Lives of Shakespearian Actors, Part IV - Christy Desmet

Lives of Shakespearian Actors, Part IV

Helen Faucit, Lucia Elizabeth Vestris and Fanny Kemble by Their Contemporaries

Christy Desmet (Autor)

1232 Seiten
Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd
978-1-85196-930-2 (ISBN)
459,95 inkl. MwSt
Features three female actors who were significant in their development of new and innovative ways of performing Shakespeare.

Volume 1: Helen Faucit First Performances: from Richmond to Covent Garden: Helen Faucit, 'Juliet', On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters (1899); 'Miss Helen Faucit', Hiscoke and Son's Richmond Notes (1865); Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*. Relationship with William Charles Macready: The Diaries of William Charles Macready, William Toynbee (ed) (1912)*. Letters from Helen Faucit to William Charles Macready: Helen Faucit, Letter to William Charles Macready, 14 July 1837; Helen Faucit, Letter to William Charles Macready, 2 March 1870. Theodore Martin and Helen Faucit on her Collaborations with Macready: Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*; Helen Faucit, 'Desdemona', On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters (1899). Performing in the Provinces and Parisian Engagement: Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*; Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*. Professional Life after Marriage: 'Final' Performances: Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*; Letter of Helen Faucit to Clement Scott. Professional Life after Marriage: Charitable Activities: Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*. Shakespearian Roles: Beatrice: Helen Faucit, 'Beatrice', On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters (1899); Review of Much Ado About Nothing, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News (1879). Shakespearian Roles: Hermione: Helen Faucit, 'Hermione', On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters (1899); Review of The Winter's Tale, Morning Post (1837); Review of The Winter's Tale, Caledonian Mercury (1847). Shakespearian Roles: Imogen: Helen Faucit, 'Imogen', On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters (1899); Charles Rice, 'Cymbeline, Covent-Garden Theatre, Thursday, May 18 1837' (1837); George Fletcher, 'Characters in Cymbeline', Studies of Shakespeare (1847); Henry Morley, The Journal of a London Playgoer (1866)*; 'Drury-Lane Theatre', Morning Post (1864). Shakespearian Roles: Portia: Helen Faucit, 'Portia', On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters (1899). Shakespearian Roles: Rosalind: Helen Faucit, 'Rosalind', On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters (1899); [John Forster], Review of As You LIke It, Examiner (1839); George Fletcher, Studies of Shakespeare in the Plays of King John, Macbeth, As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, Cymbeline, Romeo and Juliet (1843)*; Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*; Henry Morley, The Journal of a London Playgoer (1866)*; [G H Lewes], 'As You Like It', Pall Mall Gazette (1865); Letter of Helen Faucit to Lewis Wingfield, 23 August, 1879. Helen Faucit as Idea and Ideal: 'Woman', poem (nd); Anonymous letter, Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*; Charles Rice, 'Kemble Retiring, Faucit Advancing', Dramatic Register (1936); Letter of 'Mephistopheles', Caledonian Mercury (1843); Mephistophles, 'Our Standard Plays and their Representation at the Edinburgh Theatre: Cymbeline', Caledonian Mercury (1844); Archibald Alison, Essays, Political, Historical, and Miscellaneous (1850)*; Letter of Helen Faucit to George Hadden (1864); Letter of Helen Faucit to Mr [John Henry] Alexander (nd). Memoirs and Biographies: Mrs Cornwell Baron Wilson, 'Miss Helen Faucit', Our Actresses (1844); [Margaret Stokes], 'Helen Faucit', Blackwood's Magazine (1885); J W Flynn, The Random Recollections of an Old Play-Goer (1890)*. Verses: Theodore Martin's Tributes to Helen Faucit: Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)*; [Theodore Martin], 'Bon Gaultier and His Friends', Tait's Edinburgh Magazine (1844); Theodore Martin, 'To My Wife' (nd). Verses: Other Tributes to Helen Faucit: Thomas Noon Talfourd, 'To Miss Helen Faucit' (1900); Robert Browning, 'Lines to Helen Faucit' (1899); Anon. manuscript poem (nd); Reverend John Moultrie, 'Stanzas to Helen Faucit' (1900); 'Verses by Charles Swain' (1900). On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters and its Reception: Dina Mulock Craik, 'Merely Players', Nineteenth