Lives of Shakespearian Actors, Part V - Tetsuo Kishi, Anjna Chouhan, Katherine Cockin

Lives of Shakespearian Actors, Part V

Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Henry Irving and Ellen Terry by their Contemporaries
1392 Seiten
Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd
978-1-85196-931-9 (ISBN)
489,95 inkl. MwSt
Extracts from diaries, memoirs, private letters, obituaries and other rare ephemera are drawn together to build a contemporary account of the acting achievements and personal lives of three inspiring figures from the late nineteenth-century theatre; Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Henry Irving and Ellen Terry.

Volume 1: Herbert Beerbohm Tree Edited by Victor Emeljanow 'Herbert Beerbohm Tree', Theatre (1881); Arthur Goddard, Players of the Period (1891) [excerpt]; 'Re-opening of the Haymarket', Era (1887); 'The Haymarket Theatre', Saturday Review (1887); 'Captain Swift', Era (1888); 'A Man's Shadow', Pall Mall Gazette (1889); 'A Man's Shadow', Era (1889); 'The Dancing Girl', Saturday Review (1891); Julia Nielson, 'The Dancing Girl', in This for Remembrance (1940); 'Hypatia', Era (1893); 'The Player's World', Encore (1893); 'Hypatia', Jewish Chronicle (1893); 'Drama - At His Majesty's Theatre', Academy (1907); 'A Woman of No Importance', Era (1893); 'Trilby on the Stage at Manchester: First Performance in England', Daily News (1895); 'Trilby', Era (1895); 'Enemy of the People', Era (1893); X, 'Mr Tree's Monday Nights', Fortnightly Review (1890); 'Merry Wives of Windsor', Saturday Review (1889); 'Drama: The Week', Athenaeum (1889); 'King John', Theatre (1889); William Archer, 'King Henry IV on the stage', Daily Chronicle (1896); G B Shaw, 'Henry IV', Saturday Review (1896); 'Haymarket Theatre: A Fine Revival and Appeal to Mr. Tree', London Echo (1896); Owen Nares, Myself and some Others (1925) [excerpt]; Beerbohm Tree, 'Hamlet from an Actor's Prompt Book', Fortnightly Review (1895); Clement Scott, Some Notable 'Hamlets' (1905) [excerpt]; 'Hamlet at the Haymarket', Era (1892); 'Haymarket Theatre', Queen (1892); 'Art and Architecture on the Stage: Twelfth Night', Architectural Review (1901); 'Her Majesty's Theatre', The Times (1901); 'The Merry Wives', Daily Mail (1902); 'His Majesty's Theatre - Miss Ellen Terry's Jubilee', The Times (1906); 'His Majesty's Theatre - The Merry Wives of Windsor', Morning Post (1908); Raymond Blathwayt, 'Mr Tree as Shylock: An Impression of the Great Production at His Majesty's', Black and White (1908); 'Mr Tree's Shylock', Daily Telegraph (1908); 'The Ghetto on the Stage: Behind the Scenes at His Majesty's', Daily Chronicle (1908); Leon M Lion, The Surprise of my Life: The Lesser Half of an Autobiography (1948); 'A Great Shylock', Evening Standard (1908); S D, 'Shylock in a New Garb', Daily Express (1908); Beerbohm Tree, 'The New Costume Society and the Stage', Theatre (1883); Sidney Lee, Shakespeare and the Modern Stage and other Essays (1906) [excerpt]; Beerbohm Tree, 'The Staging of Shakespeare', Fortnightly Review (1900); William Poel, 'The Staging of Shakespeare', Fortnightly Review (1900); W Hughes Hallett, 'The Staging of Shakespeare: A Reply to Mr Beerbohm Tree', Fortnightly Review (1900); Percy Fitzgerald, Shakespearean Representations (1908) [excerpt]; London Shakespeare League, 'Report of a Public Discussion on the Best Method of Presenting Shakespeare's Plays', 2nd edn (1915); Beerbohm Tree, 'An Apology for Julius Caesar', Academy (1898); E M R, 'Mr Beerbohm Tree's Mark Antony', Westminster Review (1898); 'King John at Her Majesty's Theatre', The Times (1899); 'King John at Her Majesty's Theatre', Daily News (1899); J T Grein, 'Her Majesty's: A Midsummer Night's Dream', Premieres of the Year (1900) [excerpt]; 'Her Majesty's Theatre: A Midsummer Night's Dream', The Times (1900); 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', Era (1900); 'His Majesty's