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries |
Zusatzinfo | XXVI, 452 p. |
Verlagsort | Dordrecht |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Naturwissenschaften ► Biologie ► Humanbiologie |
Naturwissenschaften ► Biologie ► Ökologie / Naturschutz | |
Naturwissenschaften ► Biologie ► Zoologie | |
Technik | |
Weitere Fachgebiete ► Land- / Forstwirtschaft / Fischerei | |
Schlagworte | Behavior • Electronic tags • Fish and Wildlife Biology • Fisheries Management • Geolocation analyses • marine animals • Marine fishes • marine species |
ISBN-10 | 1-4020-9640-2 / 1402096402 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1-4020-9640-2 / 9781402096402 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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