Century (1886); Letter of Helen Faucit to C E Flower (1891). Final Years and Retrospective: Margaret Oliphant, The Autobiography of Mrs Oliphant (1899)*; Theodore Martin, Helena Faucit, Lady Martin (1900)* Volume 2: Lucia Elizabeth Vestris Early Notices: 'King's Theatre', The Times (1815); 'The Mirror of Fashion', Morning Chronicle (1815); 'Madame Vestris (Extract of a Letter from Paris)', British Stage and Literary Cabinet (1817); 'Theatrical Examiner', Examiner (1820); 'Artaxerxes', Theatrical Inquisitor (1820); 'Giovanni in London', Theatrical Inquisitor (1820); 'Biographical Sketches of Illustrious and Distinguished Characters, Number One Hundred and Thirty-Eight: Madame Vestris, La Belle Assemblee (1820). Scandal and Defence: Anon., Memoirs of the Life, Public and Private Adventures of Madame Vestris ([1836])*; [W Oxberry], 'Memoir of Madame Vestris', Oxberry's Dramatic Biography and Histrionic Anecdotes (1826); Spirit of the Age Newspaper, for 1828 (1829)*; Anon., Memoirs, Public & Private Life, Adventures, and Secret Amours of Mrs C M late Mad. V. Of the Royal Olympic Theatre (nd); Anon., Memoirs of The Life of Madame Vestris of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden (1830)*; 'Drury-Lane Theatre', The Times (1830); Lumley Skeffington, 'Stanzas on Madame Vestris having Established a Theatre of Her Own', The Times, (1831); James Orchard Halliwell, The Management of Covent Garden Theatre Vindicated from the Attack of an Anonymous Critic (1841)*. Managers, Actors and Stage Crew on Vestris: Alfred Bunn, The Stage (1840)*; Joe Cowell, Thirty Years Passed among the Players in England and America (1845)*; George Vandenhoff, Dramatic Reminiscences (1860)*; [Matthew Mackintosh], Stage Reminiscences (1866)*; Fred Belton, Random Recollections of an Old Actor (1880)*; Lester Wallack, Memories of Fifty Years (1889)*; James R Anderson, An Actor's Life (1902)*; John Coleman, Fifty Year's of an Actor's Life (1904)*. Dramatists on Vestris: Leigh Hunt, A Legend of Florence: a Play in Five Acts (1840)*; D Bourcicault [sic], London Assurance (1841)*; D Boucicault, 'The Debut of a Dramatist', North American Review (1889)*; T F Dillon Croker and S Tucker (eds), The Extravaganzas of J R Planche (1879)*; James Robinson Planche, Recollections and Reflections (1901)*. Recollections of Charles Mathews: Charles James Mathews, The Life of Charles James Mathews (1879)*. Miscellaneous Recollections: [William Cox] Crayon Sketches By An Amateur, Theodore S Fay (ed) (1833)*; [Prince Puckler-Muskau], Tour in England, Ireland, and France (1832)*; Mrs C Baron Wilson, Our Actresses (1844)*; Thomas Slingsby Duncombe, The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Slingsby Duncombe, Thomas H Duncombe (ed) (1868)*; Dutton Cook, Hours with the Players (1881)*; George Augustus Sala, The Life and Adventures of George Augustus Sala (1895)*. Reviews of Non-Shakespearian Productions: 'Covent Garden', Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres (1827); 'Madame Vestris', Dramatic Magazine (1829)*; 'Worcester', Dramatic Magazine (1829)*; 'Theatre Royal', Caledonian Mercury (1829)*; 'Theatricals', Figaro in London (2 February 1833)*; 'Theatricals', Figaro in London (9 March 1833)*; 'Theatricals', Figaro in London (23 March 1833)*; 'Theatricals', Figaro in London (26 March 1833)*; 'Her Majesty's Visit to Covent-Garden', Theatrical Companion (1849); [G H Lewes], 'The Perfection of Acting', Leader (1850). Reviews of Shakespearian Productions: 'Drury-Lane Theatre, The Times (1822); 'The Theatres: Covent Garden', Caledonian Mercury (1839); 'The Stage: Covent Garden', Odd Fellow (1839); 'Music and the Drama', Athenaeum (1839)*; 'Theatrical Examiner', Examiner (1839); 'Theatres', John Bull (1839); 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', John Bull (1840); 'Music and the Drama', Athenaeum (1840); 'Theatrical Examiner', Examiner (1840); 'Covent Garden', Era (1840); 'Covent-Garden Theatre', The Times (1840). Obituaries and Retrospectives: T P Grinstead, 'Madame Vestris', Bentley's Miscellany (1856); Westland Marston, Our Recent Actors (1888)*; 'Madame Vestris', Dwight's Journal of Music (1856); 'Memoir of Madame Vestris', Era (1856) Volume 3: Fanny Kemble Fanny Kemble on her Debut and Playing Juliet: Frances Anne Kemble, Records of a Girlhood (1878)*. Juliet: Newspaper Reviews: 'Covent-Garden Theatre', Morning Chronicle (1829); 'Covent Garden Theatre', Standard (1829); 'Covent Garden,' London Literary Gazette and Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences (1829); 'Covent-Garden Theatre', The