Theatre', The Times (1903); Desmond MacCarthy, 'Shakespeare at His Majesty's', Speaker (1907); 'Drama - The Week', Athenaeum (1907); Harold Hodge, 'Antony and Cleopatra', Saturday Review (1907); 'The Shakespeare Festival', Era (1905); J T Grein, 'Shakespeare's Festival at His Majesty's Theatre', Sunday Times (1905); 'His Majesty's Theatre - Hamlet', The Times (1905); Carados, 'Shakespeare Celebration', Referee (1906); 'Ellen Terry's Stage Jubilee', Standard (1906); 'His Majesty's Theatre - Julius Caesar', Morning Post (1906); 'Shakespeare Festival', Daily Graphic (1907); 'Merry Wives of Windsor', Morning Post (1907); 'A Jubilee Night at His Majesty's Theatre', Standard (1907); 'Shakespeare and the Schools', Education (1909); 'Children at the Theatre', Standard (1909); 'Shakespeare at His Majesty's', Daily Chronicle (1909); 'His Majesty's Shakespeare Festival', Observer (1909); 'His Majesty's Theatre - Hamlet', Stage (1910); 'His Majesty's Theatre - London Shakespeare Festival', Morning Post (1910); 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona', Westminster Gazette (1910); 'Fairies, Rabbits and some Others', Pall Mall Gazette (1911); 'The London Shakespeare Festival', The Times (1912); Mordred, 'Exit Shakespeare', Referee (1912); J T Grein, 'This Week's Premieres', Sunday Times (1912); The Theatre - The Shakespeare Festival at His Majesty's', Academy (1913); W A, 'His Majesty's', Star, (1913); 'Sir Herbert Tree: A Versatile Actor and Manager', The Times (1917); T P O'Connor, 'Memories of Beerbohm Tree: A Personal Pen Picture' Era Annual (1918); Desmond MacCarthy, 'From the Stalls', in Max Beerbohm (ed), Herbert Beerbohm Tree: Some Memories of Him and his Art (1920); H M Walbrook, 'Beerbohm Tree and Shakespearean Theatre', Nineteenth Century (1917); Gordon Crosse, Shakespearean Playgoing 1890-1952 (1953) Volume 2: Henry Irving Edited by Anjna Chouhan and Denis Salter W Archer and R W Lowe, The Fashionable Tragedian: A Criticism With Ten Ilustrations (1877) [excerpt]; H Irving, A Letter Concerning Mr Henry Irving Addressed to E R H (1877); F A Marshall, Henry Irving Actor and Manager: A Criticism of A Critic's Criticism (1883); H Irving, 'The Round Table. The Character of Shylock', Theatre (1879) [excerpt]; T Martin, 'Theatrical Reform: The "Merchant of Venice" at the Lyceum, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (1879) [excerpt]; E R Russell, 'Henry Irving As Shylock', Theatre (1880); P Fitzgerald, 'Irving's Acting. A Study', Whitehall Review (1880) [excerpt]; A B Walkley, 'Drury Lane Theatre. "The Merchant of Venice", The Times (1905); 'The London Theatres. The Lyceum', Era (1882); 'Lyceum Theatre', Times (1882); 'Lyceum Theatre', The Times (1882); M Arnold, 'An Old Playgoer At The Lyceum', Pall Mall Gazette (1883); G A Sala, 'The Playhouses', Illustrated London News (1884); F A Marshall, 'Our Play-Box. "Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will"', Theatre (1884); W Archer, '"Twelfth Night" at the Lyceum', Macmillan's Magazine (1884); E Aveling, '"Twelfth Night" at the Lyceum', Our Corner (1884); 'Drama. Mr Irving's Richard III', Examiner (1877); 'Theatre Royal. Mr Henry Irving As Richard The Third', North British Daily Mail (1877); 'The Stage. Two Richards', Touchstone; or, The New Era (1877); H Irving, 'Four Favourite Parts', English Illustrated Magazine (1893) [excerpt]; '"Richard The Third" at the Lyceum', Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (1896); '"Richard The Third" at the Lyceum', Standard (1896); Sir Edward Russell, 'The Round Table. Sir Henry Irving's Richard III', Theatre (1897); 'The Drama. Henry VIII at the Lyceum', Daily News (1892); J R Towse, Sixty Years of the Theatre: An Old Critic's Memories (1916) [excerpt]; A Ainger, 'The New Hamlet and His Critics', Macmillan's Magazine (1875); 'Drama. Mr. Irving's Hamlet', Examiner (1874); M Schlesinger, 'A German Critique on Mr Irving's