Times (1829); 'Covent-Garden Theatre', Morning Post (1829); 'Covent-Garden Theatre', Morning Chronicle (1829); 'Theatricals', Age (1829); 'Covent-Garden Theatre', The Times (1829); 'Covent Garden', Dramatic Magazine (1829); 'Covent Garden Theatre', The Theatrical Observer (1829). Juliet: Extended Commentaries: [Thomas Noon Talfourd], 'The Drama: Covent-Garden Theatre', Monthly Magazine (1829); Anna Jameson, Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad (1839)*; Leigh Hunt, Leigh Hunt: Dramatic Essays, W Archer and R W Lowe (eds) (1894)*. Juliet: Private Correspondence: Sir Thomas Lawrence, Letters to FAK on her performance as Juliet (nd). Poems: Eliza Emerson, 'Sonnet Addressed to Miss Fanny Kemble on her First Appearance at Covent Garden in the Character of "Juliet"', Morning Post (1829); 'To Miss Kemble', Morning Post (1829); 'To Miss Kemble', Morning Post (1829); 'To Miss Kemble', Morning Post (1829); 'To Miss Fanny Kemble', Morning Post (1830). Portia, Merchant of Venice: 'Covent-Garden Theatre', Morning Chronicle (1830); 'Theatrical Examiner', Examiner (1830); 'Covent Garden Theatre', Theatrical Observer (1830); 'Covent-Garden', Belle Assemblee; or Court and Fashionable Magazine (1830); 'Theatricals', Age (1830); 'The Drama' (1830). Beatrice, Much Ado About Nothing: 'Covent-Garden Theatre', Morning Post (1831); 'Theatricals', Age (1831); 'The Drama', The World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons (1831) 'Covent Garden', La Belle Assemblee; or Court and Fashionable Magazine (1831); 'Theatricals', Belle Assemblee; or, Bell's Court and Fashionable Magazine (1831). Kemble as Constance, King John: Leigh Hunt, 'Miss Fanny Kemble as Constance', Dramatic Essays, W Archer and R W Lowe (eds) (1894); 'Theatricals', Age (1831); 'Theatrical Examiner', Examiner (1831); Anna Jameson, Letter to FAK (nd). Katherine, in Henry VIII: 'The Drama', Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle (1831); Anna Jameson, 'Critique on Queen Katherine', manuscript letter to FAK (nd). Kemble's Return to the Stage: 'Theatricals', Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper (1847); 'Provincial Theatricals', Era (1847). Shakespeare Readings: 'Mrs Butler's Readings', The Times (1848); 'Theatres and Music', John Bull (1850); 'St James's Theatre', Morning Post (1850); 'St James's Theatre', The Times (1850); 'Mrs Fanny Kemble's "Readings" in London' (1850); 'Mrs Fanny Kemble's Readings', Caledonian Mercury (1851); 'Public Amusements at Liverpool', Era (1851); 'Theatres &c. St James's. Mrs Fanny Kemble's Readings of Shakspere', Era (1851); 'Mrs Fanny Kemble's Readings', Morning Post (1851); 'Mrs Fanny Kemble's Reading from Shakspere', Essex Standard (1852); 'Theatres and Music', John Bull (1855); 'Dramatic Readings', Englishwoman's Review and Drawing Room Journal (1857). Private Commentaries: Henry S Mower, Reminiscences of a Hotel Man (nd)*; James Thomas Fields, 'Written after having Heard Mrs Kemble Read "The Tempest"' (nd). General Accounts: Critical Evaluations: S D L, 'A Memoir of the Dramatic Life of Miss Fanny Kemble' (1833); Cornwell Baron-Wilson, Our Actresses; Or, Glances at Stage Favourites, Past and Present (1844)*; 'Miss Fanny Kemble and Her Critics', Fraser's Magazine (1835); Brander Matthews and Laurence Hutton, Actors and Actresses of Great Britain and the United States (1886)*; Charles Eyre Pascoe, 'Fanny Kemble' (1880); W Clark Russell, Representative Actors. A Collection of Criticisms, Anecdotes, Personal Descriptions (nd)*. General Accounts: Diaries and Memoirs: William Charles Macready, The Diaries of William Charles Macready (1912)*; Anne Thackeray Ritchie, 'Mrs Kemble,' Chapters from Some Memoirs (1894)*; Henry James, Essays in London and Elsewhere (1893)*. Obituaries: Letter of Eleanor Brianzoni to Frances Power Cobbe (1893); 'Drama: Fanny Kemble', Athenaeum (1893); John Coleman, 'Fanny Kemble' (1893); 'Fanny Kemble', Ladies' Treasury (1893); Henry Lee, 'Frances Anne Kemble,' Atlantic Monthly (1893). Illustration: 'Mrs Kemble's Readings', Illustrated London News (1850) *extract/s from original text

Erscheint lt. Verlag 1.1.2011
Reihe/Serie Lives of Shakespearian Actors
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 2336 g
Themenwelt Literatur Biografien / Erfahrungsberichte
Kunst / Musik / Theater Film / TV
Kunst / Musik / Theater Theater / Ballett
Geisteswissenschaften Sprach- / Literaturwissenschaft Anglistik / Amerikanistik
ISBN-10 1-85196-930-6 / 1851969306
ISBN-13 978-1-85196-930-2 / 9781851969302
Zustand Neuware
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