Hamlet', The Times (1875); R H Hutton, 'Mr Irving's Hamlet', Spectator (1874); M Thomas, 'The Stage. Mr Irving and Miss Ellen Terry at the Lyceum', Academy (1879); Lady Hardy, 'The Hamlet of the Day', Theatre (1879); M Oliphant, 'Hamlet', Blackwood's (1879); M E Braddon, 'Macbeth at the Lyceum Theatre', Belgravia (1876); E R Russell, 'Mr Irving's Interpretations of Shakspeare', Fortnightly Review (1883); E R Russell, The True Macbeth. A Paper Read Before The Literary And Philosophical Society Of Liverpool (1875); 'Drama. Mr Irving's Macbeth', Examiner (1875); E R Russell, '"Macbeth" Revisited', Macbeth programme for 135th performance (1889) [excerpt]; H Labouchere, 'Macbeth and his Wife', Truth (1889); J T Grein, 'M. Irving et Mlle Terry au Lyceum', Reveue d'Art Dramatique (1889) [excerpt]; W Archer, 'The Theatre. "Macbeth"', World (1889); '"Othello"', Era (1876); 'Mr Irving's Othello [From "Bell's Weekly Messenger"]', Orchestra (1876); G A Sala, 'The Playhouses', Illustrated London News (1881); 'Othello at the Lyceum', Saturday Review (1881); E R Russell, '"Romeo and Juliet" at the Lyceum', Macmillan's Magazine (1882); T H Ward, 'Romeo and Juliet at the Lyceum', The Times (1882); 'Romeo and Juliet at the Lyceum', Saturday Review (1882); H Labouchere, 'That Baggage Juliet', Truth (1882); H J Jennings, '"King Lear" at the Lyceum', Gentleman's Magazine (1892); 'The Week. Lyceum. "King Lear"', Athenaeum (1892); 'King Lear', Saturday Review (1892); 'Lyceum Theatre. "Cymbeline"', Daily Graphic (1896); 'Drama. The Week. Lyceum. "Cymbeline"', Athenaeum (1896); F C Gould, 'Round the Theatres', Westminster Gazette (1896); R Warwick Bond, '"Cymbeline" at the Lyceum', Fortnightly Review (1896); W Archer, 'The Theatre. "Coriolanus" - "Count Tezma"', World (1901); 'Lyceum Theatre. "Coriolanus"', Daily Graphic (1901); J T Grein, Dramatic Criticism (1900-1); A Warren, London Days: A Book of Reminiscences (1921); Sir J Martin-Harvey, The Autobiography of Sir John Martin-Harvey (1933) Volume 3: Ellen Terry Edited by Katharine Cockin Charles Dodgson, The Diaries of Lewis Carroll Volume One (1856-8) [excerpts]; Charles Tawse, 'Charles Kean's Winter's Tale', Theatre (1888); 'Drama', Daily News (1858); 'The Theatres', Daily News (1887); Frederick Wedmore, 'The Merchant of Venice at the Prince of Wales', Stage, (1875); 'Theatres', Graphic (1875); J S, 'The Merchant of Venice at the Prince of Wales's Theatre', Fraser's Magazine (1875); Henry James, The Scenic Art of Henry James (1949) [excerpts]; 'Art Gossip: Henry Irving as Manager', Aberdeen Journal (1879) [excerpt]; H Savile Clark, 'To Miss Ellen Terry as Ophelia', Examiner (1879); H Savile Clark, 'Hamlet at the Lyceum', Examiner (1879); 'Theatrical Reform: The Merchant of Venice at the Lyceum', Blackwood's Magazine (1879); 'The Examiner of Plays: The Lyceum', Examiner (1879); 'The Examiner of Plays: The Merchant of Venice at the Lyceum', Examiner (1879); 'Theatres', Graphic (1879); Anna Lea Merritt, 'Miss Ellen Terry as Ophelia, Etcher (1879); W Davenport Adams, 'Ellen Terry as Beatrice', Theatre (1880); 'Mr Irving and Miss Terry in Glasgow', Era (1883); 'Miss Ellen Terry's Benefit', Era (1887); Edward Dutton Cook, 'Ellen Terry', Theatre (1880); [Henry James], 'The London Theatres', Scribner's Monthly (1881); 'Public Amusements', Liverpool Mercury (1881); E R R, 'Ellen Terry as Portia', Theatre (1880); 'Helen Faucit and Ellen Terry', Era (1880); 'Miss Ellen Terry as Portia', Illustrated London News (1880); Kate Terry Gielgud, An Autobiography (1953) [excerpt]; Graham Robertson, Time Was: The Reminiscences of W Graham Robertson (1931) [excerpt]; A B W, 'The Drama', Speaker (1898); 'King Lear at the Lyceum', The Times (1892); Henry James, The Scenic Art of Henry James (1949) [excerpt]; [G B S], 'Romeo and Juliet', Saturday Review (1895); G B S, 'Mainly About Shakespeare', Saturday Review (1897); Marie Corelli, 'Viola', Temple Bar (1884); William Archer, 'Twelfth Night at the Lyceum', Macmillan's Magazine (1884); Lewis Carroll, 'The Stage and the Spirit of Reverence', Theatre (1888); William Winter, Shadows of the Stage (1906); William Archer, 'Macbeth and Common Sense', Murray's Magazine (1889); A G L ,'Irving's Macbeth', Poet-lore (1889); Percy Fitzgerald, 'Macbeth', Theatre (1889); Anon., [review of Macbeth], Morning Post (1888); Edward Gordon Craig, Ellen Terry and Her Secret Self (1931) [excerpt]; Henry James, The Scenic Art of Henry James (1949) [excerpt]; George Bernard Shaw, 'Blaming the Bard', Saturday Review (1896); R Warwick Bond, 'Cymbeline at the Lyceum', Fortnightly Review (1896); Clement Scott, The Drama Of Yesterday and To-Day (1899) [excerpt]; Bram Stoker, 'The Art of Ellen Terry', Playgoer (1901-2); Bernard Partridge, 'Fifty Years A Queen (An Author's Tribute)', Punch (1906); Basil Dean, Seven Ages (1970) [excerpt]; Kate Terry Gielgud, An Autobiography (1953) [excerpt]; 'Miss Ellen Terry's Jubilee Benefit', Review of Reviews (1906); 'The Winter's Tale Revived at His Majesty's Theatre', Illustrated London News (1906); B W Findon, 'The Play and Its Story', Play Pictorial (1906); 'Miss Ellen Terry: Recital Programme' (1912); 'Miss Ellen Terry in her Charming Recital' [programme]; Christopher St John, 'Introduction', in Ellen Terry, Four Lectures on Shakespeare (1932); Ellen Terry, Four Lectures on Shakespeare (1932) [excerpt]; Christopher St John, The First Actress (1911) [excerpt]; Cariacature of Ellen Terry as Suffragette; 'Miss Ellen Terry at the Haymarket', Academy (1911); 'Shakespeare's Heroines by Ellen Terry', Review of Reviews (1910); Ellen Terry, 'The Women of Shakespeare'; Basil Dean, Seven Ages (1970) [excerpt]; Anon., 'The Last Rosalind', Theatre (1885); Oscar Wilde, 'Shakespeare and Stage Costume', Nineteenth Century (1885); William Archer, 'A Well-Graced Actress', National Review (1886); Henry James, The Scenic Art of Henry James (1949) [excerpt]; Harry How, 'Illustrated Interview No. XVII: Ellen Terry', Strand (1892); Anon., 'Miss Ellen Terry on Operatic Acting', Magazine of Music (1893); Joseph Knight et al, 'Who is the Greatest Living Actress - And Why?', Idler (1895); Clement Scott, 'The New Dictator', Theatre (1895); G B S, 'The Silver Key', Saturday Review (1897); Austin Brereton, 'Ellen Terry, Player Queen', English Illustrated Magazine (1897); T Edgar Pemberton, Ellen Terry and Her Sisters (1902) [excerpt]; Christopher St John, Ellen Terry (1907) [excerpt]; 'Henry Irving and Ellen Terry', Bookman (1908); H M Walbrook, 'Great Acting in Shakespeare', Pall Mall Magazine (1910); Anon., 'Kate Douglas Wiggin and Ellen Terry', Bookman (1911); 'Editorial', Freewoman (1911); Alice Comyns Carr, 'Ellen Terry: Recollections of a Long Friendship', Fortnightly Review (1922); Ivor Brown, 'To the Unknown Goddess', Saturday Review (1928); Stephen Gwynn, 'Ebb and Flow', Fortnightly Review (1928); Edward Gordon Craig, Ellen Terry and Her Secret Self (1931); Virginia Woolf, 'Ellen Terry', New Statesman (1941); Graham Robertson, Time Was: The Reminiscences of W Graham Robertson (1931) [excerpt]; Ernest Milton, 'Heart and Mind', Edy: Recollections of Edith Craig (1949); Margaret Webster, The Same Only Different: Five Generations of a Great Family (1969) [excerpts]; Rebecca West, 'New Light on Ellen Terry' (1932); Christopher St John, 'Ellen Terry's Shrine', Sackbut (1933); 'The Ellen Terry Memorial' [leaflet]

Reihe/Serie Lives of Shakespearian Actors
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 2494 g
Themenwelt Literatur Biografien / Erfahrungsberichte
Kunst / Musik / Theater Film / TV
Kunst / Musik / Theater Theater / Ballett
Geisteswissenschaften Sprach- / Literaturwissenschaft Anglistik / Amerikanistik
ISBN-10 1-85196-931-4 / 1851969314
ISBN-13 978-1-85196-931-9 / 9781851969319
Zustand Neuware
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